Learn More About The Temple of Yahshuah
This Temple Website is an on-line portal dedicated to proclaiming The Christ (Karast) Jesus (Yahshuah), his Go-spell & The Good News in the 21st Century. To help people develop, the Temple of God's Salvation within themselves.
Why the Temple of Yahshuah was created?
This website has therefore been created primarily as a portal to help any individual develop a practical strategy and a conducive mind-set, to build and maintain their own personal and literal functioning Temple. This will be aided by an awareness and understanding of The Christ (Karast), as he has been revealed uniquely, in the history, cosmology and through the lives of People Racially of African Descent (P.R.O.A.D), over the centuries, as a vehicle to achieve this.
What are the Temple of Yahshuah Objectives?
The website has three primary objectives that include;
1. Proclaiming the Gospel of Yahshuah
2. Highlighting the relevance of African people both in the Bible and within the Christian tradition.
3. To provide a vehicle for people to research and study the Gospel and the Life of Yahshuah Karast, as a method of setting up there own Divine Temple Yahshuah within themselves.
The Temple of Yahshuah (Yeshua / Jesus) has been developed, created and is here provided, as an offering by the website designer, through the Guidance of the Holy Spirit, to achieve these three main Temple website specific objectives.
This Website is an Offering!
The culmination of many years of personal intensive research and study, into History, Religion, Spirituality, The Bible, The Christ & God, uniquely, from a totally African Centred point of view and frame of reference, undertaken by the website designer, Brada Imani Yahshuah.
This strategy undertaken, has proven to be very useful throughout this journey and quest for knowledge, understanding and truth. As it has allowed Brada Imani to keep an African focus and perspective, which has enabled him to see and interpret all things, quite differently and uniquely. Specifically through the "Spectacles of Ethiopia", as it was subscribed and advised by Marcus Garvey. This foundation gave him the ability, to analyse and assess, the specific relevance to all the things studied, to his own cultural and historical experience.
Seeing Through Ethiopian Spectacles!
The benefits of this approach; "Looking through the Spectacles of Ethiopia" can not be underestimated or overstated, as will be seen as you navigate through this website. The benefits this can offer to the investigator, whether they be an Ethiopian (Black skinned person) or not is remarkable.
The key, to why this approach has proven to be so instrumental and has ultimately produced the fruits, here featured in this website, is the fact that this Ethiopian African focus, enabled Imani to return and get to the root knowledge of all of the subject areas he studied. Whether he was studying about world religions, the sciences, the concept of God the Christ & Christianity specifically, or any other social concept for that matter, he soon found that they all had their roots, ultimately in the culture and traditions of the Nile Valley, historically speaking, as was also attested by all the ancient peoples themselves.
This meant by "Going back to the Root", Ethiopia, Africa & The Nile Valley in particular, allowed Imani to start from the original African & Ethiopian source, view-point or perspective, then to analyse how these original African ideas and concepts, developed amongst both Africans & non-African people, over the millennia, in and outside of Africa.
A culmination of years of study!
The Temple of Yahshuah website content, is therefore the culmination of this personal study and spiritually guided research over the years, specifically into all things biblical, cultural and spiritual, Through Ethiopian Spectacles, meaning from an African perspective.
Our Temple content, is therefore an Offering of the website designer, from his Own Unique Temple, representing the Light that is now shining out into the outside world and being placed upon a lamp stand. This is done primarily to help others utilise this same strategy, access easily important information and provide them with the specific keys to unlock the chains of mental slavery that continues to trap them in a religion or ideology provided by people who have clearly misunderstood the Good News.
Who the Temple of Yahshuah is for?
Although this website comes specifically from the viewpoint of the African Experience through and in Christ, this does not mean that this website is created for African Black People only. No but to the contrary, this website is created for all nations, families & tongues, Jews & Gentiles, for all the professed followers of Yahshuah Karast (Jesus Christ), as well as the SEEKERS, those who have not yet come to hear the Good News and The True & Living Gospel.
Therefore, this website has been created for any person, regardless of their; race, colour, gender, social status, religious persuasion or Christian denomination, sect or congregation, anyone who has an genuine interest in The Christ. This means any person, without exception, who has a sincere interest & desire, to learn about how Yahshuah Karast Mesu (Jesus Christ the Messiah), has been revealed & manifested Himself specifically & uniquely in and through the lives of P.R.O.A.D, over more than 2 millennia.