
The Christ: Revealed & Followed in this Temple?
The 10 Answers identifying what Christ is being followed.
Below are Our Temple answers to the 10 question suggested for individuals to test and determine The Christ that they or anyone else is following.
We therefore here present our own answers to these questions.
It is of the utmost importance that visitors to this Temple website, are also fully aware of the Actual Christ that is being proclaimed and followed through this website.
Therefore in answering these 10 questions below, we endeavoured were possible to incorporate the actual words of The Right Honourable & Excellent, Marcus Moziah Garvey and/or His Imperial Majesty Emperor, Haile Sellassie I the Foundations, the Motivation and the Divine Inspiration, behind all the information and material that is found and is featured within and throughout the Temple of Yahshuah website.
These sayings of both Marcus Garvey and HIM Haile Selassie, can be found throughout publications that detail and celebrate their lives'. However they are seldom engaged, when people are considering the idea of The Christ, nevertheless they are the very foundation upon which this website is built.
Therefore as mentioned, in answering these 10 questions, we will endeavour to present where possibly their actual views; instructions, advice and recommendations on how they thought African people should perceive The Christ. Many of these sayings can also be found in The Gospel According to Marcus Garvey, published in 2013 by the website designer, Imani Yahshuah.
The Temple's 10 Answers
1. Who is The Christ?
The actual Christ Revealed and manifested through This Temple.
Words of Marcus Garvey
“…Our cause is based upon righteousness.
And anything that is not righteous we have no respect for, because God Almighty is our leader and Jesus Christ our standard bearer”.
Firstly it should be fully and firmly understood that within this website The Christ is actually and fundamentally The Karast, see the Name of Christ Page for evidence why. Other than the difference in translation of the name from English, Christ; through Greek, Kristos; and back to its original source in Egyptian, Karast. Karast like its predecessors also means to anoint or to be a anointed, however The Karast although meaning The Anointed One, is not a simple re-translation of Christ back to its original source, but also an informed, restored cultural awareness that enables a re-interpretation of what this name symbolises in its original context.
Where Karast, unlike Christ or Kristos, is link culturally and inexplicitly, as a word, to the concept and idea, of;
A. God;
B. The Gift of Life;
C. Good Works & Righteous Deeds;
D. Death;
E. Judgement Day
F. Resurrection
G. Heaven,
H. Punishments
and Eternal Life, simultaneously. The Karast therefore, unlike Christ, Kristos & even Messiah, does not simply mean anointed, that can be applied to a wide and varied category of acts or people , but actually can Only be applied or used to refer to The Karast;
A. The one Who is God,
B. Lived Without sin,
C. He Died,
D. Defeated death and satan,
Therefore will sit as Judge on the day of Judgement, when every Soul will be resurrected to, blessings or condemnation.
So in answer to the 1st question, Who is The Christ?
the answer is;
The Christ, is The Karast
2. What was his actual name?
The name we use in this Temple to refer exclusively to the Christ.
3. What is his physical image?
The image of The Christ as featured and presented throughout this Temple website.
Garvey: “It is evident that Christ had in his veins the blood of all mankind and belonged to no particular race.
Christ was god in the perfect sense of his mind and soul. His spirit was truly God’s spirit. His soul, which acted on the advice of God’s spirit was never corrupt. Christ’s soul was the freewill thought that is similar to the soul free-will thought of all men.
Whilst other men with their free-will souls become corrupt and do evil even under the guidance of the Holy Spirit of God, Christ with his freewill soul never disobeyed the Holy Spirit guide of God”.
Based upon the above quote therefore;
Garvey: “If the white man has the idea of a white God, let him worship his God as he desires. If the yellow man’s God is of his race let him worship his God as he sees fit. We, as Negroes, have found a new ideal. Whilst our God has no colour, yet it is human to see everything through one’s own spectacles, and since the white people have seen their God through white spectacles, we only now started out, late though it be, to see our God through our own spectacles. The God of Isaac and the God of Jacob. We Negroes believe in the God of Ethiopia, the everlasting God – God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Ghost, the One God of all ages. That is the God in whom we believe, but we shall worship Him through the spectacles of Ethiopia.”
4. What was his character and personality?
The character and personality of Christ as presented through this Temple website.
