The Accepted Temple Bible Canon
Now in regards to the Holy Scriptures and the Bible Canon the Yahshuah Temple website, subscribe to the traditional Canon accepted by the Oriental Coptic Orthodox & Ethiopian Tawahedo Churches. We also adhere strictly to the principle of divine scripture, as taught and practice through the Ethiopian faith, e.g.
“The word of God is not contained in the Bible alone,
it is to be found in tradition as well”.
Therefore in line with this faith we accept the official books accepted as canonical within the Ethiopian Bible. This canon includes and adds an extra 25 books, to the 66 books of the English KJV Bible Canon.
The canon of the Ethiopic Bible differs both in the Old and New Testament from that of not only the KJV, but that of any other church, within Christianity. As a whole these books have been preserved and written in the Geez language and on parchment. The Ethiopian Orthodox Church has 46 books of the Old Testament and 35 books of the New Testament that will bring the total of canonized books of the Bible to eighty one. Interestingly also is the fact that many of the Bible books and literary material, lost to the European and Asian bible canon and libraries, have been preserved only by and through the Ethiopian Church, into our modern age, by the Grace of Yah.
The Premise
It should be noted here also that although we accept the Ethiopian Canon as our own, this in know way is intended to detract from, or criticize any other bible canon of any Christian nation. We do so only in the spirit, simply that we are Ethiopian and with the conviction that all Bibles canon’s are acceptable, as clarified and confirmed by the Emperor himself when he told us that;
“We in Ethiopia have one of the oldest versions of the bible,
but however old the version may be, in whatever language it might be written, the Word remains one and the same. It transcends all boundaries of empires and all conceptions of race. It is eternal.”
(Words of His Imperial Majesty Emperor Haile Sellassie I, of Ethiopia)
Bible Canon – List of Book’s
Below is table & list of the 81 books of the Ethiopian Canon, alongside the English KJV canon and the Roman Catholic Canon, for your Reference, please visit our Temple library, to access and download, where possible some of these Books not available through the KJV Bible.
The Bible Canon of three Great Christian Nations
The official Ethiopian Bible Canon Books are those accepted by The Temple of Yahshuah.
Coptic Canon
46 Books
1. Genesis
2. Exodus
3. Leviticus
4. Numbers
5. Deuteronomy
6. Joshua
7. Judges
8. Ruth
9. I and II Samuel
10. I and II Kings
11. I Chronicles
12. II Chronicles
13. Jublee
14. Enoch
15. Ezra and Nehemia
16. I and II Ezra Sutuel
17. Tobit
18. Judith
19. Esther
20. I Maccabees
21. II and III Maccabees
22. Job
23. Psalms
24. Proverbs
25. Tegsats (Reproof)
26. Metsihafe Tibeb (the books of wisdom)
27. Ecclesiastes
28. The Song of Songs
29. Isaiah
30. Jeremiah
31. Ezekiel
32. Daniel
33. Hosea
34. Amos
35. Micah
36. Joel
37. Obadiah
38. Jonah
39. Nahum
40. Habakkuk
41. Zephaniah
42. Haggai
43. Zechariah
44. Malachi
45. Book of Joshua the son of Sirac
46. The Book of Josephas (Son of Bengorion)
35 Books
1. Matthew
2. Mark
3. Luke
4. John
5. The Acts
6. Romans
7. I Corinthians
8. II Corinthians
9. Galatians
10. Ephesians
11. Philippians
12. Colossians
13. I Thessalonians
14. II Thessalonians
15. I Timothy
16. II Timothy
17. Titus
18. Philemon
19. Hebrews
20. I Peter
21. II Peter
22. I John
23. II John
24. III John
25. James
26. Jude
27. Revelation
28. Sirate Tsion (Book of order)
29. Tizaz (Book of Herald)
30. Gitsew
31. Abtilis
32. The I book of Dominos
33. The II book of Dominos
34. The book of Clement
35. Didascalia
KJV Canon
39 Books
1. Genesis
2. Exodus
3. Leviticus
4. Numbers
5. Deuteronomy
6. Joshua
7. Judges
8. Ruth
9. I and II Samuel
10. I and II Kings
11. I Chronicles
12. II Chronicles
13. Ezra
14. Nehemiah
15. Esther
16. Job
17. Psalms
18. Proverbs
19. Ecclesiastes
20. The Song of Songs
21. Isaiah
22. Jeremiah
23. Lamentations
24. Ezekiel
25. Daniel
26. Hosea
27. Joel
28. Amos
29. Obadiah
30. Jonah
31. Micah
32. Nahum
33. Habakkuk
34. Zephaniah
35. Haggai
36. Zechariah
37. Malachi
27 Books
1. Matthew
2. Mark
3. Luke
4. John
5. The Acts
6. Romans
7. I Corinthians
8. II Corinthians
9. Galatians
10. Ephesians
11. Philippians
12. Colossians
13. I Thessalonians
14. II Thessalonians
15. I Timothy
16. II Timothy
17. Titus
18. Philemon
19. Hebrews
20. James
21. I Peter
22. II Peter
23. I John
24. II John
25. III John
26. Jude
27. Revelation
46 Books
1. Genesis
2. Exodus
3. Leviticus
4. Numbers
5. Deuteronomy
6. Joshua
7. Judges
8. Ruth
9. I and II Kings
10. III and IV Kings
11. I Paralipomemnon
12. II Paralipomemnon
13. I Ezra
14. II Ezra
15. Tobit
16. Judith
17. Esther
18. I Maccabees
19. II Maccabees
20. Job
21. Psalms
22. Proverbs
23. Ecclesiastes
24. Canticle of Canticles
25. Wisdom of Solomon
26. Ecclesiasticus (Sirach)
27. Isaiah
28. Jeremias
29. Lamentations
30. Baruch
31. Ezekiel
32. Daniel
33. Osee
34. Joel
35. Amos
36. Obadiah
37. Jonas
38. Micheas
39. Nahum
40. Habacuc
41. Sophonias
42. Aggeus
43. Zecharias
44. Malachias
27 Books
1. Matthew
2. Mark
3. Luke
4. John
5. The Acts
6. Romans
7. I Corinthians
8. II Corinthians
9. Galatians
10. Ephesians
11. Philippians
12. Colossians
13. I Thessalonians
14. II Thessalonians
15. I Timothy
16. II Timothy
17. Titus
18. Philemon
19. Hebrews
20. James
21. I Peter
22. II Peter
23. I John
24. II John
25. III John
26. Jude
27. Revelation