The Significance of The Name?
Now as can be seen from previous information detailed throughout this website, specifically concerning why we use the name Yahshuah and its particular spelling and meaning, as well as the titles Karast (Christ) and Mesu (Messiah), instead of using the customary Jesus Christ the Messiah.
It is evident that we hold the Name of the Lord to be Sacred therefore of the utmost importance. This is clearly indicated by Yahshuah himself and in countless other scriptures in the Holy Bible.
Act 4:12
"Neither is there salvation in any other:
for there is none other name
under heaven given among men,
whereby we must be saved."
In fact everything said and done must be done in this name, therefore without question the correct name and pronunciation is important to know and use.
Joh 14:14
"If ye shall ask any thing in my name,
I will do it."
The Influence of A Name?
However this name or any other name for that matter has another very important and significant influence, particularly on the human brain, as it relates, confines and associates the individual with already preconceived notions, in an extraordinary way and sometimes in a damaging way.
A very simple analogy to use, to demonstrate this unique phenomenon is labelling and packaging. Take for example when you walk into a shop, you look for, select and expect to purchase the product that is displayed on the package.
Normally because of marketing you by now realise that it may not look exactly like the product featured on the packaging, but you definitely expected to receive the ingredients and essence of the taste, to your liking or not, as described on the label.
Likewise if it is found to be the ingredients but not to your liking you refrain from purchasing again, if however you find it to not be the publicised product whether lacking or within additional ingredient not stated, you would no doubt complain.
Nevertheless there is a more serious side to this; for instance if the product contains an ingredient that is not stated on the label that could be fatal to someone seriously allergic to that ingredient and they take it, the vender plus manufacture would be liable, as we often see in the media. However even more sinister than this and possibly more dangerous and potentially devastating is the wrong labelling altogether. For instance when something is labelled you automatically consciously assume that the contents coincides with the label, therefore if a bottle of white rum is labelled as water, you would believe it so, until it is tested.
The Importance of The Name?
So any name used whatsoever is very important and has huge significance to what the name represents, notwithstanding the particular importance of the actual name of the Son of God Himself.
Therefore due primarily to the known effect that a name can have, on the human mind, we encourage African people in particular, to use the name Yahshuah or anyone of the other accepted Hebrew derivations of the name, instead of and to substitute the use of the name Jesus.
The Name Jesus for Africans & Africa?
This is mainly due to the fact that although the name Jesus, has been used positively for the uplift of African people, by many great and inspiring African people, over the past 400 years, its usage and influence to the detriment and destruction of the mind, bodies and soul of the said same people, far out shadows and outweighs these positives.
There is no need to measure, highlight or compare these influences here, as the fact remains that these positive influences are seldom, if ever highlighted or even known to the masses, hence the need for this website, but the negatives are very evident and have been so, from our introduction to this name through the Jesus of Lubeck (Slave Ship), up to and including our current situation and condition, of being totally aloof to; Who we truly are and as African people and being the most downtrodden and impoverished, people on planet earth.
The SS Jesus of Lubeck
Above is an artist impression of the SS Jesus of Lubeck, Slave Ship.
The first ship on record, to leave the shores of Britain in 1565, captained by Sir John Hawkins,
on-route to Africa to kidnap Africans, to take to them to the new world and to Jesus,
The beginning of the Ma'afa (The African Holocaust).
Why it is advised not to use the name Jesus?
It is for this reason, the negative influences and associations that are already attached to the name Jesus. Why we don’t recommend and even discourage to some degree, the continued use of the name Jesus, amongst African people in particular. As a means to try help them to build their Own Unique Temple, as their Heart, Mind, Soul and Spirit MUST be totally free at all times, from all possible negativities.
This will ensure that their Temple will be maintained and developed successfully, as no African person in their right mind, could ever truly believe and say that this name Jesus, is unblemished and pure in their Hearts, Mind, Body & Soul, and if they can, then they are not only far from the reality of there experience or heritage and are totally out of sync with their own ancestry, determined by God Almighty Yahovayah Himself from creation.
But most importantly this would mean and show that they have been totally indoctrinated and are possessed by a definite foreign spirit.
We therefore propose and suggest that African people and possibly other people of all ethnic backgrounds, who have been introduced to Yahshuah, through similar circumstances. That they not only try to refrain from using the name Jesus, but to try and replace it, with one more accurate, suitable and even relevant to our modern times and their personal experience, such as the one used throughout this website, Yahshuah, with its Hebrew, Phonetician & Ancient Egyptian Roots, which gives further insights into God's Salvation.

The name Yahshuah, corresponds directly to the name in Hebrew of the Messiah, the Son of God, otherwise known as Jesus.
What is The meaning of Yahshuah?
The name Yahshuah is similar to other modern renditions of the Hebrew name’s such as Yeshua, Yoshua, Yahsua. Adding the needed vowels, for the sake of pronunciation, to the original letters used for his name in writing, as ancient scripts were written without vowels.
The name Yahshuah, like those mentioned above and a wide variety of other similar renditions, used today to pronounce the name of The Lord, are all accepted and acceptable pronunciations, within this website, based upon the fact that they all translate to mean God’s Salvation or the Salvation of God, directly from Hebrew, this does not however include the name Jesus.
The True Significance of the Name Yahshuah?
The name Yahshuah although being authentic and an acceptable name to call and describe the Son of God, in our modern times, could also be of great importance and significance to us in better understanding the Christ and his purpose.
This pronunciation and its particular spelling, along with the corresponding titles of the Karast and Mesu, also has its own particular and specific unique relevance to African people and African Spirituality directly.
This name and its titles, as it is now here being used, with their particular spelling's.
Also incorporates and corresponds to the actual words, when translated into and from the most ancient of African and world religious text, namely Hieroglyphics or the Medu Neta (Sacred Writing) to;
Yah: A very early description or name for an aspect and attribute of God, used by the ancient Egyptian; and then
Shu: The name or title used to describe a spiritual attribute of wind or an aspect or type of air and in our case representing the Holy Spirit and finally;
Ah: Another ancient Egyptian word for an aspect and attribute of God, Almighty, deriving and related specifically to Yah and in our case, Ah representing the Spiritual Man.
The Significance of both the words Karast & Mesu?
In addition to this we also have the title Karast an Ancient Egyptian term for the anointing of the body for burial and also Mesu, another Ancient Egyptian term meaning anointed or the Anointed One.
It should also be fully understood here, that both these Egyptian terms or words Karast & Mesu, are also linguistically, historically and anthropologically proven to be the root words and the origins of the Greek word Christ or Kristos, ie. Karast and the early Hebrew word Messiah, both borrowed from Ancient Egypt, through direct contact and meaning the exact same thing i.e. Anointed, however with differing cultural meanings.
Put together and in the context of African Spirituality. Not only do all these names and titles still correspond directly to the actual Hebrew meaning of the name, God’s Salvation, and his accepted titles, Christ and Messiah.
But they also add further insights and relevance to their actual meaning. This is achieved as the words themselves explain;
Exactly How?
Yah meaning God the Father, through Shu the Spirit and Comforter (Shhh) through Ah meaning Spiritual Man, Yahshuah or simply God’s Salvation & Spirit in Man. Was manifested as the Anointed Yahshuah, the Good Shepherd, in his Crowning Glory, through his Birth, Life, Sacrifice, Conquest and Resurrection, from the grave as the Ever Living, Lord, God and Saviour of us all.
This name the titles and their particular spellings are therefore used to help achieve the main purpose and objective of this Temple, to reconnect people African people in particular, but not exclusively, personally with and directly with and to The Christ, through their Own Temple and to Yah’s Spirit, already within themselves.