This terminology, concept and perspective has been developed and created, specifically in-line with and as a response to, the advice and instructions given by Yahshuah Himself (The Sign), The Emperor Haile Selassie Ist (King and Ensign) and the Right Honourable and Excellent Marcus Moziah Garvey (The Prophet). The 2 Corner Stones and Head Corner Stone of the Temple of Yahshuah Website.
These instructions come in the form of three statements or view points,
held and taught by, each of these three individuals.
These are;
1. Yahshuah:- And before him shall be gathered all nations: and he shall separate them one from another, as a shepherd divideth his sheep from the goats: Mat 25:32
2. Haile Sellassie Ist:-Africans are in bondage today because they approach spirituality through Religion provided by foreign invaders and conquerors.
3. Marcus Garvey:-We must formulate a doctrine of our own (African people) without any apology to man.
It is on the basis of these 3 statements above and these view points that the Science, Terminology and Concept of Karastology has been initiated and founded.
1. Firstly:- To develop the fruits of Christianity, representing the talents given African people as a nation, by Yahshuah that will be required independently as a people and nation when he returns;
2. Secondly:- To free ourselves from mental and spiritual bondage of outside forces, and
3. Thirdly:- To formulate a doctrine that is not only purely African, but historically and scientifically indisputable.
Through this page you can find out more about the Science of Karastology, some of its benefits, the need, the topics and subjects that can be studied through it, in addition to other useful information about the Science of Karastology.
Learn More About The Science of Karastology
What is The Science of Karastology?
The Science Karastology, what it actually stands for and represents.
The Science of Karastology is literally the study or science of;
The Nature, The Person & The Purpose of The Christ (Godhead).
Specifically and uniquely as he has revealed himself, and is manifest, within the history, culture, spirituality and cosmology of African people, as seen; Through Ethiopian Spectacles!
The word Karastology literally translates to mean; the KARAST, which makes specific reference to the Ancient Egyptian word to Anoint and to be Anointed, specifically in regards to the process of embalming, “to Krst”, a symbol too, of the resurrection.
The term Karast i.e Krst, is also the root and origin of the Greek word Kristos, (Christ).
The word Karast is accompanied with the term OLOGY, meaning either to study; or the science of any subject; and here represents; the Logos, Logics & the Logistics engaged, as a practical tool & science to help tune up the Mind, Body and the Soul, to interact and commune directly with the Divine Source.
Karastology Objective & Faith:- Explained
The Fundamental Divine Purpose of the science of Karastology?
Based upon this word, its terminology & context, its historical meaning & application, in addition to its direct reference to the actual study & science of; the Karast (Christ) namely Yahshuah.
Those who therefore engage and embark upon this journey of new exploration and discovery into the Person, Religion, Spirituality & Reality of the Karast, from this new perspective, through Karastology
and only;
After finding the TRUTH that YAHSHUAH is TRULY the ONE & ONLY; TRUE KARAST (Christ); REVEALED to them specifically and individually, ONLY through the MERCY & GRACE of YAH (God/Neter) and through the direct guidance of HIS HOLY SPIRIT, in and through a PURE & CLEAN HEART (Human Temple), so that they SUBMIT, COMMIT and DEVOTE, their LIVES, to FOLLOWING, WHOLEHEARTEDLY, the KARAST, The GOOD SHEPHERD, Yahshuah Immanel Karast Mesu, wherever he leads them, who would, could and will automatically, like the website designer, refer to themselves, NO MORE as Christians:
but as;
Followers of the Karast
The Science of Karastology:- The Need?
Outlining the need for the Science of Karastology in the 21st century.
It is of paramount importance and a real need exists for people to have and take a totally new look to review our understanding of the study of Christ and Christianity, here in the 21st century. Today most people still hold onto and maintain, idea’s and concept’s of the Bible, God and the Christ, long since abandoned by logical thinking people;
Such as;
1. Yahshuah was white skinned,
2. Adam or Eve where white or anyone else in the old testament, for that matter, or
3. The Jews, in ancient days or today are only white.
4. The world and universe was created in only six literal days.
5. Human beings were created only 7000 years ago, or
6. African people had to wait for foreign invaders to learn and be taught about the One God.
7. Christianity is solely a creation of Europeans.
Although none of the above ideas’s are credible, in modern times, it seems as if old habits are very hard die or change, or sure recognition that the power of indoctrination supersedes all logic and reason. The science of Karastology aims to both challenge these outdated assumptions, as well as also present the facts and evidence, to prove otherwise.
The Science of Karastology aims to address this particular need, by providing a platform and vehicle, to present the evidence, raise awareness and enlighten people to facts, as well as the significance & relevance of the realisation of the words Karast, Karastology & Karastian, at this time, not only for African people, but humanity generally.
The Purpose of Karastoloy:- Why?
What is the aim, objective and purpose of Karastology?
