The Christ Revealed Through This Temple
Now it is evident that whenever we speak of and refer to The Christ, within this website, we are specifically referring to the individual commonly know to the world today as Jesus Christ. This is first and foremost the fundamental basis and foundation rock upon which The Temple of Yahshuah website is built.
However although we refer to the same individual known as Jesus Christ, this does not mean, under any circumstances that we follow, share, adhere to or accept the same traditions, doctrines, concepts or ideas that other people may hold concerning The Christ, who they call Jesus.
Therefore it is important for all visitors to The Temple of Yahshuah Website, to know and fully understand; The ACTUAL Christ that is worshipped, followed and revealed through this specific website. So there is or can be no confusion, as to exactly, who we are talking about, when we speak of The Christ.
The Christ Revealed, Focussed On & Followed
Below for the sake of all visitor to truly get a overstanding of The Christ Revealed through this website, we present The Temple of Yahshuah Website, Christ through 3 questions with their corresponding answers that are not only relevant to and important Questions to ask, but can clearly illustrate to our website visitor; What Christ is; manifested, revealed, witnessed and testified to, throughout this website?
Here are the 3 questions, the answers to these 3 questions are summarised within the article and text that proceeds it below, to add credence, authority and an enlighten perspective to the Christ featured throughout this website;
Question 1: Who is The Christ in this Temple?
Question 2: What this Temple means in reference to Christ?Question 3: Which Christ is Revealed through this Website?
Answering these 3 questions
For most visitors to this website, the answer to this question would seem quite simple and straight forward, so if asked; Who is the Christ? They would immediately answer & respond Jesus. But does this really answer the question, let us see. But before we do that let me add the possible reason and the foundation upon which we think this belief is based upon; Because the Holy Bible Says So, no punt intended.
However the question posed here is; Who is the Christ? and even though Jesus may be the right answer, simply because the Holy Bible says so, does not tell us much, but to know, when, how and for what purpose, the Holy Bible, says that Jesus is the Christ, is also most important to know.
For instance it should be known that the word Christ is not found anywhere in the Old Testament, therefore no prophesies exist in the Old Testament that prophesy of The Christ, to come. The title and word ‘The Christ’ first appears in the Book of Matthew and continues throughout the New Testament. It could be even argued that Yahshuah himself referred many times to himself as The Christ which is also true and not contested here. The question this website poses and should be answered first, is; Where does the actual word Christ come from? For it to be put into the mouth of Yahshuah, the Disciples, the Apostles and every single follower of The Christ since the creation of the Greek Christian Scriptures.
We are told that the Greek word Χριστος (Christos or Kristos) meaning “anointed”, derived from χριω (chrio) meaning “to anoint”. This was a name applied to Jesus by early Greek-speaking Christians. It is a translation of the Hebrew word מָשִׁיחַ (mashiyach), commonly spelled in English messiah, which also means “anointed”.
This may seem very plausible and is certainly accepted by the majority, if not all practising Christians, who accept this universally accepted meaning for the word Christ and why it is used in the Bible to replace Messiah. However further investigation, with open eyes and an open heart, guided by the Holy Spirit, it can be seen that this is not the actual Truth and nothing but the Truth, as so many believe.
The Holy Bible itself bears its own testimony of this peculiar, if not invented Truth, if we but look a little closer and further into these Holy scriptures.
Anomalies in the translation

As mentioned above, the word Christ is nowhere mentioned in the Old Testament and is only found in the New Testament, specifically in reference to Yahshuah (Jesus). However the actual word messiah is only found twice in the Old Testament in the Book of Daniel at Dan 9:25 & Dan 9:26. Also of much significance is to know also that the Word messiah does not appear in the New Testament, but is replaced by Messias and like its forebear, Messiah, it is only found twice in the New Testament twice, at John 1:41& John 4:25, where on these two occasions the word Messias is used not to translate the Word Messiah, but specifically and directly to interpret it to mean and therefore be totally replaced from thereon to mean Christ.
So here we have, Messiah, Messias & Christ all supposedly meaning the exact same thing, i.e Anointed. Here is were the big confusion comes, if they all mean Anointed, but the word anointed is also found throughout both the Hebrew and Greek Christian Scriptures, how then does or can the translator make their distinction.