Garvey: The Christ as the Living Example
“Christ as a Living Example to Man, the man who took on flesh, physical as ours, moved among us even as we go about our daily business and occupation today. They could not believe that He was the Son of God. but in Him there was that which no man knew, which no man had; in Him was a spotless soul, was a spotless character never yet
known to the world beyond the Christ in all God’s creation. There never came into the world a character like Jesus, pure, spotless, immaculate, divine like unto God, as God would have each of us to be.
When God created man and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, when God gave to man a living soul, God expected that man would live the spiritual life of the Christ, and when man sinned, when man fell from grace. God became disgusted, God became dissatisfied. If we could see the sufferings of Christ, if we could see the patience of Christ, if we could see the very crucifixion of Christ, then we would see the creature, the being spiritual that God would have us be; and knowing ourselves as we do, we could well realize how far we are from God”.
HIM: The Exemplary Character of Christ
“When Jesus Christ was born from Virgin Mary, from that time on He lived an exemplary life, a life which men everywhere must emulate. This life and the faith which He has taught us assures us of salvation, assures us also of harmony and good life upon earth. Because of the exemplary character of the life of Jesus Christ it is necessary that all men do their maximum in their human efforts to see to it that they approximate as much as they can the good example that has been set by HIM.
It’s quite true that there is no perfection in humanity. From time to time we make mistakes. We do commit sins, but even as we do that, deep in our hearts as Christians we know we have a chance of forgiveness from the Almighty. He taught us that all men are equal regardless of sex, their national origin and tribe. And He also taught us all who seek HIM shall find HIM. To live in this healthy life, a Christian life, is what makes me follow Jesus Christ.”
5. What is His nature & relationship to God the Father?
How this Temple perceives the Nature & Unique Relationship of Christ to The Father.
Garvey: The Only Begotten
“The doctrine of God carries with it the belief in the Father, Son and Holy Ghost. Christ is supposed to be the begotten Son of God. He had a special mission and that was to take on the form of man, to teach man how to lift himself back to God. For that reason Christ was born as man and came to the world.
Garvey: His Mission
“When man had fallen in sin from his spiritual kinship to his Creator and disgust reigned even in heaven among the angels and ‘the Holy One, who brought out of chaos the great universe, there sprang up divine sympathy, divine love—a sympathy and love within the Trinity caused, the Son of God to vouchsafe Himself as the Redeemer of mankind, as
the Redeemer of the world.
He betook to Himself, with the authority of His Father, the duty, the work, the labour, the sacrifice, to bring man nearer to his Creator, to bring man back to his God.
Garvey: The Trinity
“The DOCTRINE OF THE TRINITY OF GOD, THE FATHER, THE SON AND THE HOLY GHOST, is not commonly understood by the ordinary mind that will not think in the guiding spirit of God.
To the mind that thinks with the spirit of God it is very pleasingly under- stood that the Godhead is one in three parts; all related and all doing good. You cannot separate them. This may be a mystery which the ordinary intelligence of man cannot explain because man is not God in intelligence, but nevertheless, it explains the riddle of the universe.
It is preposterous for man to say that he can analyze God in his completeness because man is only a finite and small unit of Divine and Universal Intelligence. So while universal intelligence can analyze unitary intelligence, unitary intelligence cannot analyze universal intelligence.
So leave out trying to be like God by demanding from God in mental analysis; why he does what he does, and why he does not do the other thing. You are not competent. No part is greater than the whole. The whole is always greater than any single part and man is only a single part of God; so he cannot be as great in mind as God”.
HIM: The Symbol of God’s Love
“After our blameless Creator was sent to this world by His Father, then the hearts of all believers become The Temple of God. The love of God cannot be fathomed by a series of questions and answers, and man’s soul cannot experience deeper enrichment as a result. We believe that men at all times be bound by His love and grace.”
6. What is his Gospel?
Exactly what this Temple websites, considers, proclaims or presents as the Gospel.
Garvey: The Lesson to be learnt
“But there is one lesson we can learn from the teachings of Christ. Even though man in the ages may be hard in heart and hard in soul, that which is righteous, that which is spiritually just, even though the physical man dies, the righteous cause is bound to live. Because the preaching of Jesus, the teaching of Jesus was not something physical; if it was something physical it would have died. The teaching of Jesus, the preaching of Jesus, was something spiritual, and where there is righteousness of spirit there is length of life. Jesus the man was not respected, Jesus the man was not adored, Jesus the man was not even loved by His own people, and for that they crucified Him; but the spiritual doctrines of Jesus were righteous; the doctrines of Jesus were just, and even though He died nearly nineteen hundred years ago, what has happened?
