The Yahshuah Temple Website;
Is an On-line Portal & Forum,
For-Us 2 Focus.
It has been created specifically to help people, who are interested in learning about the True Saviour of World,
as he has been revealed in the history and through the lives of People Racially of African Descent (P.R.O.A.D).
Who the Yahshuah Temple is for?
Although this website comes from the viewpoint of the African Experience specifically in Christ, this does not mean however that this website is created for African Black People only, no but to the contrary, this website is for all Nations, Families & Tongues, Jews & Gentiles, for all the professed followers of Yahshuah (Jesus Christ) and the SEEKERS, those who have not yet come to hear the True & Living Gospel.
Based upon this above criteria, this website has also been created for any person, regardless of their; race, colour, gender, social status, religious persuasion or Christian denomination, sect or congregation, who has an genuine interest in, or LOVE for The Christ. Additionally this website is for any person, without exception, who also has a sincere interest & desire, to learn about how Our Lord, God & Saviour, Yahshuah Karast Mesu (Jesus Christ the Messiah), has been revealed & manifested Himself specifically & uniquely through the lives, experiences, faith and through the spirit of P.R.O.A.D, over more than 2 millennia.
The Relationship of African People to Christ
However it is very important that all visitors to this website, are fully aware that this Temple and Website, seeks to highlight and explore, specifically the Religion & Faith of Yahshuah (Jesus Christ) as it relates to the heritage of black African people in particular.
This is not however done in order to; discredit, defame, ridicule, reduce, criticise or conflict, in anyway, with Christians not of specific African descent, neither to mock, challenge, counter or contradict those African Christians, who may disagree or are unaware of this heritage. The primary and exclusive reason and motive for this particular view-point, is to Highlight the Unique & Intimate Relationship that The Christ has with and within African History, Tradition & Culture, seldom spoken of or acknowledge, through the mainstream. Or even by African Christians themselves, many of whom today are totally unaware of this most ancient relationship.
This unique relationship of African People to The Christ, should not and does not, in any way, detract from. alter or change the actual Words, the Teachings, the Themes or The Gospel of Yahshuah Karast (Jesus Christ) and HIS Life. However it does reveal exactly how this unique relationship has resulted and culminated, in the past, as it still does today, to have a dramatic, profound and unique affect, upon not only the individuals lives of African people, but explicitly upon how these Africans have first interpreted This Holy Gospel and how they have incorporated this Awareness and Faith, into their own lives, for their own benefit and for the benefit of humanity, generally.
Therefore this website has three primary objectives that include;
1. Proclaiming the Gospel of Yahshuah
2. Highlighting the relevance of African people both in the Bible and within the Christian tradition.
3. To provide a vehicle for people to research and study the Gospel and the Life of Yahshuah Karast, as a method of setting up there own Divine Temple Yahshuah within themselves.
Upon this foundation and to achieve this endeavour the Temple of Yahshuah has been developed, created and is here provided, as an offering by the website designer, through the Guidance of the Holy Spirit, to help our visitor build a productive relationship with the Christ.
Learn More About our Website and how we proclaim The Christ below

The Temple: Home & Hub
Learn about the Yahshuah Temple website home page and hub.
What can be found on the Temple Home Page
The Home page of the Yahshuah Temple website is the website hub and grand central. This page is the focus and centralised hub for all the information, resources, themes and concepts that feature throughout the website. The home page is where our visitors are able to access information that will explain in more detail the purpose, objective and motive for the site, as well as give an insight into what this website is based and founded upon. A central aim of the home page is also to provide the visitors with access to information, to help them practically and realistically, envision and then; Design, set up and establish a literal Temple of God within themselves.
This is achieved by providing the visitors through our Home Page, with key information and the practical steps, to help and assist them to reprogramme the mind and create the mental state, setting and environment, necessary to establish a Divinely Inspired House and Temple of God, within themselves. This is Temple often lays dormant in people, particularly those of direct African descent. This is mainly due to a misinterpretation, a false indoctrination and a totally misguided concept of Christ, his religion and its purpose in their lives. As this false teaching had, has and still remains the only faith of Christ they have, which was initially given to many of them, on the end of a whip, or with a carrot, brought and given to them by people, who themselves where totally and indisputably on any level misguided Christians, ie. slave masters.
The Temple Home Page is therefore the Hub and the Central-Point that all visitors must frequently and persistently visit, whilst they are establishing and maintaining their own individual Temples, for reassurance, inspiration and guidance to keep themselves on track. Other important features within the Temple home page are the 3 prayers, selected as our official Temple Prayers, also found within the Temple Home drop-down menu.
