10 Subject Area's to Study Through Karastology
Here are some of the topics and subject areas that is studied through the vehicle of Karastology, meaning "With Ethiopian Spectacles" to help individuals get a better understanding of the Karast, Yah, the Bible, History, Christianity, Religion and its influence upon our modern times and lives.
These area's of study are divided in to 10 separate categories that include;
Categories of Study:
1. Ethnicity (Past & Present)
2. Spirituality
3. The Holy Bible
4. Bible Prophecy's
5. Yahshuah's Direct Prophecy's
6. Yahshuah Actual Words
7. History & Heritage
8. Modern Science & Technology
9. Culture & Tradition
10. African Christian Tradition
Through these 10 categories, visitors and seekers are encouraged to research and study all the available information, presented throughout this website and elsewhere, to obtain the actual facts, as they stand today in the 21st century.
So as not to be misled and misguided by past facts that were not only incorrect and inaccurate, but motivated specifically and purely by racism, on the part of the investigators. Namely; Europeans scholars, both secular and religious, who were being funded at the time, by the direct proceeds & profits, of the Trans Atlantic Slave Trade, with the intention of maintaining their supremacy, over African people and the world, for as long as possible.
Below we offer a brief insight into these 10 subject area's and categories
and the type of information available to study through Karastology.
1. Ethnicity:- Tribes, Nations & Kingdoms
The Basis upon which we study Ethnicity through Karastology
Amidst people now classified African, can be found direct descendants of at least the 95% of the tribes, nations and people mentioned in the Holy Bible. This would include;
1, Descendants of All 13 Tribes of Israel
2. Descendants of The Ancient Egyptians
3. Descendants of The Ancient Kushite Ethiopian’s
4. Descendants of The Ancient Midianite’s
5. Descendants of The Ancient Canaanite’s (Amorite’s, Girgashite’s, Jebusite’s, Phoenician’s etc.)
This is not to say that some Africans today do not also descend from many other tribes mentioned in the Bible and some not mentioned in the Bible too, these 5 however, sited above, are of specific relevance and importance to the study of Karastology, therefore we take a particular focus upon them.
Through the science of Karastology, we are able and expected to research, study and analyse, the relevance and significance these Ancient people and what is known about them, both historically and through our modern sciences, to determine their specific influence upon our modern circumstance, our beliefs, our understanding and ultimately our Faith.
2. Spirituality:- African Cosmology
How we view The Universe, The Godhead, Human beings & their relationships.
Through the vehicle of Karastology we research, study. approach and adopt a spirituality that is totally and specifically in-line with what we call Fundamental African Spirituality. This means the fundamental principles that underline the African view of God, the Universe & Mankind, also known as cosmology, however through Karastology termed Neterology, the science of the Neter (Nature’s underlining Energy & Power).
All research and study of what ever subject, doctrine or belief, is therefore filtered through this specifically defined, set of fundamental principles, as set forth below; It should be noted also that the entire Yahshuah Temple Website is built upon these Fundamental African Principles that define this Unique & Exclusive; The Worlds Most Ancient Spiritual system, envisioned by our Great Ancestors. This is but a sample of these principles but can act to outline the parameters.
African Fundamental Principles:
