The Yahshuah Temple website designer, believes and suggests that the use of specific words, specifically when relating to or associated with The Divine & Divinity, should be taken very very very seriously.
Therefore he offers, provides and recommends, a variety of words, to use as alternatives or to replace, known, popularly, customarily and traditionally used words, when relating to the Divine Creator and His Divine Master Plan.
This offering is to ensure that each word that is utilised and engaged by the individual, for the specific purpose and when endeavouring to converse or when evoking The Divine, is totally in-sync, relevant, meaningful, comprehensible, grammatically and phonetically accurate, historically valid and validated. These new words when used should also be able to help focus the individual, when using this Temple website, to form a greater understanding and a closer relationship to the thing or things being expressed or evoked, namely, The God, The Divine, The Spirit, The Christ, The Godhead and so on.
These words are also used and are utilised as a foundation to the New Science of Karastology, also developed exclusively through this website. The importance of the use of words used and particular ones engaged, cannot be over emphasised or underestimated, in regards to the effect, not only upon its user, but the outcome, physically, materially and also spiritual. This is best illustrated in the phrase;
The word, gives off a sound that determines its power. Without going into a long discourse about the importance of words, sounds, vibrations, energy and the like, which is not necessary, suffice to say and to verify the significance and importance of Words, the Sound they make and the Power they carry is the fact that;
"In the beginning was the Word,
and the Word was with God,
and the Word was God."
As this verse above found at John 1:1, demonstrates very clearly that the Word is Most Definitely the Most important thing, aspect and tool, not only used by the Creator to create man and the entire universe, but also used as the actual redemptive and Salvation instrument for man, through its physical Incarnation, when MAN had/has forgotten the WORD and the Words to use to call upon HIM in Purity & Sincerity.
Therefore it is upon this basis that we must not just idly or religiously use words, unaware of their origins. Or when we find that words that are not sufficient, adequate and often incorrect on a number of levels, we should categorically refrain from using them and replace them with ones that are more suitable, adequate and sufficient. This will help us to achieve, more often than not, the very same objective, such as the ones here recommended.
It is therefore firmly believed that Words are the actual tools, the technology and the triggers that either connect's or disconnect's the individual to or from the Divine.
These Words as listed below, through the Science of Karastology, therefore represent the very tools & technology, recommended and used by the website designer, as he has been instructed, and as they have been revealed to him, by the Divine Holy Spirit; that has led him to TRUTH that has Set (Mind-set)) him FREE and has enabled him to SEE Through His Ethiopian Spectacles, to realise the Temple of Yahshuah website, for the endorsing, preaching, proclaiming and teaching of the True & Living Holy Gospel of Yahshuah, in the 21st Century.
These words listed below, through the Science of Karastology, along with others not here listed, can be found in the Temple Glossary, found in the Resources Menu.
Note: It should also be noted here that all the words found within the Temple Glossary, when found and hovered over anywhere written within this website by the user, will automatically highlight this word and provide a Tip and an insight into its meaning and therefore the context in which it is being used.
Additionally the words recommended below, are provided to help visitor; reprogramme, realign, reconnect, refocus, retrieve and reclaim their own unique Alpharakan (African) Spirituality. Presented similarly from a technological point of view as Anti-Virus software, to check, detect, block, eradicate, remove, clean-up and replace, any malicious, malware, unwanted, hijacked, or otherwise corrupted data, ie. viruses (indoctrinations) that may be causing the equipment, in this case the Human Temple of God & Yahshuah to malfunction.
Words for the Divine - Titles, Names & Descriptions
The Divine
These words in RED can be used as alternatives, replacements and to filter out any unwanted energies, perceptions and/or negative attachments that may be socially, religiously, consciously or even spiritually associated with the traditionally used word, term or phrase.
God = Yah or (Neter or El or Al) the Spirit in All Nature & Creation
Father – Baba or Abba
Jehovah = Yahovayah or Allah or Kalunga or any African name for the One Supreme & Universal God.
