The Faith

The Faith & Foundations Upon-which the;
Temple of Yahshuah website, is Built.HIM & Garvey Banner2

What The Faith of The Temple of Yahshuah Website, is IN?

The Temple of Yahshuah website is ultimately and exclusively built upon the Faith; Firstly, IN the ONE GOD (Yah), The Almighty Divine Creator and Sustainer of All Living Things; Secondly IN His ONE & ONLY BEGOTTEN SON, Yahshuah Karast Mesu (Jesus Christ the Messiah), and Thirdly IN;  the DAY OF JUDGEMENT, of both the Individual SOUL and upon NATIONS.  Meaning; Kingdoms, Civilisations, Human branches, Tribes, Racial Types but not races as we hold that there is only one race, the human race and to the Brotherhood-Sisterhood of ALL Human beings.

These three primary Beliefs (Knowledge) are the underling principles upon which the Faith of the Entire Temple of Yahshuah is built, namely;

There is Only One God & Only One Son, who sits as Judge on the Day of Judgement, to Judge both Individual Souls & Nations.

Although this Temple shares a Faith identical to billions of people on earth today and countless billions of the past,  The FAITH of The Temple of Yahshuah website and foundations in the 21st Century, is totally Unique and Exclusive, possibly Only to this Website and to its specific Ministry, in regards to what this Faith is Founded & Based Upon.

There is a major difference between what 'A Faith' is IN and what 'That Faith' is based ON or UPON.

This difference is very important, if not crucial in determining what the FRUITS of this FAITH will be. For example; say you have the same faith in the three things mentioned above,  God, Christ & Judgement Day, how, why and what you believe or know about these three things is what your Faith is actually based upon.

This difference between IN & ON or Upon is also why we have such a multitude of faith systems or belief systems that have arisen in the past or are present on planet earth today, particularly amongst and within Christianity, where everyone professes to have Faith in, the exact same thing, but due to how they perceive, interpret, understand and incorporate this awareness into their lives, determines how this Faith is finally expressed or manifests itself, namely the Fruits or Works.

What The Faith of The Temple of Yahshuah Website, is ON or Based UPON?

Therefore although we may have  the same Faith IN, the three aforementioned principles, i,e, God, the Christ & Judgement. However based on the multitude of interpretations held by individuals and groups  of the past or in existence today,  we believe our Temple Faith to be Based Upon something, meaning knowledge, awareness, interpretation and a understanding  of these three principles, completely different and new.

It is upon this basis and premise that we State, Testify & Proclaim that This Temple website and its Faith, is not only New but also Unique and Exclusive.

When we we say New, we mean in the context of re-new-al, as nothing is new under the sun.  The Renewal of a Divine principle, with a Unique perspective, focus and interpretation, exclusive to Africans & people of African Descent

This Renewal, Uniqueness & Exclusivity, is totally summarised in the quote and statement below.  Which is the Foundation, Basis & Perspective of the FAITH that The Temple of Yahshuah website and all its contents is fundamentally Based On & Upon.  This quote is used and can be found in numerous places throughout this website, and reads;


"If the white man has the idea of a white God,
let him worship his God as he desires.
If the yellow man's God is of his race
lethim worship his God as he sees fit.
We, as Black People, have found anew ideal.
Whilst our God has no colour,
yet it is human to see everything through one's own spectacles,
and since the white people have seen their God through white spectacles,
we only now started out, late though it be,
to see our God through our own spectacles.
The God of Isaac and the God of Jacob.
We Black People believe in the God of Ethiopia,
the everlasting God -
God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit,
the One God of all ages.
That is the God in whom we believe,
But we shall worship Him through the spectacles of Ethiopia."

The Words of  Mini-Star Marcus Moziah Garvey

Therefore Upon this Faith, The Temple of Yahshuah website analyses, interprets and presents all its featured information material and content through these Ethiopian Spectacles.   Making it not only Unique & Exclusive in the 21st Century, but also very important and crucial to all seekers of the truth, as it offers and provides a Faith System Totally & Utterly based upon the Unique African Experience, over many thousands of years, over the last 2000 years in particular and the last 400 & 100 years specifically.

This FAITH is also based upon the fact that this website, its contents and the message it convey's could not have been conceived or presented before this time, i.e the 21st Century.  As the experience is an analysis and summary up to the end of the 20th century 1999, concluding and creating  a renewed perspective and strategy for spiritual and later physical liberty of African people directly and the whole human family indirectly in the 21st century and beyond.

One God, One Aim & One Destiny

or in the context of the Yahshuah Temple Website

One God, One Son & One Destiny

= Yah - Yahshuah - Judgement =

(God's Salvation)