1. The Supreme God is One & Alone.
2. The Supreme God is beyond human comprehension.
3. The Supreme God exists in eternity and infinity, whilst the living in time and space.
4. The Supreme God is the Creator of all things.
5. All things manifest or hidden are emanations from the Supreme God.
6. There is Only One Spirit of the Supreme God, which dwells in all things.
7. Righteousness is Balance, whilst, Sin is imbalance.
8. The First thing that emanated from the Supreme God was God ie, Manifested.
9. All the Universe is the Writing or Book of God and his Church or Temple.
10. Man is a lesser but identical God.
11. The Character, nature and essence of the Supreme God can be perceived through his creation.
12. The Human Soul is Immortal.
13. The Human Soul must account for its own actions.
14. There is a Day of Judgement.
15. Death is not the end of Life for the Righteous.
16. The Cosmos exists, to guide, inform & enlighten man to his purpose and destiny.
17. All material of the the universe exists within and to make Man.
18. As the Universe is to Man, so to is the Universe to God, manifested.
19. Man can evoke the Spirit that dwells in Life, for good or bad means.
20. Each Human has a unique energy and genetic code linking them to there ancestors.
21. We are indebted to our Ancestors.
22. Good will eventually overcome all Evil.
23. Evil or the Devil is man’s creation, through his own disobediences.
24. All things in the Universe are related.
As mentioned this is only a sample of some of the principles that could be classified as forming elements of fundamental African spirituality, nevertheless they can serve to the lay a solid basis and foundation upon which to understand what is African spirituality and what is not. It should also be noted that all of the principles highlighted above can be evidenced both historically and scientifically for over 10,000 years to present, to have been perceived by Africans in Africa and the Diaspora.
3. The Holy Bible:- The Stories & Narratives
How we read, perceive and research the Holy Word through Karastology.
The Holy Bible is considered the Most Important, the Most Sacred & Significant Holy Scriptures, in Karastology. Studying the Holy Bible through the science of Karastology offers African people in particular, many exclusive benefits and helps them to strengthen their own individual connection, relation and faith in the Holy Scriptures, as well as their faith in themselves and most importantly in the Supreme Creator, “The One God of All Ages, The God of Jacob, The God of Isaac, God the Father, God the Son, & God the Holy Spirit, The One God of Ethiopia, when seen through the Spectacles of Ethiopia” Words of Mini-Star Marcus Moziah Garvey.
Below is a list of some of the benefits of Studying Bible prophesy, available to African and in most cases none-ethnic Africans too, through the Science Karastology. Through Karastology, we are able to;
1. Envision the life experiences of the Bible characters in the context of African tradition & culture.
2. Trace the history and narrative of specific African tribes in the Bible, their achievements and downfall.
3. Eradicate any mental picture of a white or other than African Black Deity.
4. Envision all the Patriarchs, the Egyptians, Ethiopians, Canaanite & Israelites, as direct Ancestors.
5. Perceive the Biblical narrative through the cosmology and spirituality of African people.
6. Take a particular focus on the prophesies pronounced upon individual African Tribes.
7. Evaluate the Biblical narrative and prophesies in line with African history and current circumstances.
8. Highlight noted individual people or groups mentioned in the Bible of specific African ancestry.
9. Reclaim the Holy Bible as a direct creation and product of African Culture & Spirituality.
10. Interpret the stories in the Bible, as Guidance and Examples for life, left by direct ancestors.
The study of the Bible through Karastology and its corresponding direct benefits, can open up a complete new way of looking and relating to the Bible, its Characters, its Purpose and Significance in our modern age. Helping to bring back to Life the Living Word of God, in the Hearts and Minds of the Living Children of God, who are Awakening to the True Light, in the 21st Century. To learn more visit or Bible pages.
4. Bible Prophecy:- What was foretold?
Studying & analysing Bible Prophecy through the vehicle of Karastology
The study of Bible Prophesy through Karastology also offers the investigator a unique insight and perspective, not only into the Holy Bible but also into the history of African people and the African Continent, respectively. Although this may seem strange to most, as at present the two would possibly seem incomparable and incompatible. However with closer examination through Karastology and with our Ethiopian Spectacles firmly affixed, we see that most if not all prophesies in the Bible, can be attributed and specifically relate to the actual African experience, both past and present. Furthermore no other tribe on earth even remotely fit any of the attributes or show any of the characteristics of having fulfilled many of these prophesies.
