"And there is salvation in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given among men by which we must be saved."
Acts 4:12
What is the name of The Christ?
In our modern times, across the Christian world, devotees and followers, of the Christ, hold to be; dear, sacred & divine, powerful and mighty the name of The Christ, which they call Jesus. Today this name Jesus is the universally excepted name used for the Christ, overshadowing, superseding and totally replacing all other names, used in the past to call upon, or to refer to the Christ, the Son of God.
Today billions of Christian across the world swear be this name Jesus and this name alone, even if those Christians, don't speak the English language. Everything asked for from God, attempted in life or proclaimed in righteousness by the majority of today's Christians regardless of their denominations is done so, specifically in this name of the Jesus Christ.
As Yahshuah Himself told us that;
"If ye shall ask any thing in my name, I will do it."
(Joh 14:14)
Therefore this name, being of such great importance to the faith, should be of the greatest significance to the believer. However ironically and possibly more peculiar and interesting is the fact that today, even those none English speaking Christians, who have used and have been calling upon The Christ, The Son of God, by other names than Jesus, some for hundreds and others for close to 2000 years, from the dawn of Christianity, have today all together abandoned their own and some times unique name for the Christ, in favour of the modern English name Jesus.
This would include the Orientals, Eastern, Roman Catholic, Greek Orthodox and others, who formally used Issos (Coptic), Iisus or Isa (Eastern), Iesus (Latin Roman), Iēsous (Greek), Yesos, Yisus, Yesus, or Yeshua, Yoshua, Yahsua, Yahshua used be Hebrew and Aramaic speakers, as names to call or call upon The Christ. Today in our modern times, all these multilingual and diverse congregations, seem very comfortable and even it would seem, spiritually compelled to call upon, as well as use the modern name of Jesus, as the corner stone and evolution of their modern faith.
But where does the name Jesus actually come from?
Although Jesus is the modern accepted name for The Christ, amongst the majority of today’s Christians, it is now generally understood that this name is very new. Made popular first in the English Bible, after the publishing of the 1611 KJV and the centuries that followed, approximately 1600 - 1700 years plus, after Yahshuah the Man, actually walked on the Earth.
Although many argue that the name Jesus is a direct translation of the Hebrew name Yeshua and that since the language we speak today is not Hebrew, but English, it is perfectly fine and to some extent even logical that we should use the English translation of the name to identify our Saviour in these modern times. This would be quite fine if it was entirely true, that the translation was first direct translation and rendering and secondly if the person using this name happened to speak English. But as the modern name to replace all other names, regardless of language difference and as a blanket name to contain the belief and spectrum of Christian devotion and worship. We think further consideration should be taken to assess and analyse exactly, What this names is? Where it came from? When it came into use? and How long have Christians actually been using it? Surely it is only after this analyses and assessment that we should use this name Jesus as the only accepted and authentic name to call upon to communicate with, or proclaim the Name & Person of The Christ.
Is Jesus really the Name we should use?
First of all we should ask ourselves, is it really fine, logical or even sensible, to use any translation at all, when we can quite easily pronounce his original name, as it would have been pronounced in his day, in his language, even when we are speaking English today, i.e. Yeshua or Joshua?
Possibly not, but this is for the individual to decide for themselves.
However let use look at the origin of the name Jesus, so at least the individual can make a fair assessment, before acceptance and usage.
Even Yeshua or Joshua themselves, although possibly much better choices, are possibly not the definite and precise pronunciation of the name of the Son of God, The Christ used in his day. Nevertheless we should ask ourselves, why are Christians not using these or some other derivative, that changes the vowels to suit, but are so intent upon calling upon the name Jesus.
African people & the name Jesus?
The background to this modern popular name Jesus, although today standardised, as the name for the Son of God, across the globe. Due to is actual, real & physical influence and history in world history and specifically upon African people, forces us in the Temple of Yahshuah to distance, not only ourselves from its use, but also from its attribution to person of Christ too.
As the name Jesus has today so many negative connotations attached to it, as well as the terrible, ungodly and soul destructive things that has been done in this name over the years, by so called Christians. Notwithstanding the fact that most relevant to this website and African people in particular, is the use of the name Jesus, on the first British Slave Ship, commanded by Sir John Hawkins in 1565, called the Jesus of Lubeck, used to transport, kidnapped Africans to the New World, in the name of Christ. It is also important to note that this ship, is one of the earliest authenticated documented use of this name Jesus in British history and the world.
English Translation of Hebrew Yoshua
The name Jesus is supposedly the English translation of the Hebrew name; Yoshua, Yeshua or Yashua, the root name from which we get the name we currently use Yahshuah. However the English translation is clearly Jeshua or Joshua, as the Y and J are interchangeable.
