Yahshuah Temple Prayers

The Yahshuah Temple Website Prayers

The Temple of Yahshuah, Triple-Fold Prayer

Here are a 3 Temple prayers, selected specifically for visitors, to help them build and shape their own Temples.

Prayer can be very useful and important when trying to build up your temple and to communicate directly with The Divine. However, how you pray, what you pray for and most importantly how sincere your prayer is, determines, not only the Power of the Prayer, but possibly also whether it is answered.

Therefore knowing how to pray and what to prayer for is of the utmost importance, however more important than this, is the state and condition of the Heart, Mind, Body & Soul, ie. The Temple of the individual making that prayer that ultimately decides and determines the prayers outcome, before it is even started.

To this end The Yahshuah Temple Website offer, provide and recommend these 3 prayers below, to not only help our Visitors pray in the right way and for the right things, but also to help them shape, mould and establish their own unique Temple, so it is acceptable and therefore conducive to all and everything asked for, without exception and without measure.

 Holy Temple Prayer


The Lord's Prayer;

A Temple Altar Prayer

mirrorMy Altar Prayer

A Cleansing Prayer

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To Create,
A Clean Heart

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