Together with these Temple prayers and of the utmost and greatest importance in fully understanding and appreciating the significance of this Temple, particularly in our modern age, is our officially accepted and proclaimed Temple Creed. Through this Creed the Temple; Not only outlines its specific Theology of God & Christ; But also affirms its authority and authenticity, as the most ancient and at the same time the most modern African Theology, of the Godhead. We also maintain that this particular Theology and Creed, with its documented history of at least 6000 years, has never been equalled or surpassed in any age, including the present age, by any people, religious or spiritual group, in their specific understanding of; Who or What God &/or Christ is and how they should be perceived, by man. Our Temple Creed is therefore also one of the foundations upon which this website is built.
Another important foundation of this Temple website, are our Temple Guards, who feature throughout this website as Mini-Stars. These Temple Guards & Mini-Stars represents many remarkable and blessed individuals and personalities, who have made a distinctive recognisable contribution to heritage and tradition of African Christianity, both on the continent and throughout the African Diaspora. Many of whom lost there lives, upholding the dignity of African people, through the propagation and proclaiming of; The True & Living Gospel of Yahshuah. All these individuals also represent the actual evidence for the unique Christian tradition and interpretation of the Bible and the faith, from a totally African-Centred point of view, as propagated throughout this website. This also adds extra value and added credence to the necessity and need for the Temple of Yahshuah in our modern age, as a means to tell the African Christian Story, “The Half that has Never Been Told.”
Find out more about these Temple Guards through the corresponding Temple home page menu link, as well as through the many posts, articles and other material that feature there lives, story’s and legacy’s.
The Temple: An Offering
Learn about how and why the Yahshuah Temple website was created
The Temple of Yahshuah Website and its entire website content, is “An Offering” the culmination of over 25 years of personal research and study, into these specific area’s plus others that has enabled the website designer to achieve a better and more relevant understanding and appreciation of these particular subject areas from a totally African Centred point of view. This has proved instrumental in his journey in search of truth, as it has not only enabled him to keep an African focus, but more importantly, has enabled him to see and interpret all things including the Holy Bible, the Christ and the Christian tradition, quite differently and uniquely, through the “Spectacles of Ethiopia”, as subscribed and advised specifically by Marcus Garvey.
The benefits of this approach (through the “Spectacles of Ethiopia”) can not be underestimated or overstated, as will be seen as you navigate through this website. The relevance of this approach and significance of both its physical and spiritual effects can be judge for yourself, as you browse through the many website pages.
The Yahshuah Temple Website content is therefore the culmination of this personal spiritually guided research over the years, into all things biblical, cultural and spiritual. Our Temple features with their corresponding content, is therefore an Offering of the website designer, from his Own Unique Temple, representing the Light that is now shining out into the outside world and being placed upon a lamp stand. This is done primarily to help others utilise this same strategy, access easily important information and provide them with the specific keys to unlock the chains of mental slavery that continues to trap them in a religion or ideology provided by slave masters.
The Temple: Features
Learn about the Yahshuah Temple website features
The Yahshuah Temple Website Features
The Temple of Yahshuah Website, has many useful features that can help our visitors to get a better understanding of a variety topics, subjects and issues surrounding the Bible, Jesus Christ, Christianity and their particular relevance to African people and culture. These features include a wide variety and range of useful tools, resources, information and material, to help our visitors keep focussed, as well as get immediate access to crucial information and resources, to assist them upon their own studies and journey.
Some of these features included;
1. THE GOSPEL: The Full Gospel Text; all the words of Yahshuah actually spoken by Yahshuah in the Holy Bible, accessed through The Gospel Menu, broken down within separate books
2. THE SCIENCE: Karastology; A completely new Science and way of looking at, researching and studying the Christ from a African-Centred point of view, complete with new words and a completely new theological approach to understanding the Bible and the Christ. This can be accessed through the Karastology menu. Also accessed through this menu is the Temple Blog or post page, called the Karastology Blog, where all posts, articles, research and other new material upload to the website will be featured.
3. THE BIBLE: The Yahshuah Temple Website also offers assistance in researching and studying the Holy Bible, specifically from a African-Centred point of view, as it offers direct access to list that highlight and feature important and relevant Bible; Canons, People & Characters, themes, stories and prophesies specifically relevant to African people. These tools can be accessed through the Bible menu.
4. THE MINISTRY: The Temple ministry also provides our visitors with useful information that will help them to better understand the websites purpose, but also learn about the website designer and other key individuals who are featured, who have been a major influence in the African Christian tradition, both on the content and in the Diaspora. This information can be found through the Ministry menu and links.