The Importance of the Name
So as we are often taught the importance of the name and the power it carries, it is therefore important that we know exactly; What this name is? What it means? and where it comes from? Many people, particulary English speaking Christians, teach that the changing of letters or sounds through translation of words into different languages is a unavoidable phenomena. Therefore the name Jesus as currently used is but a logical and authentic process of the phonetic changes from Hebrew to Greek to Latin and finally English, i.e. Jesus.
We are told that the name Yeshua or Joshua in English means God Saves or Salvation of God. This is a fitting name to call the Christ, who represents the spirit of God and God the Word, Incarnate. However although fitting, not completely accurate in Hebrew, who use the shorten name for God, from which this name supposedly eminates, as Yah or Jah in English.
Therefore Yahshua would be a more accurate pronunciation, i.e Yah = God's shortened name Yahovah and Shua = Salvation, therefore Yahshua meaning literally God's Salvation.
The Root of the Name Jesus
As for the name & word Jesus this word or title has a different history and heritage and can be illustrated thusly;
English J equals to the Greek I, Hebrew Y & Phoenicia Z
J – English from the Hebrew Y that the Greek & Romans translated as I, however the Greek borrowed the letters in their alphabet from Phonetician, whose I was converted to the Greek Z. Hence why all of these letters are interchangeable, dependant upon what language your speaking, ie. Jesus, Iesus, Yesus & Zesus, see table below.
The Table and Letters
As can be seen here from the above table, demonstrating the evolution of our modern Alphabet, the 13th Phoenician letter, which evolved out of the Proto-Sinaitic letter, is the Phoenician symbol for Z, slightly slanted with an extra line in the middle that involved into the Hebrew, Greek, Latin, Old English I and finally Y. However when we look at the 16th letter, we see that the actual Phoenician symbol for I, evolved into the Greek, Latin, Old and the New English Z. With further observation we can also see that the actual Phoenician symbol for Y, letter 17, actually evolved into the Hebrew, Greek, Latin & Old English letter for F and our modern letter W.
From this analysis we can see that the letters I, Z, Y and even W and the modern J, have had a very extraordinary, confusing and without question conflicting history. This becomes more significant and possibly of the greatest importance, when we consider, as we now are that these letters form and make up the most sacred names in the Christian faith, e.g. YHWH, YaH, Yahshua.
What is also very important to know and of the utmost importance and significance, in using the above table in this analysis, or in tracing the evolution and history of our modern alphabet. Is that although seldom admitted or highlighted is the fact that the Phoenician letters, symbols and alphabet evolved directly from and out of the Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic symbols. Shown and referred to in the above table as the Proto-Siniatic, which is one of the oldest attested Cannanite scripts, which as the name suggest, was specifically Egyptian and evolved in the Egyptian Sinai Peninsular.
It is upon the basis of the above analysis, why we do not use the name Jesus, but chose and use the name Yahshuah throughout this website, as a more authentic pronunciation of the name of the Christ. We also do not fight against or challenge people to stop using Jesus, but recommend Yahshuah to be used, by all African Christians in particular, but not exclusively, as a more authentic and also relevant pronunciation.
Specifically for the purpose of; Calling upon; Referring to; Performing righteous works and Expelling demons;
In the Mighty Name of Yahshuah,
the True Name of the Living Son of God,
God's Salvation, The Word Incarnate,
The Light & Life within Man.
In addition to Yahshuah, The Temple of Yahshuah website, also uses and accepts the following titles and descriptions listed below, as well as others found within the Holy Bible, not listed here.
The Son of Man,
Mat 8:20
The Incarnate Word, Made Flesh,
Joh 6:51
The Only Begotten of The Father,
Joh 3:16
The Sun of Righteousness,
Mal 4:2
The Ancient of Days
Dan 7:9
Our Lord God & Saviour,
1Ti 1:1
Yahshuah Immanuel Karast Mesu,
Mat 1:21, Isa 7:14, Mat 1:16, Joh 4:25-26
Rev 3:14
It should also be known and fully recognised that each of these above titles, descriptions and names, have a particular and specific unique importance and relevance, to the understanding of The Christ, his Message and Purpose, in our Modern Age, through the "Science of Karastology" and with "Ethiopian Spectacles" as is seen and demonstrated throughout this website.
Below is a breakdown of the evolution of the name Jesus, from the Egyptian symbols through to the modern English alphabet. Few resources exist on-line that trace the origins of the name to its original source, Egyptian.
This resource is exclusive to and has been provided by
"The Temple of Yahshuah Website"