The Minister or Mini-Stars
Throughout the Temple of Yahshuah website, you will come across and variety of words that we use to supplant and as alternatives to the modern customary terms used, visit our Glossary page and our Temple's; Word, Sound and Power page for a full list of these names. This name and terminology shift and changes are thought essential to first make a clear distinct between existing terminologies, therefore old concepts, and the new ones, as realised through the new words, names and terminologies, provided and presented exclusively through this website and secondly; to make these words, names and terms more relevant in the 21st century to bible researchers, seekers of the truth and people generally.
Our use of the term Ministar to replace ministers is such an example. Where as the term minister, although associated with spirituality and religion, particularly within the Christianity (KarastInity) tradition, where particular clergy are referred to as minister of the church or faith. However in our modern times this term minister can also apply be to the secular personnel such, as ministers of parliament. Therefore by the use Ministar to replace Minister, we not only remove this possible association or confusion of who or what we are referring to, but even give added meaning, value and relevance to the existing name been used, ie. minister. This as mentioned is normally the case with all of our supplanted words and terms, in this case; The Mini, represents a smaller, lesser or minor aspect or part that is directly associated to and with its whole, meaning its completed of full state and; The Star representing a light or the light, together symbolising and representing specifically the minor stories or story of the light of the world, Yahshuah, who represents the Main or Major Star and whose life and gospel, being the Major or Main and complete Story.
Therefore the Temple of Yahshuah website's Mini-Stars (Ministers) and its Mini-Story, represents the lives and statements of individuals who have in the past or are currently proclaiming the Gospel of Yahshuah, as it is detailed within the Holy Bible and whose life and legacy has been lived and left for the Glory of Yah and his Salvation Yahshuah, particularly the lives people of African heritage, but not exclusively.
It is therefore on this bases that we feature, individuals worthy of recognition in helping the spread the Gospel of Yahshuah over the generations. Through the this Temple these individuals are all categorised as Ministars and their lives as Ministories that are presented to give people an insight to how Yahshuah has been perceived and manifested in the lives of African people.
As there are thousands of Ministars and Ministories that could be researched, we encourage all visitors to the Temple of Yahshuah, to begin there studies and investigation with those Mini-Stars, who feature a Temple Guards, for this Temple.
Mini-stars & Temple Guards
Haile Selassie I
Menen Asfaw
Marcus Garvey
Martin Luther King
Paul Bogle
Sam Sharpe
Richard Allen
Mark the Evangelist
Simon Cyrene
St Ananius
Kimpa Vita
Simeon Kimbangu
Nat Turner
Harriet Tubman
Sojourner Truth
Gabre Mesqel Lalibela
Enoch Mgijima
King Azana
Bayan Malak
George Lisle
St Moses the Black
St Maurice
Walatta Petros
John Chilembwe
Absolom Jones
A summary of the lives of these Ministars are featured within the Temple Guards page and can serve as a very good starting point for your research.
The Important of these Mini-Stars
It is through the lives and teachings of these above ministars and countless others not listed here that the Temple of Yahshuah website seeks to highlight, promote, and propagate its ministory (ministry), alongside its focus upon the life and Gospel of Yahshuah Himself, to help spread the awareness, as well as bring the Gospel to those people who have possibly not yet heard the Gospel, or are currently reluctant, opposed to and who have possibly already even rejected it for what ever reasons.
We believe that The Gospel and the whole purpose, essence and status of Yahshuah, immediately takes on a completely different character once seen through the eye's and lives of these ministars. Providing a new platform, perspective and strategy to Preach the Living Gospel of Yahshuah and the Salvation it offers, to those who have both hardened their hearts, or possibly misunderstood what the Gospel is and more specifically who the Christ is, based upon how the Gospel has been brought to them in the past. Enabling a new and revised look into the Gospel and the Christ in the 21st Century.