Some of these Characteristics include:
1. Once a great and powerful nation or nations, to becoming a insignificant, weak and without a nation
2. Once a Free people but eventually being Enslaved and scattered globally. but remaining identifiable.
3. Once having great Monarchs and statesmen, to having no kings or authority whatsoever over themselves.
4. Worshippers the One God of All Ages, but reverting back to Idols, Charms & superstitions.
5. Unable to protect themselves from foreign conquest.
6. Once fertile arable land, to barren, desert through lack of rain.
The list could go on, but suffice to say that in regards to Bible prophesy, these outcomes are pronounced and determined not only for the children of Israel, as many believe, but upon a wide variety of ancient tribes and nations.
It is upon this basis and for this particular purpose that the Science of Karastology takes a specific focus upon Bible Prophesy, as it relates specifically to the experience of African people, both in the past and at present. Who today as mentioned can be proven to make up, comprise and represent, the actual genealogical descendants of at least 95% of the Tribes mentioned in the Holy Bible Old Testament (See Ethnicity above). Therefore it is of the utmost importance that all African’s today, as well as seekers of other ethnicities, analyse these Biblical prophesies through the Science of Karastology, to identify exactly of which of these Tribes they descend, as there are many.
It is through the Science of Karastology that this identity, awareness and connection, can be first acknowledge by African people and then realised through the Holy Spirit, who will Guide the Individual into All TRUTH. With this overstanding the prophesies in the Bible become alive and again serve their original purpose, which is to warn, guide and give faith and confidence in Yahovayah, to the people intended, but most importantly confirm the season and what time is?
5. Yahshuah Prophecy's:- The Warnings
Studying and coming to know exactly what Yahshuah forewarned his followers.
The Science of Karastology takes a specific focus on the prophesies and warnings given by Yahshuah Himself. We hold these particular prophesies and warnings to be paramount to Salvation and essential to navigating through our current circumstances. Although it could be argued that the entire Gospel of Yahshuah is a Prophesy, nevertheless although this may be the case, yet still there are specific prophetical statements that Yahshuah himself instructs his servants and sheep to look out for, before his return and how to read the signs of the time through out the ages, such as;
1. Israel being led into captivity
2. Jerusalem being trodden down until the end of the Gentile times
3. Rumours of Wars
4. How to recognise his true followers, in all ages.
5. People thinking their is peace, but it is a deception.
6. People claiming to be Jews, but are not.
7. People claiming to be Apostles, but lie.
8. Many claiming to be Christ’s, but false.
9. Many calling his name, but in vain, as HE will reject them.
10. How and when HE shall return.
These prophetical statements would also include the Book of Revelation, not only when Yahshuah himself spoke and prophesied, but the entire Scroll which is attributed to him, although scribed by John, Rev 1:1.
The Revelation of Jesus Christ, which God gave unto him……
This is very important to understand, as sometimes this fact is forgotten to the our detriment. The Temple of Yahshuah through the science of Karastology, therefore places much emphasis upon this particular point, ie. that the entire Book of Revelation is a continuation and should be counted as inclusive to The Living Gospel. Furthermore the Book, was written over 50 years after his ascent to HIS (Yahshuah) & OUR FATHER (Yahovayah), therefore the Book of Revelation can actually be considered as The Gospel or a Prophesy from the actual Throne Seat, making it totally unique.
It is upon this basis that the science of Karastology studies the specific and actual prophesies of Yahshuah, within the Gospel and the Book of Revelation. This view point is of the utmost importance to fully understand exactly what Yahshuah prophesied, as well as to give us a better understanding and insight into how these prophesies relate, meaning the Gospel & Revelation, to us in our modern age.
6. Yahshuah's Words:- The Key to Life
Studying the complete unadulterated Gospel through Karastology
It should be evident by now to any visitor to the Temple of Yahshuah that the website’s foundation is the actual Words of Yahshuah, The Gospel, The Word of Yah. This would include also, as mentioned above the Book of Revelation. Combined we maintain, contain not only the complete words of Yahshuah, but also the essential Keys to Enter Life Eternal. It is upon these Words through Karastology that this Website is based, as an attempt to realign believers and seekers to the Divine Incarnate Word of Yah, made Flesh, Yahshuah, Himself and Him Alone.
