The Science of Spirituality
Karastology; Helping people to create the MIND-Set, to enable them to find a more practical method, approach and way, to study and understand The Christ (Karast), within the 21st century.
The Science of Karastology is literally the study or science of; The Nature, The Person & The Purpose of The Christ (Godhead), specifically and uniquely as he has revealed himself, and is manifest, within the history, culture, spirituality and cosmology of African people, as seen;
Through Ethiopian Spectacles!
What does the word Karastology, actually mean?
The word Karastology literally translates to mean; the KARAST, which makes specific reference to the Ancient Egyptian word to Anoint and to be Anointed, specifically in regards to the process of embalming, "to Krst", a symbol too, of the resurrection.
The term Karast i.e Krst, is also the root and origin of the Greek word Kristos, (Christ).
The word Karast is accompanied with the term OLOGY, meaning either to study; or the science of any subject; and here represents; the Logos, Logics & the Logistics engaged, as a practical tool & science to help tune up the Mind, Body and the Soul, to interact and commune directly with the Divine Source.
This Science, also incorporates within it, Our Temple Christology & Theology. However this Christology, is unlike any other Christian theology, as it is not purely theological, but is also a practical science, with both physical and spiritual benefits and values. Helping people to view the Bible, God, Christ & the Holy Spirit, in a more practical and scientific way, in accordance with our duty and responsibility, as Ethiopian Christians, and in light of available evidence and empirical truths.
This duty and responsibility is based upon the instruction of Marcus Garvey to;
"Make your interpretation of Christianity scientific—what it ought to be".
The Science of Karastology, is the embodiment of this instruction, as well as, the fulfilment and outcome of this crucial guidance given.
The Purpose of the Science of Karastology
The object of the Science of Karastology is therefore, to provide the mind-set, a platform and a vehicle, for people to re-evaluate all aspects of spirituality, particularly in regards to Human beings, Creation, the Bible, God, Christ and Christianity, from a totally African perspective and scientific point of view.
The Need for the Science of Karastology
Although this may seem strange to most, in a time and age when science is totally in opposition to religion, God and spirituality. Nevertheless for us, this is imperative, as it is totally in-line with the instruction given, as seen above, indicating a reaffirmation, of an intended phenomena, some how misunderstood and lost. But Garvey goes even further and tells us that;
"For in religion and science lies our only hope to withstand the evil designs of modern materialism".
Words of Marcus Garvey
The Benefits of this Science
From this advice and guidance from Marcus Moziah Garvey, the Temple of Yahshuah website designer, Brada Imani over the years, has focused and endeavoured to do just that, "Make his Christianity Scientific" & find solutions to his circumstances, through a combination of engaging both Religion and Science, simultaneously, in his defence.
The Re-Birth of the Science of Spirituality
This approach of combining both science and religion into ones thinking simultaneously, eventually gave rise to the Science of Karastology, and to a view of spirituality and of science that is not only in-line with Garvey's teachings, but what Imani found to also correspond exactly and directly with, the original view-point and the context, in which spirituality was first conceived by our ancient African - Nile Valley ancestors, which was as a scientific, unseen physical phenomena.
This was a time when both these concepts Science & Religion were not only compatible but complimentary, interchangeable and to a degree inseparable, as apposed to being in conflict, as we see them today in our modern age, in the hands and minds of non-Africans.
Confirmed by The Two Temple Witnesses
This view-point is further substantiated and confirmed within this Temple, as it is also advised and instructed by our second Temple Witness, Emperor Haile Selassie I, who tells us that;
"Learning and technical training must be nurtured by faith in God, reverence for the human soul, and respect for the reasoning mind.
There is no safer anchorage for our learning, our lives and our actions than that provided by divine teachings coupled with the best in human understanding.
The leaders developed here should be guided by the fundamental values and the moral power which have for centuries constituted the essence of our religious teachings".
Words of Haile Selassie I
So it is upon the testimonies and instruction of our Two Temple Witnesses, Pillars, Cornerstones & Guards, Marcus Garvey & Haile Selassie I, that the Science of Karastology has been established, as well as founded upon their ministries.
It is also written in your law, that the testimony of two men is true.
Words of Yahshuah found at John 8:17
Engaging The Science of Karastology
Therefore from this new spiritual scientific approach through the Science of Karastology, as advised by our two Temple Witnesses, we are now able to reanalyse each and every important aspects of our faith, to ascertain whether it is "Blind Faith", meaning built upon unsubstantiated beliefs, Mat_15:14 or "Faith Realised", evidenced in reality, physically and materially. Mat 7:24-25