The Holy Bible through "Ethiopian Spectacles"
Here you can learn about the Holy Bible, how it is perceived, studied & valued within the Temple of Yahshuah and specifically through the Science of Karastology, the theological view point and foundation upon which the website is built.
It is important that visitors to this website fully understand and appreciate the true relevance and significance of the Holy Bible not only to this website or African people, but to the world and humanity in general.
Haile Selassie I tells us that;
"Today man sees all his hopes and aspirations crumbling before him.
He is perplexed and knows not whither he is drifting.
But he must realise that the Bible is his refuge,
and the rallying point for all humanity.
Although the Holy Bible is already revered by billions of people in our modern age and has been revered by countless billions of people in the past. Nevertheless we believe that through the vehicle and Science of Karastology, the Holy Bible assumes a quite different, peculiar and possibly unique reverence for African people specifically, possibly never before understood or experienced to its fullness, in the history of the Books, influence in the lives of African people. This is mainly due to the fact that much of what is written within the scrolls, could not have been truly understood until, our direct historical experience over the past 2000 years and more specifically over the past 500 years. Through this awareness, it is hoped that not only African people, but all humanity generally, will get to understand and appreciate the uniqueness and the specific importance of the Bible and its great message, in helping us, not only to understand our modern times, but how we can move forward collectively in unison with its divine guidance.
Haile Selassie I continues;
In it (The Bible) man will find the solution of his present difficulties
and guidance for his future action, and unless he accepts with clear conscience the Bible and its great Message, he cannot hope for salvation."
For my part I glory in the Bible."
(The Words of His Imperial Majesty)
Below you can learn more about why the Holy the Bible is so important in Karastology, as well as some of the benefits of studying the Holy Bible, through the Science of Karastology.
The Holy Bible & the Science of Karastology
The Bible the Most Holy & Sacred Text - Why?
Learn why we consider the Bible to be the most sacred of all text in our modern times.
The Bible is considered the Most Sacred & Significant Holy Book and Scriptures, in Karastology.
We believe that no other book or holy scripture is available to humanity, to truly fully understand and get to appreciate the history, heritage, tradition and culture of African people, not only in pre-historic, historic and ancient times, but more specifically over the past 3000 years to present.
Although not currently accepted or associated as such, the Bible like no other book on earth actually catalogues and documents the history of Africa and African people, albeit through allegories, folk tales and later foreign influences.
Therefore from this particular view point through Karastology, we do not observe, perceive or interpret the Holy Word, anyway similar to how it is and has been interpreted and presented in the past by none-Ethnic African’s, but strictly “Through the Spectacles of Ethiopia” in the context of African; culture, history and traditions. By doing so we are not confined to a literal interpretation of any of the stories and the narrative of the Bible, so do not seek or require archaeological proof to substantiate the existence of any individual or group mentioned within its pages.
We accept that all Patriarchs and other personalities in the Bible, particularly those from the Prehistoric era, were African Black skinned people. Whether they were living in Africa or in Israel, which at this time was part of Africa.
We also accept that their original names and some of there details have been changed, after their stories had been passed down for many generations.
Before being committed to writing, by an African Haribu (Hebrew), born, brought up and reared, in Africa by Africans, i.e Moses, who also spoke an African language and wrote all his books in an African Script, either Egyptian Hieroglyphics or Egyptian Sinaic (Sinai) virtually identical, which became the earliest Canaanite (Hamite/African) cuneiform Script.
It is based upon this premise and this fundamental basis that we adhere to, accept and study this Most Holiest of Books, The Bible, through the vehicle and science of Karastology.
The Holy Bible - Through Karastology
The importance and significance of studying the bible through Karastology
Studying the Holy Bible through the science of Karastology therefore offers the seeker many exclusive benefits and helps them to strengthen their own individual connection, relation and faith in the Holy Scriptures, as well as their faith in themselves and most importantly in the Supreme Creator, The One God of All Ages, The God of Jacob, The God of Isaac, God the Father, God the Son, & God the Holy Spirit, The One God of Ethiopia, when seen through the “Spectacles of Ethiopia”
Below is a list of some of these exclusive benefits of being able to study the Bible through Karastology. Through Karastology, we are able to;
1. Envision the life experiences of the Bible characters in the context of African culture.
2. Trace the history and narrative of specific African tribes in the Bible, their achievements and downfall.
3. Eradicate any mental picture of a white or other than African Black Deity.
4. Envision all the Patriarchs, the Egyptians, Ethiopians, Canaanite & Israelites, as direct Ancestors.
5. Perceive the Biblical narrative through the cosmology and spirituality of African people.
6. Take a particular focus on the prophesies pronounced upon individual African Tribes.
7. Evaluate the Biblical narrative and prophesies in line with African history and current circumstances.
8. Highlight noted individual people or groups mentioned in the Bible of specific African ancestry.
9. Reclaim the Holy Bible as a direct creation and product of African Culture & Spirituality.
10. Interpret the stories in the Bible, as Guidance and Examples for life, left by our own direct ancestors.
The study of the Bible through Karastology and its corresponding direct benefits, can open up a complete new way of looking and relating to the Bible, it Characters, its Purpose and Significance in our modern age. Helping to bring back to Life the Living Word of God, in the Hearts and Minds of the Living Children of God, who are Awakening to the True Light, in the 21st Century.
The Holy Bible - African Experience
Highlighting the unique experience of African people within the Holy Bible/
Through the Science of Karastology, we take a specific focus upon researching, highlighting and raising people’s awareness to the actual documented experience of Africa & specific African people as recorded in the holy scriptures. This focus is of the utmost importance and significance when we considered not only that black African people are amongst the earliest people mentioned in the Bible, but also have the longest and recorded heritage of any tribe or nation in the Bible include the Israelites themselves, although themselves a direct descendants of African people.
Although we maintain that at least 95% of the tribes mentioned in the Bible where African or of direct African descen, we believe it of paramount importance to, specificfy and specifically identify who these nations and people are,in order to demonstrate the unique experience of African people in the Bible, as well as the significance of understanding this relationship.
Below we highlight many of the nations, peoples and themes in the Holy Bible, directly relevant to highlight the African Biblical Experience. Articles, resources and information of these nations, peoples and themes are featured throughout the Temple of Yahshuah Website and is one the main purposes and foundations upon which the website is built.