Recognising, Realising & Reclaiming The Holy Temple
The Temple within is an actual and literal aspect of the human being where the Divine Dwells and works from through the individual to accomplish the Divine will. This has nothing to with esoteric or gnostic philosophy, but is clearly illustrated in the Holy Bible and most other religious scriptures, both past and present. Also it should be noted that often, particular in the case of Ancient African Spirituality this Temple in Man, has been physically manifested, through man’s works and knowledge to build earthly, stone, physical Temple in the likeness and to replicate this internal Temple, the Temple of Karnak being such an example. Therefore it is full understood in spiritual and religious terms that a actual part of a human’s being exist, which is symbolic of an internal Temple, from where the individual can personally and directly commune with the Divine.
This Temple within is therefore not to be conceived as, or considered to be a theory or theology, but a fact undisputable and a real phenomenon , although unable to be proven or substantiated by modern science. For practical purposes this Temple could be likened to the Human Soul, a particular unseen attested spiritual essence of a Human being that is inseparable until death from the physical body, but is encased by it, whilst the body is living and breathing. There are a multitude of other illustrations that could be used, directly from the Gospel of Yahshuah directly, from other passages in the Holy Bible and from other world scriptures, both past and present to, further substantiate the existence of the Temple and what it could possibly represent.
Nevertheless in the context of this website and specifically in reference to peoples Individual Living Temple’s, the Temple within refers explicitly and in the context that it has been revealed to Us, directly from the Gospel of Yahshuah, to be a literal Temple, where He Dwells in Us, He meaning the Godhead through the Holy Spirit and from where Our Light either shines from it as a light in the world, or it is engulf in utter darkness, which prevents any light from leaving the Temple and makes it very difficult for the True Light of the World, namely Yahshuah through his Gospel to penetrate into the Temple.