Who is the One God of Africa?

Could there be such a thing as a One God of Africa?

The answer to this particular question is yes!

This term used throughout this website, pertaining to a One God of Africa, is a term to denote the One Supreme Universal Intelligence, otherwise known as God Almighty or the Creator. As he, him or even IT, has been revealed to African people and within African culture throughout the ages.

Identifying the One God of Africa?

However, it is not as simple as that, certainly not for most people, who cannot equate Africa, or African people, having only One God. Unless that African or part of Africa, adheres to one of the main monotheistic religions, such as Christianity, Judaism or Islam, or follow some other eastern religious system, introduced to them from outside that could give these Africans, an idea of One God.

Where we get the phrase, "The One God of Africa", from?

This term 'The One God of Africa', however, although an authentic phenomena, which can be proven in the historical record, for thousands and even ten of thousand's of years, amongst African people, for us however was first popularised and coined by the Right Honourable & Most Excellent Marcus Moziah Garvey, which he also called the One God of Ethiopia, only in the 1920's.

This One God, was central to Garvey's message, mission and ministry and was the focus of his One God, One Aim & One Destiny slogan.

The Foundations of "The One God of Africa"

However the most important, authentic and valuable proof, we have for this One God of Africa, idea, concept and principle, and its sacred place in the hearts of African people, over many thousands of years, can be found in our main Temple Creed, The Nile Valley Creed, which outlines in great detail, the essence, nature and unity of this One Supreme God of Africa, upon which the Temple of Yahshuah stands.