What is Prophesy?
The Holy Scriptures is full of prophesy’s that forewarn its adherents to future events for the purpose of assuring them of the sanctity and authority of Gods word, to reveal the divine master plan in motion and to awaken them at its fulfillment of God’s particular purpose for that generation. In all ages from the declaration of the prophesy, believers have awaited its fulfillment in earnest, to gage at what stage in God’s plan they are living. This has been the case in the past, as illustrated by the birth of Moses, Jesus and others, the building and then destroying of the temple, the Babylonian captivity, the fall of empires an so on. All these events were according to the bible foretold before the event and therefore stand as markers in history to declare the wisdom and mercy of the Most High. Whether these events actually happened after they had been foretold or whether they were written down after the event occurs, is irrelevant. Even if the event in question never even happened and is pure fabrication, it matters little, the notion or idea of prophesy is what’s important. As no one living today can truly verify whether many of the prophesy’s or events of the past really happened, or if they did if they were foretold beforehand, therefore most peoples belief and faith in these prophesies is blind.
Bible Prophesy through Karastology?
Through science of Karastology, we are able to research and study particular Bibles prophesies that relate to specific well known tribes of African Ancestry and other tribes of African ancestry that are seldom associated. Although many of these prophesies are well known, few people ever analyse and assess these prophesies or their fulfilment in the context of African history. Without this context we believe that people fail to see the true relevance and significance of these prophesies, not only to the Bible story and narrative, to Christians or Jews, but to all humanity, here in the twenty first century.
The study of Bible Prophesy through Karastology offers the investigator a unique insight and perspective, not only into the Holy Bible but also into the history of African people and the African Continent, respectively. Although this may seem strange to most, as at present the two would possibly seem incomparable and incompatible. However with closer examination through Karastology and with our Ethiopian Spectacles on, we see that most if not all prophesies in the Bible, can be attributed and specifically relate to the actual African experience, both past and present. Furthermore no other tribe on earth even remotely fit any of the attributes or show any of the characteristics of having fulfilled many of these prophesies.
Prophesies serve to forewarn people before the event, as well as to act as testimony after the effect, to further confirm the Supreme Power, Yahovayah, over the events of man and to assure them, meaning HIS Follows, of his Presence and Promises to them. This is very important to note as the purpose of prophesies, yet to happen, would likewise serve to forewarn and to assure and even confirm HIS Presence and fulfil HIS Promises, so that HIS Children finally return and worship HIM & HIM only, to receive the Promised Blessing.
On this basis and for this purpose the Science of Karastology takes a specific focus upon Bible Prophesy, as it relates specifically to the experience of African people, in the past and at present. Who today comprise and represent, as stated the actual genealogical descendants of at least 95% of the Tribes mentioned in the Holy Bible Old Testament. Therefore it is of the utmost importance that all African's today, analyse these Biblical prophesies through the Science of Karastology, to identify exactly of which of these Tribes they descend, as there are many, including;
1, Descendants of All 13 Tribes of Israel
2. Descendants of The Ancient Egyptians
3. Descendants of The Ancient Kushite Ethiopian's
4. Descendants of The Ancient Midianite's, (Kenites, Ishmalites, Sabbean etc)
5. Descendants of The Ancient Canaanite's (Amorite's, Girgashite's, Jebusite's, Phoenician's etc.)
It is through the Science of Karastology that this identity, awareness and connection, can be first acknowledge by African people and then realised through the Holy Spirit, who will Guide the Individual into All TRUTH. With this overstanding the prophesies in the Bible become alive and again serve their original purpose, which is to warn, guide and give faith and confidence in Yahovayah, to the people intended.