The Science of Karastology takes a specific focus therefore upon
Yahshuah’s Word’s, we Hold these Words to be the Only Living Gospel
and to be the Only Route to Salvation, through the Holy Bible.
We also maintain that if the Gospel was taken out of the Holy Bible, there would be NO WAY to Salvation through the remaining books. However Salvation & Life could still be obtained and assured if we adhere strictly to what was extracted, i.e, the Gospel of Yahshuah, HIMSELF.
This does not however mean that the rest of the Bible outside of the specific Gospel is of no use, no to the contrary, it is of the utmost importance that we study the whole of the Holy Bible, for reasons mentioned above, but specifically that Salvation can only be achieved through the Gospel or more specifically the Actual Words of Yahshuah, The Salvation of Yah.
Therefore the Science of Karastology, as the name suggests, is the study or science of the Karast or Christ, central to this study therefore being the actual Words of The Karast.
To this end The Temple of Yahshuah is unique, as it not only separates the Gospel for specific focus, but also omits all commentaries and narratives in order to present the Gospel for research unadulterated or influenced by anything other than the Gospel itself. This is hoped to help believers and seekers fully appreciate and understand exactly what the Master Teacher Yahshuah himself instructs and what he does not.
7. History & Heritage:- A Re-evaluation
Analysing world history, particularly of African People through Karastology
The Science of Karastology approaches History, both the History of the World and African people in particular in a way quite dissimilar to how it is current perceived by most. This would included both within mainstream sources, as well as through the afrocentric perspective. Our approach is not however unique, as many people in the past and currently take the same approach but come to different conclusion or interpret the known facts differently. This approach is primarily from a Biblical perspective, however contrary to how it is normally approached, i.e. placing the history of the world into the context, time frame and confines of the Bible; to placing the Bible through the science Karastology into the context, time frame and parameters of accepted, known, scientifically authenticated history.
The Difference?
At first glance this may seem an insignificant difference to most and to others no difference at all. However through the Science of Karastology, with Our Ethiopian Spectacles on, again due to our ability to see more clearly, we see that not only is their a complete difference, but also that this approach through this new science can provide us with a unique insight into the significance of both the Holy Bible & History, but more specifically the history and heritage of African Black people in particular.
This is easily seen as demonstrated throughout this website that not only is the Bible a brilliant tool to understand prehistory, but also recorded history and even modern history, of not only the world but Africa specifically.
The Bible in the context of History
History in the context of the Bible.
Through the Science of Karastology the times or dates attributed to events or people in the Bible, are placed and put into the context of what is actually known to have been happening, in the region, or on earth at the time.
Mainstream popular religious view
The popular view held by most Christians is that these stories, the characters and assigned accepted biblical chronological time frame of around 7000, years becoming the entire context of which world history is perceived.
The influence, effect & impact upon the perceptive
There are many instances when this change of perspective has a dramatic effect on a persons perception of both history & the Bible, one such example of this would be the story of Adam & Eve and The Garden of Eden;
The story of Adam & Eve together with the Garden, at the beginning of Creation, rather than being confined to 7000 years ago, as it is commonly held by Christians, but could also be as much as 250, 000 years ago. However whether it be 7000 or 250,000 years ago, irrespective of the time, they (Adam & Eve) and it (The Garden of Eden) could have only been black skinned and in Africa, respectively, based upon all available evidence confirm by modern sciences.
Faith based upon Fact (True)
Faith based on Fiction (Blind).
Therefore the idea or notion that Adam or Eve could have been created as late in the history as 7000 years ago, or that they could have been anything other than black skinned, or that the Garden of Eden was in Turkey, Mesopotamia or anywhere else outside of Africa, is not only ludicrous but totally fiction therefore BLIND FAITH, which is contradictory to not only Karastology but to all common sense.
History through the Science of Karastology;
Many other instances could be sighted here, however through this same principle can be applied, all the events or people that feature in the Holy Bible, helping us to clearly determine; Who? Where? When? and What time frame particular stories, parallel what we now know about the history of Mankind at that time, based upon modern scientific evidence.
