The Name Yahshuah

What is The meaning of Yahshuah Karast Mesu?

yahshuahThe name Yahshuah, corresponds directly to the name in Hebrew of the Messiah and Son of God, otherwise known as Jesus.  The name similar to other modern renditions of the Hebrew name’s such as Yeshua, Yoshua, Yahsua, etc, adds the needed vowels, for the sake of pronunciation,  to the original letters for his name, as they are written in ancient manual scripts, as the Hebrew script was written without vowels.  The name Yahshuah, the ones mentioned above and a wide variety of similar renditions, used today to pronounce the name of The Lord, excepting Jesus, are all acceptable pronunciations, based upon the fact that they all translate to mean God’s Salvation or the Salvation of God, directly from Hebrew.

The name Yahshuah however, although being authentic and an acceptable name to call and describe the Son of God, in our modern times, still in the Christ’ own native tongue.