The Holy Bible – Karastology Personalities Studied
Highlighting some of the important and significant personalities of African descent in the Bible.
Outside of the main focus of Karastology which is the Personality of Yahshuah Immanuel Karast Mesu, the Temple of Yahshuah also examines other personalities within The Holy Bible that are important, relevant and of interest to the study & science of Karastology. Like every other aspect in regards to the, Yahshuah, God, the Bible, spirituality and religion generally, when observed through the Science of Karastology and with Ethiopian Spectacles, we find that these very same Bible characters have a different relevance and are key marks in mapping the story of the human race.
Below we provide a list of some if these bible characters of particular interest to the Science of Kasrastology, specifically due there connection and relation to the children of Ham.
In addition to these direct African Hamites, we have also included the Partiarch’s,
who symbolise and represent the Ham-Shem union, known scientifically today as Afroasian.
Bible Characters
All individuals from Adam & Eve up to Enoch
Enoch to Noah
Shem & Japheth (Table of Nations)
Ham’s (Table of Nations)
Abrah to Abra-ham
Hagar (Abraham concubine)
Ishmail (Abraham & Hagar’s son & tribes)
Keturah (Abraham concubine) and tribes
Pharaoh in Abraham’s time
All the Kings of Canaan
King Melchizedek
Jacob (Black skinned)
Esau (Red skinned division of ethnicity, Asian)
Twelve Sons of Jacob (Israel)
Pharaoh in Joseph’s time
Joseph (Zaphnathpaaneah)
Asenath (Joseph’s wife)
Potipherah (Asenath’s father and Priest of On)
Manasseh (Joseph & Asenath’s son, Tribe of Israel)
Ephraim (Joseph & Asenath’s son, Tribe of Israel)
Pharaoh in Moses time
Jethro (Moses father in-law & Priest)
Zipporah (Moses wife)
Gershom (Moses & Zipporah’s Son)
Eliezer (Moses & Zipporah’s Son)
Adonizedek (King of Salem)
King Terah
The Queen of Sheba
King Tirhaka
St Mark
Simon Cyrene
Lucian Cyrene
Simeon Niger
Ethiopian Eunuch
Above is a list of some the specific bible characters researched through the science of Karastology, articles, blogs and post feature throughout this website that highlight and detail the lives experiences of these individuals and other characters not listed here, as they relate to the Bible narrative, what we know of historically and there particular relevance to our modern societies and nations.