5. THE RESOURCES: The temple of Yahshuah also has a wide variety of resources that will help our visitor further research and get a better understanding of the Bible, the Christ and the African Christian experience specifically. These resources are all free and include a range of Books and other literary material, video; documentaries, lectures, interviews and relevant speeches, a temple Gallery featuring many of the images used throughout the website and a Temple Glossary, highlighting and explain the many important words used throughout the site.
It is with these Temple features and the content they hold that we believe, hope and pray that sufficient information is made available to the investigator to help the to filter out any unwanted hindrance, to the mind, body or soul, preventing them from forming a realistic, real and divine relationship with the One, through which this website has been built and created, Who is Divine and Our Lord, God & Saviour, Yahshuah Immanuel Karast Mesu
The Temple: vs Church
Learn what is the main differences between a Temple and a Church
What is the difference between a Temple and a Church?
Most people think there is little difference between a Temple and a Church, the phrase is used as flippantly as if it is a like for like or true reflection and translation of the same thing. This is a major error and obstacle to the psyche, similarly when people are convince or more precisely indoctrinated to believe that Jesus is a direct English translation from Yeshua, or that Yahshuah was white skinned, or Christ is a direct translation from Kristos, which is a direct translation of the Hebrew word Messiah, all meaning exactly the same thing. This is not only misleading, but as makes it very difficult to truly get a meaning of these individual terms, words and names that are specific to particular cultures, where differences exist that make the use of these terms, not interchangeable but, incompatible and incomparable.
Likewise the idea that the Church is just a new or updated name for a Temple is also very damaging. In fact the two phrases are reflected and utilised in the Holy Bible, quite differently and with a clear different focus and emphasis placed upon them. For instance the word Church features in the Holy Bible hundreds of times, however it never appears in the Old Testament at all, it only features in two verses the four canonical gospels, specifically at Matthew 16:18 and 18:17, meaning Mark, Luke and John do not use the term in their Gospels. Also it should be further noted that we are clearly sanctioned to use this term and include it in the Proclaiming of The Gospel, as both times when it is mentioned in the Gospel according to Mathew, it was used by Yahshuah himself. However its main use is from the Acts of the Apostles onwards and in particular and specifically by Paul, who although not being the subject or fulfilment of what Yahshuah instructed, has become and can be rightly attributed, credited and justifiable called the Rock upon which the Church is built.
However the word Temple is used in the KJV of The Holy Bible, thousands of time both in the New & Old Testaments, in addition to this Yahshuah uses the term and word Temple on numerous occasion, as its physical existence was a central theme throughout His Gospel and Ministry. More importantly and significantly the word Temple was used by Yahshuah himself, as a metaphor for his own Body, which coincides and is the basis upon which this website is built.
In Summary
Therefore to summarise and conclude, as well as to make a clear and necessary distinction, between a Temple and Church, both in their construction and their purposes, we think this can be explained quite easily. The Church is to house for a congregation with a focus on the collective followers that was ultimately propagated, publicised and constructed in and through the mind of Paul of Tarsus, through the Holy Spirit. Completely different from the Temple specifically said by Yahshuah himself, to House the Divine essence of humans, with a focus on individual self that was propagated, published and constructed by the creator of Human beings Mind, Body & Soul, namely Yahshuah.
This idea and concept was also further explained, clarified and confirmed for us, by the Elect of God, His Imperial Majesty Haile Selassie Ist, who is also one of the corner stones of this website, Marcus Garvey being the other and Yahshuah Himself the Head Corner Stone. This confirmation comes with his authority and in the context of statements by the Emperor of Ethiopia himself, who us told that;
“The Church is not merely a building. The Church is the faithful fulfilment of the Christian life and its requirements. Thus, as the name applies to the buildings so is our heart The Church in which God dwells.
After our blameless Creator was sent to this world by His Father, then the hearts of all believers become The Temple of God.”
and also that;
“The Temple of the Most High begins with the Human Body, which houses our life, essence of our existence.”
(Words of HIM Emperor Haile Sellassie Ist of Ethiopia)
The Difference
From the above statements it is clear to see that a temple is very different from a church and more specifically that it is a Temple that we must be devoted to, be seeking to contribute to and visit regularly, in order to associate with the expected attendee’s. With the intention of developing oneself spiritually and righteously.
Opposed to a Church that people are externally devoted to, pay financially too, for the privilege, visit religiously, in order to socialise with the expected weekly church goers, helping to sustain and develop the congregation, but more specifically to help the Church and its directors, financial upkeep of the building and its staff. This Church however does help the individual in some useful ways, as it does fill a void in humans need to be filled by worship a deity, it gives them a network of likeminded people and it does help them if they maintain regular attendance and payment of the required Tithes, to move up, both in the Church, socially and sometimes even politically.