For instance The Greeks did not only translate or write down the New Testament Christian Scriptures, but had 300 years before this, translated the entire Old Testament into Greek, the Septuagint that was widely used during the time Yahshuah lived, however it not thought that Yahshuah or his Disciples, were reading or referring to the Septuagint when they spoke of the Holy Scriptures, but that they read and referring to a Hebrew or Aramaic Version.
Nevertheless it should be clearly understood here that, the Greeks through their Septuagint, quite easily translated the Hebrew word mashiyach to mean anointed that is found and used to translate this word nearly 100 times, nostly in the Old Testament but also in the New Testament. Also that the Greeks did not find it difficult to translate the word mashiyach into Greek as Messiah or Messias, as they did in the Book of Daniel (OT) and the The Gospel According to John.
So why is there a need to translate or more precisely interpret these words Messiah, Messias & Anointed to mean Christ.
From this analysis it can be seen that the Word Christ is totally Greek, having nothing to do with Hebrew or Aramaic. This word in its form of Christ, Christos, Kristos, is totally a Greek cultural invention. Who seem to have been very dubious in translating the Hebrew word mashiyach, to mean Anointed, Messiah, Messias and Christ, simultaneously.
Origins: The Concept & Words Anointed, Messiah & Christ
Now to analyse this phenomenon further, unfortunately we must leave the Bible narrative, unless we wish to investigate exactly how all these terms are utilised in the Holy Scriptures and in what context, which is not our present objective. Our objective here, is to discover exactly; Who is the Christ?, or more specifically; What is the Christ and to achieve this we must look into history, recorded, scientific substantiated history to discover the TRUE origins of these Terms.
First of all what is crucial to understand and fully recognised is that when we talk of the Greek Scriptures, whether the Septuagint Old or Christian New Testament, we must understand that both of these Scriptures were not translated in Greece, but in Egypt, Alexandria in particular and the Middle East. In addition to this, is the fact that even the earliest scripts used by the ancient Hebrews, Proto-Sianaic, also have its origin in Egyptian language and writing.
Therefore it will not be surprising to know that each of these 3 terms, Anointed, Messiah & Christ, have their direct origins in the Ancient Egyptian Language and Script, each term being inherited by the recipients due to their conenction to and influence from the ancient civilisations. Whats is also interesting to know is that each of this terms have specifically different meanings within the Egyptian language, although intrinsically all connected, both in ceremonial and practical sense.
For instance;
Being ritually anointed in the Ancient Egypt tradition and language can be either Krst or Mesu, depending on the context it is being used in, similar to how these words are translated in the Bible. For instance the word Krst or Karast when we add the vowels, means anointing, caressing and preparing the deceased body for burial, i.e. to anoint through the mummification process.
It is generally and universally accepted that the Greek word Kristos, Christos & Christ, which to them also means anointed, had its origins and was directly borrowed from the Egyptian Krst or Karast.
Furthermore the Hebrew word Messiah or Greek Messias, also have their origin, like the word Christ, which is likewise universally accepted to have been borrowed from another Ancient Egyptian word for Anoint, ie. Mesu, which like Krst is related to the ritual anointing for burial, but more represents the outcome of being Anointed, such as the Anointed One, which could be applied to both the living and the dead.
So it is in this context that Mesu can also be used to represent an anointed King or Priest etc, in ancient Egypt, similar to how the word Messiah, can and is used by the Hebrews, as its used in the Holy Scriptures.
Therefore to summarise and conclude this analysis, as can be seen here, the root word of the Greek word Christ is the Egyptian Krst, the root word of the Hebrew word Messiah, is also Egyptian and has its origins in the Egyptian word Mesu, hence why, both words, when translating into Greek or Hebrew or English for that matter means Anointed, as they all have evolved although independently from the same source, which is Ancient Egypt.
So it on this basis, as we do not proclaim to be Either Greek or Hebrew, but African and therefore descendants and custodians of the Ancient Egyptian bloodline on this earth. We therefore when referring or conceptualising and conceiving the Christ or Messiah through this Temple, we do so “Through the Spectacles of Ethiopia” using all three terms in their original Ancient Egyptian context, although fully appreciating that we do not now know exactly what this full context, held by the Ancients was, but nevertheless certain, confident and without reservation or apology, of the context these terms represent, collectively, simultaneously most more specifically culturally, in the context that they are used when we call upon, proclaim and raise people’s awareness to The TRUE CHRIST;
Yahshuah Karast Mesu,
(misnomer; Jesus Christ the Messiah)
Followed and Revealed Exclusively
Through The Temple of Yahshuah Website.