The Unadulterated Gospel of Yahshuah Karast Mesu,
aka Yesos Kristos, Jesus Christ the Messiah.
Through the Temple of Yahshuah Website Gospel (Go-Spell) page and links, you are invited, as well as able to read, research and study the actual specific words of Yahshuah without any commentary. Meaning no storyline, no narrative, just the divine message, straight as it was given.
Although we are not advising anyone to study these words in isolation from the biblical story, as the details, circumstance and environment when these words are uttered, are important in order to put or place the Gospel of Our Lord God and Saviour Yahshuah into context.
However, as this website aims to take a specific focus upon the Living Gospel and the Life Giving Gospel ALONE, which we believe to be unalterable, unchangeable and complete, as far as is necessary for the salvation of humanity.
We have therefore omitted the entire commentary, so as not to confuse the reader, or give them any misleading, misguidance or misunderstandings, as to what this Gospel actually is, and what it most definitely is not. Not, meaning specifically, the words of the Disciples, Apostles, Church Fathers or any other individual for that matter that has ever lived, unless it totally mirrors the Actual Words of Yahshuah that came directly out of his own mouth.
An individual therefore can only, take heed, follow, practice, preach or proclaim this Gospel and only exactly as it was given, anything outside of this very strict criteria, does not constitute it being classified as Gospel.
Needless to say, when seeking life, following or proclaiming this Gospel, it is of the utmost importance, to know exactly what this Gospel actually is?
To help our visitor and seekers achieve this objective, we have omitted the commentary, but by no way does this take from the POWER, MAJESTY & MESSAGE of The Saviour of the World, but to the contrary, the extracted Gospel, far from being a jumbled and mismatch of sporadic verses, loosely collected, but amazingly runs as if one narrative, One Gospel that when read throughout, shares this POWER, MAJESTY & MESSAGE, directly to the receiver, without a intercessor, or a earthly third party. It is by learning and studying the Words of Yahshuah through this method that we hope people will plant these Divine Words, upon and within their Hearts, so that they can Bear the Fruits thereof.
To help visitors achieve this awareness, through concise research and in depth study into this Gospel, we have divided this Gospel into separate sections, for easy of reference and access, these sections include; The Words of Yahshuah as they appear and are featured in the separate Books of the New Testament; The individual Parables, Sayings & Prophecies found within the Gospel. Each of these sections are presented on separate pages, that can be accessed through the above Gospel drop down Menu, or the Buttons below.
The Gospel is the Go-Spell
It should also be noted that throughout this website, this gospel is referred to as the Go-spell, as these specific words of Yahshuah translate directly into Words of Power that when used correctly and sincerely, can effect natural, physical and spiritual phenomena, miraculously. This is often confused with what the secular (non-religious) world call Magic, which is a Greek word, derived from the Persian magnus or Magi an ancient word for wisdom, priest and holy men, as in the 3 wise men or 3 Magi. Similarly the word spell has derived from Middle English spell, spel, from Old English spell (“news, story”), from Proto-Germanic *spellą (“speech, account, tale”), from Proto-Indo-European *spel- (“to tell”). Cognate with dialectal German Spill, Icelandic spjall (“discussion, talk”), spjalla (“to discuss, to talk”), guðspjall (“gospel”) and Albanian fjalë (“word”), all of which denote the message. It should also be noted that the word spell, attributed to magic only emerged after the 16th century AD, in Europe.

The Gospel meaning the Actual Words of Yahshuah Karast Mesu,
have been extracted from the following New Testament Books.
The Gospel found in Matthew
The Gospel found in Mark
The Gospel found in Luke
The Gospel found in John
The Gospel found in NT Books
The Gospel Parables of Yahshuah

Read & Study The Gospel of Yahshuah
The Temple of Yahshuah Websites, advises that all visitors familiarise themselves with this specific Gospel. We therefore provide this Gospel, unadulterated through our Gospel menu links, enabling visitors to access and read the Gospel as it was revealed directly and specifically by;
The Son of Man,
Mat 8:20
The Incarnate Word, Made Flesh,
Joh 6:51
The Only Begotten of The Father,
Joh 3:16
The Sun of Righteousness,
Mal 4:2
The Ancient of Days
Dan 7:9
Our Lord God & Saviour,
1Ti 1:1
Yahshuah Immanuel Karast Mesu,
Mat 1:21, Isa 7:14, Mat 1:16, Joh 4:25-26
Rev 3:14