Jesus = Yahshuah or Yehoshua or any derivative even Joshua
The Godhead = Father, Holy Spirit & Son/Flesh in this order Yah-Shu-Ah
Power & Might of the Trinity = Haile Sellassie
Christ = Karast or K’rst meaning Anointing
Messiah = Mesu or M’s meaning Anointed
The Holy Spirit = Shu or Sh’ eternally Shhhh as in silent, The Comforter
Spirit = Ka or Ak
Soul = Ba or bA or Ab (Ab equals also your Heart)
Light – Ra or Ra’s & Rays (Sun not physical but Son/Sun of Righteousness)
Spiritual Heart = KabA (or Kaba, Your KA enclosing your Ba = KabA)
Divine Thoughts = Thoth (Thouth, meaning Thou-aught to Think Spiritual)
Divine Path = Ptah (Patah or Pathah meaning Path of Spiritual Man)
Spiritual Man = Ah or y’ah (meaning all mankind mini god’s)
Sin = Imbalance or out of sync with Yahshuah
Sinless = Ma’at (Balance) or Karast (Christ)-Like
Amen = Aman to end prayers and seal covenants to and with Yah
Aman (Amen) = Hidden Truth (Revealed openly)
Day of Judgement = The Day of Balance, Balancing & Truth
The Sun = Son not the physical sun, but a Hidden Sun (Aman Ra), revealed in the Flesh and as a Light to the World, as Yahshuah the Sun of Righteousness
Satan = Set meaning disorder & chaos, overcome by Mind-Set
Devil = Lived (Exists in Man, whilst he has a Soul & breath) reversed deviL
Your Anti-Virus software, to check, detect, block, eradicate, remove, clean-up and replace, any malicious, malware, unwanted, hijacked, or otherwise corrupted data, ie. viruses (indoctrinations)
Words for Holy Places - Name, Location & Significance
Holy Places
These words in RED can be used as alternatives, replacements and to filter out any unwanted energies, perceptions and/or negative attachments that may be socially, religiously, consciously or even spiritually associated with the traditionally used word, term or phrase.
Israel = Is-Ra-El (Is The Light or Sun/Son God)
Jerusalem = Yarusalem (Fields or Reeds of Peace)
Heaven = Amenta (Hidden Land)
New Yarusalem (Jerusalem) = New Flower (Addis Ababa)
Mt Zion = Itopia (Ethiopia) Land of The Ark (still using Zion)
Hell = The Hellenised Heaven (Divine Purification)
Judgement = The Hall of the Weighing of Hearts
Egypt – Kemet (Black Land)
Egyptian = Kamites (Black people)
Africa = Alpharaka (1st-Light-Spirit) or Land of the 1st Light of the Spirit
African = Alpharakan meaning Al (God) and Pharakan (Evoke or Recall)
Ethiopia = Itopia or Utopia or (Kush/Cush)
Your Anti-Virus software, to check, detect, block, eradicate, remove, clean-up and replace, any malicious, malware, unwanted, hijacked, or otherwise corrupted data, ie. viruses (indoctrinations)
Words for Individuals or Collectives - Names & Titles
Individuals or Collectives
These words in RED can be used as alternatives, replacements and to filter out any unwanted energies, perceptions and/or negative attachments that may be socially, religiously, consciously or even spiritually associated with the traditionally used word, term or phrase.
Christian = Karastian
Minister = Mini Star
Ministry = Mini Story
P.R.O.A.D = People Racially Of African (Alpharakan) Descent
Rasta = Ra’star meaning the Light of the Sun/Son
Rasta’s = Ra’stars meaning the Light of the Sun/Son reflected in Mankind
Rastafari = Ras Tafarites meaning the Head or Prince (Principle) Inspiration
Haile Selassie I = HIM Emperor Haile Sellassie the 1st
Marcus Garvey = The Right Honourable Marcus Moziah Garvey
Yourself = X (?) Yahshuah or Yehoshua or any other derivative including Joshua
Your Anti-Virus software, to check, detect, block, eradicate, remove, clean-up and replace, any malicious, malware, unwanted, hijacked, or otherwise corrupted data, ie. viruses (indoctrinations)
Disclaimer: It should also be noted here that all the words recommended to be used as alternatives to the traditionally English used, words, titles and descriptions, when specifically referring to the Divine, have been suggested and recommended solely by the website designer Imani Yahshuah. For the sole purpose of providing its visitors with the technology to reprogramme their mind (Mind-Set), in order for them to be more in-tuned with both the Source and Power of these Words. They are proposed and presented here therefore, as tools, personally given with no authority, other than his own, personal Journey, his Experience & Guidance, when being lead by the Holy Spirit.