An Illustration of A Man representing Yahshuah, with A Light, which he symbolises, knocking on the door or heart of every human being.

A Summary of Yahshuah’s life

Yahshuah or Jesus, was an individual born in the flesh, just over 2000 years ago, in a town called Bethlehem, in modern day Palestine (Israel). Yahshuah was the son of a virgin named Mary (Mariyam). His adopted father was named Joseph (Yoseph), who was a Carpenter, both were Israelites, or Jews, as they are often called.

His mother Mariyam was conceived with the Holy Spirit of God, announced to her by the Angel Gabriel, hence why Yahshuah is considered to be the Son of God and for orthodox Christians, Mary is also thought of as the mother of God, since most Christians consider Yahshuah (Jesus), to not only be the Son, but also God incarnate.

Mary and her husband were given two names to call the child, the first Yahshuah, meaning God’s Salvation, and secondly Emmanuel, meaning God with us.

At his birth, he was visited by 3 wise men and/or 3 kings, who were not, Israelites, but foreigners and came from the East, following a star.  These visitors brought Yahshuah, Gold Frankincense and Myrrh, as gifts, to welcome him into the world, as the long awaited, King of all Kings.

Soon after these visitors left, Yahshuah, Mary & Joseph, had to flee from Judea, as Herod, the then Jewish King, sort Yahshuah’s life.  Yahshuah and his family, were sent to Egypt, in Africa, for his safety, where he was protected and lived for several years, until Herod died, and the family were able to return to their homeland.


The first we are introduced to the mission and wisdom of Yahshuah, is when he was about 13 years old. With his family on an outing to Jerusalem, the capital city, Yahshuah became separated from his family. After his mother and father searched for him, they eventually found him teaching in the main Jewish Temple, schooling the doctors, teachers, and scribes of the Bible, about its true content.

We are told, nothing more about his life, in the traditional canon books of the New Testament, until Yahshuah reaches the age of 30 years old.  It is at this age that Yahshuah began to teach, minister, and spread his message, of love, charity, tolerance, forgiveness, and repentance, throughout Judea. He recruited twelve men to help him in this preaching mission, who are known as, the twelve disciples.

These twelve disciples followed Yahshuah, throughout Judea, for his entire ministry which lasted for three years. Within these three short years, Yahshuah, performed many miracles, as well as preached and taught people about the Kingdom of God, or the Kingdom Heaven, with advice, guidance, and instruction of how they could enter it. For this preaching of love & charity, he was eventually crucified by the Roman's, on the request of his fellow Israelites, also called Jews.

Yahshuah, however miraculously rose and resurrected from the dead, after 3 days, by conquering death, and securing the key to hades, to become the Judge, over all the dead from then on.

Ensuring for his followers, forgiveness of Sins and the chance of their own resurrection from the dead and immortality, meaning eternal life, if they keep the faith and follow his direct instructions.

Yahshuah, remained amongst his disciples, his mother, and a close band of friends, Male & Female, for a short while after his resurrection from the dead, then he ascended to heaven, to sit at the right hand side of his Father God.

Yahshuah, promised that he would remain in heaven, with God, to watch over his faithful servants, until the end of the age, when he would return to save them.

The story of Yahshuah’s, birth, life, crucifixion, and resurrection, can be found in the first four evangelical scrolls written by, Matthew, Mark, Luke & John.  Also, within these four scrolls’, can be found the majority of Yahshuah’s words, namely the Go-spell, featured and highlighted in some Bible’s, in red ink.

Yahshuah’s, words also featured, in some other New Testament books, when speaking mostly to Paul.  However, Yahshuah words are also recorded, from the Throne Seat, after he had ascended to heaven, in the Book of Revelation, when he warns, his followers, what would happen, in the final part of the age, or days.