Which Christ?

There is One Christ, but Many Followers!

Over two thousands years since HIS Coming Forth, here in the 21st Century, we  have over 1 billion people on earth today, from all nationalities and backgrounds, now proclaiming and professing to be Christians, including the Temple website designer, meaning that they/we follow Christ.  As it is true that “No two persons think alike, even if they outwardly profess the same faith, so we have as many religions in Christianity as we have believers”. Words of Marcus Garvey.

Yahshuah Karast Mesu -15We therefore accept based upon this and personal experience that all these 1 billion plus Christian, although all professing the same faith are individually a religion on to themselves, regardless, even of the Christian denomination they associate themselves with.   On this basis and in line with what The Master Teacher, The Christ himself taught, which is; “Who is not against him, is for him”, (Mar_9:40, Mat_12:30, & Luk_11:23), . So therefore under no circumstances do we, in any way attempt here to; challenge, criticize, insinuate, denounce or ridicule, any individual who has their own personal relationship with The Christ.

However we do however categorically state that although professing One Faith in the One Christ, this does not mean that we are all following the same Christ.  This is not a matter of semantics, but whatever we conceive in our heart & minds about The Christ, determines, ultimately, What or Which Christ we are following?.  It should also be fully understood too that although we must accept all followers of Christ to be Christian, without exception, Whether they be True Followers of Christ, so as to earn to privileged to be call them or ourselves Christians, The Master Teacher Himself

Learn How to: Determine The Christ being followed?

Here are 10 Question, to use in the assessment

Ten Questions to assess The Christ that YOU or OTHERS follow.

Below are 10 relevant questions that can determine who or what Christ an individual is actually following and also be the main determining factors,  to how they worship, think of and ultimately translate or transform, this concept and idea of Their Christ, into their own individual lives.

  1. Who is The Christ?
  2. What was his actual name?
  3. What is his physical image?
  4. What was his character and personality?
  5. What is his nature and relationship to God the Father?
  6. What is his Gospel?
  7. Why he came, his mission?
  8. When he actually lived?
  9. Where he lived and who he ministered to?
  10. What is Christ relationship to Man, historically and in our modern times.

Based upon and dependant on, the answers YOU or a person gives, in response to these 10 defined questions above, will ultimately determine, The Christ that YOU or THEY worship and follow.  Therefore how you answer these questions is very important, but what is possibly more important than this and which possibly has a more profound effect, upon how these answers are translated and transformed into a persons life are these;

Seven things effecting the outcome of these answers.

Which Are;

  1. Why they believe this?
  2. What evidence do they have to support this?
  3. Can they back it up these answers?
  4. Can they use these answers to defend Their Christ in the modern age?
  5. Can they use these answers to change their live for the better?
  6. Can they use these answers to preach the Gospel successfully to, atheist and non-believers and bring them into Shepherds flock.
  7. Can these answers be verified and supported outside of the confines of a particular denomination or sect.

So it of paramount importance that all people on earth today proclaiming The Christ assess, firstly; Who this Christ is? secondly; Why they believe in Him? and thirdly; How is this helping them to grow in righteousness, to show love for and to humanity and perform good works?

So it is based upon the 10 relevant questions above, the 7 things that effect the outcomes and to present the Fruits of the Holy Spirit that has Guided YOU to this website,  as well as the designer of The Temple of Yahshuah website, in the first instance, to Present  & Proclaim The Living Christ, Within Himself and made manifest through this website.