8. Science & Technology:- Put back in Context
Using Karastology, to ensure that Faith & Awareness is Scientifically engaged
Approaching Science & Technology through Karastology, also offers much benefits to the investigator, both spiritually and materially. In contrast to how modern science approaches reality and its interpretation of things susceptible, the Science of Karastolgy aims to counteract and provide an alternative approach to studying the sciences in our modern age.
In opposition to the modern scientific approach which is primarily to try
and disprove the existence of The Divine Creator,
Through Karastology, meaning the study of the Karast, we make no distinction between the Sacred and the Secular, as in African tradition everything is sacred, seen and unseen. From this African point of view some of the direct benefits due to this change of perspective, when studying modern sciences are;
1. Every scientific fact, discerned through creation, teaches us about the Mind and Essence of the Creator.
2. What we learn about the seen and perceptible, is the more we understand the unseen and imperceptible.
3. The history of the universe is written in the stars, including Man, his destiny and fate.
4. Each perceptible aspect of creation, including nature, teaches Man, about himself.
5. The entire universe in regulated through a Divine Order, perceived through cycles.
6. Each and every individual aspect of creation, has its own unique essence, cycle and principle to teach.
7. Equal status is given to every single aspect of creation regardless of size or perceived importance.
8. All individual aspects of the Universe & Creation, are perceived as living beings.
9. Nothing can exist in creation without the spirit of Yah giving it energy, power and existence.
10. All scientific knowledge should be used to bring harmony, between Man & creation.
Proving the Balance & Order in Creation (Ma’at)
Through Karastology we approach the study of the universe and everything in it, including and especially Man (Male & Female), not only in-line with African spirituality, but also in accordance with the approach to science engaged by our great ancestors, i.e, to understand the perceptible nature and essence of the Neter, or the Supreme Being, Manifested, physically and materially. With the specific objective of proving the existence of the Divine Intelligence, through recognition of the balance, order, cycles and mechanisms of His Creation.
It is therefore hoped that through this approach to science, science can AGAIN be perceived and used to both maintain this BALANCE and the ORDER, as well as, help Man to bring back PEACE & ORDER to his own LIFE and EXISTENCE, in HARMONY, with CREATION & THE CREATOR, YAHOVAYAH, achieved through HIS Manifested SON, YAHSHUAH, the SUN of RIGHTEOUSNESS (Mal 4:2), who has provided the Gospel for us to achieve Ma’at physically in life and society and given us the central point to fully communicate with the Divine Power & Spirit in All Things, through HIMSELF.
9. Culture & Tradition:- Retrieve & Reclaim
How we retreive & reclaim the fullness of African Culture through Karastology
The study of Culture & Tradition through the Science of Karastology, also offers the investigator a unique insight, into the traditions of the world, specifically in regards and relation to their influences upon or from, not only the Holy Bible, but specifically African customs. This is very important to any enquiry into the traditions, culture, perspectives and view point of the Holy Bible in regards to the accepted and advised culture and tradition that people, particularly those wishing the worship and follow the divine correctly, should follow, this would also include rituals and practices to create order and maintain balance, in society.
When we approach the study of culture and tradition through Karastology, we quickly realised that those idea’s, customs, practices and rituals, featured and practised by not only the Ancient Hebrews, but almost all nations in that region in ancient times, were solely and uniquely African.
Some examples of the biblical traditions, of the Hebrews and their neighbours that were and are directly African are;
