Welcome to the Yahshuah Temple Library
Here you can find, read and download a variety of useful literary text, materials, tools and resources.
These titles, relate specifically to the study of Yahovayah, Yahshuah, The Bible, History (in context of religion and spirituality), Christianity and its tradition. These books are provided to help our visitors broaden their understanding of The Godhead, The Father, Holy Spirit & The Son, Yahshuah Karast Mesu.
Now in regards to the Holy Scriptures and the Bible Canon the Yahshuah Temple website, subscribe to the traditional Canon accepted by the Egyptian-Coptic Orthodox & Ethiopian Tawahedo Oriental Churches. We also adhere strictly to the principle of divine scripture, as taught and practice through the Ethiopian faith, which maintains that;
"The word of God is not contained in the Bible alone, it is to be found in tradition as well".
Find out more about the Ethiopian Bible Canon
The Holy Bible & Apocrypha
A collection of books, not within the KJV Old or New Testament Canon's.
Our Temple Publications
Here are some books and resources produced by Brada Imani, either published through this website or in association with.