
The Science of Karastology is a Brand New, Unique,
21st Century Concept, Perspective & Terminology,
coined by and exclusive to;

The Temple of Yahshuah Website.

This terminology, concept and perspective has been developed and created, specifically in-line with and as a response to, the advice and instructions given by Yahshuah Himself (The Sign), The Emperor Haile Selassie Ist (King and Ensign) and the Right Honourable and Excellent Marcus Moziah Garvey (The Prophet).  The 2 Corner Stones and Head Corner Stone of the Temple of Yahshuah Website.  

These instructions come in the form of three statements or view points,
held and taught by, each of these three individuals.

These are;

1. Yahshuah:- And before him shall be gathered all nations: and he shall separate them one from another, as a shepherd divideth his sheep from the goats: Mat 25:32   
2. Haile Sellassie Ist:-Africans are in bondage today because they approach spirituality through Religion provided by foreign invaders and conquerors.
3. Marcus Garvey:-We must formulate a doctrine of our own (African people) without any apology to man.

It is on the basis of these 3 statements above and these view points that the Science, Terminology and Concept of Karastology has been initiated and founded.  

1. Firstly:- To develop the fruits of Christianity, representing the talents given African people as a nation, by Yahshuah that will be required independently as a people and nation when he returns;
2. Secondly:- To free ourselves from mental and spiritual bondage of outside forces, and
3. Thirdly:- To formulate a doctrine that is not only purely African, but historically and scientifically indisputable.

Through this page you can find out more about the Science of Karastology, some of its benefits, the need, the topics and subjects that can be studied through it, in addition to other useful information about the Science of Karastology.

10 Subject Area's to Study Through Karastology

Here are some of the topics and subject areas that is studied through the vehicle of Karastology, meaning "With Ethiopian Spectacles" to help individuals get a better understanding of the Karast, Yah, the Bible, History, Christianity, Religion and its influence upon our modern times and lives.  

These area's of study are divided in to 10 separate categories that include;

ankh-RBGCategories of Study:

1.   Ethnicity (Past & Present)
2.   Spirituality
3.   The Holy Bible
4.   Bible Prophecy's
5.   Yahshuah's Direct Prophecy's
6.   Yahshuah Actual Words
7.   History & Heritage
8.   Modern Science & Technology
9.   Culture & Tradition
10. African Christian Tradition

Through these 10 categories, visitors and seekers are encouraged to research and study all the available information, presented throughout this website and elsewhere, to obtain the actual facts, as they stand today in the 21st century.  

So as not to be misled and misguided by past facts that were not only incorrect and inaccurate, but motivated specifically and purely by racism, on the part of the investigators.  Namely; Europeans scholars, both secular and religious, who were being funded at the time, by the direct proceeds & profits, of the Trans Atlantic Slave Trade, with the intention of maintaining their supremacy, over African people and the world, for as long as possible.