Garvey Quote: Christ as the Living Example

Christ as the Living Example

“Christ as a Living Example to Man, the man who took on flesh, physical as ours, moved among us even as we go about our daily business and occupation today.

They could not believe that He was the Son of God. but in Him there was that which no man knew, which no man had; in Him was a spotless soul, was a spotless character never yet known to the world beyond the Christ in all God’s creation.

There never came into the world a character like Jesus (Yahshuah), pure, spotless, immaculate, divine like unto God, as God would have each of us to be.

When God created man and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, when God gave to man a living soul, God expected that man would live the spiritual life of the Christ, and when man sinned, when man fell from grace. God became disgusted, God became dissatisfied.

If we could see the sufferings of Christ, if we could see the patience of Christ, if we could see the very crucifixion of Christ, then we would see the creature, the being spiritual that God would have us be; and knowing ourselves as we do, we could well realize how far we are from God”.