This concludes The Yahshuah Temple analysis of the difference between a Temple and and Church.
The Temple: Within?
Learn about the Temple of God's Salvation that dwells within YOU.
Recognising, Realising & Reclaiming The Holy Temple
The Temple within is an actual and literal aspect of the human being where the Divine Dwells and works from through the individual to accomplish the Divine will. This has nothing to with esoteric or gnostic philosophy, but is clearly illustrated in the Holy Bible and most other religious scriptures, both past and present. Also it should be noted that often, particular in the case of Ancient African Spirituality this Temple in Man, has been physically manifested, through man’s works and knowledge to build earthly, stone, physical Temple in the likeness and to replicate this internal Temple, the Temple of Karnak being such an example. Therefore it is full understood in spiritual and religious terms that a actual part of a human’s being exist, which is symbolic of an internal Temple, from where the individual can personally and directly commune with the Divine.
This Temple within is therefore not to be conceived as, or considered to be a theory or theology, but a fact indisputable and a real phenomenon , although unable to be proven or substantiated by modern science. For practical purposes this Temple could be likened to the Human Soul, a particular unseen attested spiritual essence of a Human being that is inseparable until death from the physical body, but is encased by it, whilst the body is living and breathing. There are a multitude of other illustrations that could be used, directly from the Gospel of Yahshuah directly, from other passages in the Holy Bible and from other world scriptures, both past and present to, further substantiate the existence of the Temple and what it could possibly represent.
Nevertheless in the context of this website and specifically in reference to peoples Individual Living Temple’s, the Temple within refers explicitly and in the context that it has been revealed to Us, directly from the Gospel of Yahshuah, to be a literal Temple, where He Dwells in Us. He meaning the Godhead through the Holy Spirit and from where Our Light either shines from, as a light into the world, or it is engulfed in utter darkness, which prevents any light from leaving the Temple. Making it very difficult for the True Light of the World, namely Yahshuah Immanuel Karast Mesu, through his Gospel to penetrate into the Temple.
On this basis and this basis alone
we proclaim the True existence of the Temple within.
The Temple: Christ Revealed
Learn exactly how The Christ, namely Yahshuah is revealed through this website
Christ Revealed through the African Experience
Though The Yahshuah Temple Website, YOU are able to explore the specific and unique experience and journey of African people to The Christ and to the religion of Christianity. Ironically and unbeknown to most, this journey actually begins at least 4000 years before his actual birth and His Coming Forth, as The Living Word Incarnate in the Flesh of Yahshuah Karast (Jesus Christ).
This journey then continues until His Incarnation at the very start of His Mission on Earth, when as a child, he and the Holy Family, were taken to Africa for their own safety and protection. This journey and experience of African people continues during and throughout His Ministry on Earth, at His crucifixion, immediately after his Ascent and then throughout the development of His first & early Church in Jerusalem, Antioch, Alexandria & even Rome.
From here this unique journey and experience continues throughout the many centuries that followed, bringing us to our present day, in the 21st Century and to The Yahshuah Temple website in particular. A Divinely Inspired website directly designed & created, to help raise people’s awareness to this most ancient, authentic, unique and historically substantiated African journey & experience, to The Christ. In order to both Endorse and Proclaim The Christ, as He Has been Revealed Specifically & Unique To & Through African People.
The Temple: Christ Explored
Learn how we research, study and explore the Christ within this website.
Exploring Christ in the Yahshuah Temple
The aim of The Yahshuah Temple website is to highlight and the help our visitors, explore the heritage of Christ and Christianity, in Africa and within the experience of the African people in the Diaspora.
Today, many people are unaware of the unique heritage of Christianity in Africa, from its inception, or even the role Yahshuah Karast (Jesus Christ) has played throughout the history of African people, particularly and specifically in their struggle, for freedom, justice and rights, over the last 500 years.
Therefore The Yahshuah Temple Website, although very similar to other Christian websites online, as we use the same Holy Bible, adhere to many of the same principles, enclosed therein and sight many of the exact same scriptures and verses to confirm The existence and divinity of The Christ .
The Temple of Yahshuah Website is however completely different and unique, in every way. In that our root and foundations, are based solely and specifically upon an African-centred perspective. Therefore exploring and analysing exactly who The Christ is and how He has impacted directly and/or in-directly upon African people’s; traditions, heritage and culture.
This is done primarily and specifically to show exactly how the knowledge and religion of The Christ, has been interpreted & expressed, through a unique Faith & Spirituality of African People. This is hope to shed a new light on the subject and person of The Christ, as well as to raise awareness to African’s peoples specific contributions to the heritage and tradition of Christianity and their particular role in Spreading the Gospel.