Garvey’s African Christian Creed

The African Creed, is developed from the teachings of the Right Honourable Marcus Mosiah Garvey, who outlined for us the fundamental principles upon-which African people should view and perceive the One God of Africa.

This Creed, alongside the Nile Valley & Nicene Creed's, form and lay the Foundations upon which the Temple of Yahshuah website, is built.

Together they culminate over 6000 years of documented evidence of a religious and spiritual tradition amongst African-Black-People, focused upon the God-Head, including the Christ.

Garvey's African Christian Creed

“There is a God and we believe in Him.
He is not a person nor a physical being.
He is spirit and He is universal intelligence.

(We will) Never deny that there is a God.

God being universal intelligence created the universe,
out of that intelligence.
It is intelligence that creates.
Man is a part of the creation of universal intelligence
and man was created in the image and likeness of God,
only by his intelligence.
It is the intelligence of man that is like God,
but man's intelligence is only a unitary particle
of God's universal intelligence”.

(With our unitary intelligence we are therefore determined)

to see our God through our own spectacles.
The God of Isaac and the God of Jacob.
We (African-Black People) believe in the God of Ethiopia,
the everlasting God -
God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Ghost,
the One God of all ages.
That is the God in whom we believe,
but we shall worship Him
through the spectacles of Ethiopia"