1. Male Circumcision
2. Water Baptism
3. Animal & Blood Sacrifice
4. The Ritual Killing & Sacrifice of the first born Male
5. Concept of Only One God (monotheism)
6. The Concept of communicating with the Divine through lesser dieties (Angels)
7. A day of Judgement & Atonement
8. Life after death through an immortal Soul
9. Heaven & Punishment.
10. A Judge other than Yah, presiding over Judgement.
11. The importance of Ancestors & Tribes.
12. Annual ritual celebrations, based upon the Sun & Moon’s alignment & relation to earth.
13. Transferring focus of worship of the Divine to Idols, made by hands.
14. The importance and responsibility of the King to maintaining Divine Social Order.
16. A Divine Written Law, obtained directly from the spiritual realms.
17. All human illness and sickness, is imbalance (evil, bad or wicked spirits) and can be cured spiritually.
18. Foretelling future events, through dreams and communication with the Divine.
19. Burning Incense & Myrrh as ritual offerings
20. The Divine has a Chosen People who he instructs and guides, namely their own tribe or tribes.
There are many other examples of this phenomenon, where the historical record, alongside the scientifically proven origins and earliest attested use of these ancient traditions and practices, were and are to be found first and in some cases only in Africa and practised by African (Black skinned) people. Ironically many of these traditions have remained unchanged in Africa from ancient times, into our modern age, still being practised and observed by African’s through their indigenous faith and spiritual system, giving further significance and importance to why studying culture & tradition through Karastology can shed new light and understanding upon both the ancient Hebrew, the Bible and our Modern age.
10. African Christian Tradition:- The Cross Bearers
Karastology focuses on studying the Faith & Tradition of Christianity in Africa.
In addition to focusing on the Karast, His Gospel & Mission, through Karastology, another very important aspect of this science is the study of African Christianity and its own particular Christian traditions, both on the continent and within the African Diaspora. This is a very significant aspect and objective of Karastology, as not only does it help us to highlight, promote and commemorate the lives of many great African Christians, seldom celebrated or otherwise celebrated as non-African’s. But it also enables us to get a better understanding of how the religion of Christianity, has been perceived and has manifested itself, specifically and uniquely, within African culture, tradition, and cosmology (Neterolgy = Spirituality).
One of the principle aims therefore of studying African Christianity through Karastology, is to reclaim, retrieve and realign our notion of Christianity, by placing it back into its true historical context, void of modern propaganda, to prove and show some of its African influences and roots. This is easily achieved through the Science of Karastology, when we look at the known heritage of Christianity from its very inception.
Some examples of this would be the fact that we immediately discover that;
1. Many of the first followers of Yahshuah, were African, from Libya, Egypt and Ethiopia.
2. Only an African person carried the actual Cross of Yahshuah.
3. An Ethiopian was the first non-Jew to be Baptised as Christian.
4. In the earliest Church’s established by Jewish Christians, African’s rose to great prominence.
5. The first centre of serious study of the Christian faith, was in Africa, Egypt Alexandria.
6. The majority of the main early Church Fathers were African.
7. The main doctrines that later and today form Christianity doctrine were formulated by Africans.
8. The Christian Tradition and Christianity in general, developed in Africa, centuries before in Europe.
9. By the 6th century all of N & NE Africa were Christian, whilst Europeans were Arians or Pagans.
10. Africa has both of the oldest Christian continuous traditions on earth, e.g. Egypt & Ethiopia.
Therefore based upon this analysis of African Christianity, through the vehicle of Karastology and with our “Spectacles of Ethiopia” firmly affixed, we see that contrary to mainstream sources, both eurocentric and afrocentric that we are able to defend and authenticate the African Christian Tradition and even Christianity itself.
The Objective of Study African Christianity through Karastology?
The science of Karastology therefore aims to study, investigate and present the available facts, to specifically counteract and dispel the popular belief that Christianity is a “White Man’s Religion” imposed upon black people, from the 16th century, as a consequence of the Trans Atlantic Slave Trade and later colonisation of the continent. But to prove beyond question or any reasonable doubt that what we know today as Christianity, is nothing more or other than a “Black Man’s Religion” imposed upon white people from the religions very inception. However being misunderstood, misinterpreted and defiled by them and then later forced upon African’s, since the 16th century, from which the majority of African’s today are still indoctrinated and trapped, mentally, physically and spiritually, hence the importance & significance of Karastology in the 21st century, as an attempt to reclaim Yahshuah & HIS TRUE FAITH.