After the lapse of nineteen hundred years (now 2000 years) His religion is the greatest moving force in the world today, morally and spiritually. It shows you, therefore, the power of spiritual force; it shows you, therefore, the power of a righteous cause.
Jesus, who was the first great reformer, taught us the way; after Him followed the other great reformers who shared the same fate Born, perhaps, in the same lowly station of life, feeling with the masses of people who suffered like them, they have gone out, whether it be Luther or Saint Augustine or some other great reformer, but they have all gone out and they preached their doctrine, to suffer in their time for the doctrine to rise again on the wings of time and to flourish as the green bay tree”.
7. Why he came, his mission?
The Temple View on the reasons The Christ came, his mission and purpose.
Garvey: The Purpose of the Christ
“In every man there is the spirit of God, that is to say, that which is there to advise you and direct you to do good always. In each man also, is the free-will soul which is the mind. Each may accept the good guidance of the Holy Spirit or refuse to obey entirely.
Man generally disobeys the Holy Spirit of goodness and therefore becomes sinful. Christ never disobeyed the Holy Spirit of goodness, and that was why he was the Son of man with whom the spirit of God was well pleased because he lived a life so perfect as was intended when God made Adam and Eve.
The mission of Christ, therefore, was to redeem man from sin and place him back on the pinnacle of goodness as God intended when he made the first two creatures. The life of Christ is intended to show man that by obedience he can lift himself to the highest soul expression in keeping with the Holy Spirit of God, of which he is a part, but only with
free-will. A free-will can do as he likes. Man has a body, a soul which is his own identification of himself and the Holy Spirit of God.
In the vilest man, there is the Holy Spirit of God and that man cannot destroy the Holy Spirit of God because that spirit in him is the unit of God which cannot sin and cannot die because it is everlasting goodness. The thing that sins in man is the man’s individual soul, which is his mind. When man corrupts this mind or soul, he is called bad. He is in
rebellion against the Holy Spirit of God that is in him.
When he dies, as we know it and call it death; whether he dies a bad man or a good man, the Holy Spirit never dies, it goes right back to God, the everlasting goodness. It is the soul of the man which identifies him as a unit of creation.
That passes away if it is bad and lives on like Christ if it is good. You can judge the truth of this philosophy from your own experience. Try to remember how you think if it is not a fact that sometimes there is something in you that tells you do this, and another something at the same time tells you do that. The Holy Spirit, which is goodness, is
always telling you and advising you to do the right thing, but your freewill soul, which is mind, refuses to accept the instructions and advice of goodness.
There is always a debate with one’s self to know what to do. You must analyze your system and your being so completely as to know when you are being advised by the Holy Spirit of goodness and follow that advice. If you can satisfactorily do that, then you can be like Christ and lift yourself to the highest plane of spirit and human life”.
HIM: His Message & Mission
‘Peace on Earth, goodwil to men,’ -this was His first message. In the same manner when He went to the summit of Calvery, there to expiate for our sins with the supreme sacrifice, He gave up His last breath invoking forgivness for His very tormentors: ‘Father forgive them, for they know not what they do.’
In pondering over the life, the goodness, humanity and sacrifice of the Savior of the World, in looking at the laws which He gave us, how much should we be ashamed to call ourselves Christian people, and yet not to follow His footsteps. Had we been Christain people, had we been worthy of the name, peace would have reigned on all the face of the Earth, and would have risen to the level of the immortal angels who always glorify the Eternal God, and the peoples of the world would no longer have remained divided into hostile camps.
8. When he actually lived?
The certainty that Christ Lived in Spirit and in Flesh,this Temple being a Living Testimony.
Garvey: Did Christ actually live?
There is no cause to doubt that Christ lived. Because you did not see him and feel him yourself as Thomas did, why should you doubt his existence? If you can doubt that, you may as well doubt that your great grandfather ever lived; because you never saw him nor touched him.
Logically, there is fair assumption for you to believe that your grandfather whom you knew must have had a father in order to have been born. Logically, his father must have been your great grandfather. You don’t have to see everything to believe it. You must trust some things to those who lived before you. You have good reason to believe that somebody or something existed before you came here.
Never doubt that Christ lived; never doubt that God lived because great things happened to prove that before you came into the world. Deny that positively which you know of, and not that which you do not know of”.