Both the terms Karastology and Karastian have been specifically developed and realised for use in the Temple of Yahshuah website. as vehicles and tools, to help liberate people’s MIND-Set, from the often totally dominated, western Europeanise interpretations, perceptions and practices, relating to the Christ, Christian’s & Christianity.
These words are therefore used to encourage and help our visitors to; Research and study the doctrine about The Christ; His Words & the Biblical evidence about His life, as well as the Christian tradition, its origins, development and heritage, specifically from a new, revealing and enlightening perspective, namely; African-centred, based upon both the historical and modern sources of information and material available to us, in the 21st century.
The Need to Re-evaluate Christ:- In the 21st Century.
Why there is a need to totally reassess our understanding of Christ in the modern age?
It is very important that people and Christian’s in particular, of all nationalities, in the 21st century, re-evaluate and reassess, there knowledge and understanding of the individual today, commonly known as Jesus Christ.
This would include both the knowledge about the Christ His person and the whole idea, concept and doctrine about his purpose. This is imperative for any self-respecting, seeker of truth or any existing believers in the Christ, in accordance with the periphery of information, material and evidence, available and accessibly to us today, on an level unprecedented in the history of the faith.
The state of Western Christianity:- Current Status.
What is the status and state of The Christ & Christianity in Western Europe?
Whilst most Christians particular in Western Europe are trying to hold on, for dear life to a heritage of Christ that has been passed down to them, through the centuries. The more established traditional Churches, seem to be losing if not already lost the imagination of the masses, as the growth of the Christian Church, seems to be firstly outside of Europe, in places such as Africa & Asia and secondly; outside of the mainstream orthodox traditions, i.e Roman Catholic & Anglican.
This growth and expansion also seems to be primarily within the protestant traditions, many of whom have deviated and drifted far from the Apostolic traditions and interpretations, once believed infallible. Therefore today we have thousands of different Christian sects, with different idea’s of Christ, all claiming to Have & Know the TRUE knowledge.
Christianity & Christ:- The 21st Century phenomena:
How is the Gospel being preached in the four corners of the earth?
Nevertheless, whilst there may be expansion of Christian thought in our modern 21st century technological world, particularity amongst, evangelicals, born again and other new age, Christian based religions. The problem is and what we think to be a 21st Century Christian unquestionable phenomena, is that all and everything single belief system, philosophy and perception that is being conceived by a Christian today, is limited and to a degree, deceptive.
Deceptive in the sense that unbeknown to most, possibly 99.999999 of Christians today, including Eastern and Orientals, do not realise or they do, but fully appreciate or even understand, just how they have been confined and contained, physically, mentally and to a degree spiritually, specifically to a Greek point of view, through the use and focussing upon Greek Kristos or its current modern English, translation and interpretation of the word Christ, primarily, specifically and fundamentally, opposed to the Hebrew, Messiah or Egyptian Karast from where Kristos, originates.
This has been as a result of having being reading the Scriptures, or translations from the so called Greek originals, the Greek New Testament, where the Greeks, deliberately and openly in the Bible, not only changed the word Messiah, through translation from Hebrew to Greek, as they had all or most other words in the Bible, but directly reinterpreted it to mean Christ, in line therefore with Greek, theology, philosophy and there spirituality, if their is such a thing attested.
The importance of Karastology:- The 21st Century and beyond.
What is the significance of having a none European, Christian perspective in the modern age?
The possible influence of Karastology in the 21st century and beyond can not be overstated and should not be underestimated. Its importance not only as the primary basis upon which the foundation of this website is built. But what it potentially provides the investigator, through its associated and corresponding terms, i.e. Karast, Karastian, pluralised as KarastInity, Karastological, Karastologically etc, and its obvious direct relation to the Logos.
This new Karastological paradigm, may not only offer us the ability to both challenge as well as, detach ourselves from this narrow, confined, primarily Greek cultural view point; that has unfortunately dominated the Christian faith, doctrine and tradition throughout its in entire History, in fact immediately after Yahshuah Karast ascended. But may also represent a and the actual fulfilment of Yahshuah’ warning and prophesy, to faithful at that time, specifically the Jews, and for future generations of the faithful, in particular those living in the latter part of the age;
when he tell us that;
“And they shall fall by the edge of the sword,
and shall be led away captive into all nations:
and Jerusalem shall be trodden down of the Gentiles,
until the times of the Gentiles be fulfilled”.
We now believe this time has come, the “End of the Gentile times”, when there allotted time has been fulfilled and is finally over by the Mercy of Yah. When they gentiles, meaning the Greeks, Romans & eventually Western Europeans, would no longer have, not only sanctioned domination over the people and land of Jerusalem, but more importantly and significantly, although seldom understood, over the True & Living, Faith, Gospel and therefore Church of Yahshuah, as He Had Revealed it, in its original Hebrew, Jewish, eastern context.