Temple Home

“The Temple of the Most High begins with the Human Body, which houses our life, essence of our existence.

Words of His Imperial Majesty Emperor Haile Selassie I of Ethiopia

Your Personal Invitation

“Come on to me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: And ye shall find rest unto your souls. For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light”.

Your invitation from Yahshuah himself found at Matthew 11:28-30

The Temple Invocation

To Reveal, The Mystery of the Only Begotten, Word Incarnate & Light of the World, Yahshuah.

Recited in English in the Coptic Egyptian Christian Liturgical Tradition

From the Gospel According to John 1:1-17

An Introduction to The Temple of Yahshuah


An on-line portal, developed to help visitors restore, develop or build up, their Own Unique Temple of God’s Salvation, in Self.


To provide a platform to explore the Person, Gospel & Mission of Christ, through the heritage & experiences of African people.


Any person who is interested or searching for an authentic African-Centred view of Christ, The Son of God and Saviour of the World.

A Portal to help YOU Discover, Build or Rebuild The Temple of God’s Salvation Within YOUR-SELF

Through the Spectacles of Ethiopia

Meet Our Temple Guards

Our Temple Guards, are individuals chosen to protect & defend this Temple website 24 hours a day.

A variety of Video's that help to document and highlight the African Christian Experience.

Journey of Apostle Matthew to Ethiopia

Martin Luther King's Last Speech

Two Thousand Years in African Christianity

The Temple of Yahshuah Audio Resources, are provided from a range of sources and address a variety of topics.

The African Prayer Book

The African Prayer Book, is a collection of 29 prayers selected and read by Archbishop Desmond Tutu, from across the African Continent and spanning over many thousands of years.

Below is prayer 29. A Confession of Modern African Christian Faith, read by Rev. Desmond Tutu, on behalf of the All African Council of Churches.

The Coptic Agpeya (7 Daily Prayers)

Seven (7) daily prayers of the Ancient Coptic-Egyptian Orthodox Christian Church, The Agpeya.

The prayers are recited 7 times a day, a tradition also kept by the Ethiopian and other Oriental Churches.

The Thanksgiving Prayer, recited at the beginning of each of the 7 daily prayers.

The Birth of M.E - Mitochondrial Eve

M.E, which stands for Mitochondrial Eve, is a digitalised Ai voice, used within The Temple of Yahshuah website, to narrate important Temple text and literary material, from a wide range of sources.

M.E, The African Mother Manifested Digitally

M.E, Text Audio Narration's, available to Listen, here