HIM: The Birth and Life of Christ
With the birth of the Son of God, an unprecedented, an unrepeatable, and a long-anticipated phenomenon occurred. He was born in a stable instead of a palace, in a manger instead of a crib. The hearts of the Wise men were struck by fear and wonder due to His Majestic Humbleness. The kings prostrated themselves before Him and worshipped Him. ‘Peace be to those who have good will. This became the first message.
When He sacrificed himself at Golgotha for the atonement of our sin, He prayed with His last breath for the forgiveness of those who had tortured Him saying, ‘Father, forgive them for they know not what they do’. Shame on those of us who are Christians and do not follow the way of the Savior of the World, whose life was filled with kindness, humility, and martyrdom! If we lived by the laws he gave us and were worthy of being called Christian, peace would have reigned on this earth.
9. Where he lived and who he ministered to?
The importance of Israel, Judea, Jerusalem & the Hebrews, Israelites & Jews in this Temple.
Garvey: Christ’s doctrine rejected by the classes
“Christ brought a mission to the world. It was that of love to all mankind; that which taught man to love his brother, to be charitable, and when He taught that doctrine after He had assumed the form of manhood, what did the world do to Him? The world derided Him; the world scoffed at Him; they called Him all kinds of names.
He was an impostor; He was a disturber of the public peace; He was not fit to be among good society; He was an outcast; He was a traitor to the king.
That is what they said of Jesus when He went about teaching and preaching to men the way of salvation, pointing them to the light by which they would see their Heavenly Father. And even though He was the Son of God, even though He had power from on high, even though He worked miracles to prove that He was not only an ordinary man, they did not believe Him and they did not heed Him.
The very people among whom He was born, the very people whom probably He loved most were the people who cried out for the destruction and the death of this man, and even though He was the Christ, the Son of God, He could not save Himself from the dissatisfied rebels of His day and of His time.
He went about Jerusalem, He went about the holy places, teaching the multitude; He appealed to the masses of the people to save them from their sins, and when the masses attempted to hear Him, when the masses indicated that they would follow Him, the classes who always rule said that he was a disturber of the peace. “We cannot allow this man to travel at large, disturbing the peace of the community. This man threatens the power of the state, therefore we must imprison Him. We must place Him out of the way so that He will not teach these people this new doctrine, the doctrine of love, the doctrine of human brotherhood and the doctrine of equality”.
10. Christ's relationship to Man, historically and now?
How this Temple perceives, Christ's specific relation to individuals, nations, believers & none-believers
Garvey: How to still see the Face of God?
“For man to see his God, for man to face His judgement and become one of the elect of the High Divine, of the Holy One, is for man to live the life of the Christ—the spotless life, the holy life, the life without sin, and that is a journey that every one in the Christian world is called upon to make. If we cannot make it, we cannot expect to see our God. Man has fallen so low, man has fallen so far from his high estate, as created and given him by God, that even now man does not know himself except in the physical; but the physical does not make the man complete. Man is part physical as well as part spiritual; the physical life we live here to our satisfaction, the spiritual life we give to God when
He calls us. And how many of us in the world today, if called for the spiritual life, will give that life as spotless as Jesus by His example taught? When we look at the world today we think of sin, we think of injustice, of iniquity, a world where man because of his strength, because of his advantage abuses the rights of his brother.
When we look upon the oceans of injustice that are placed in the path of the weak, how much must we not realize the far distance that we are from God and the far distance that we are from the man Christ, who tried to teach us the life by which we should see salvation, the life that He came to redeem”.
If Christ returned today?
If Christ were to return to the world today, born in the same lowly state, born of the same humble parentage, and attempted to preach the same redemption, He would be imprisoned. He would be executed, He would be crucified in this twentieth century even as He was crucified nineteen hundred years ago on the Mount of Calvary. Man has not changed much”.
HIM: A Soul without Christ
“However wise or however mighty a person may be, he is like a ship without a rudder if he is without God.
A rudderless ship is at the mercy of the waves and the wind, drifts wherever they take it and if there arises a whirlwind it is smashed against the rocks and becomes as if it has never existed.
It is our firm belief that a soul without Christ is bound to meet with no better fate. The love shown by our God to mankind should constrain all of us who are followers and disciples of Christ, to do all in our power to see to it that the message of salvation is carried to those of our fellows who have not had the benefit of hearing the good news.