Garvey Quote: The Spirit of God, in Man

“In every man there is the spirit of God, that is to say, that which is there to advise you and direct you to do good always.

In each man also, is the free-will soul which is the mind. Each may accept the good guidance of the Holy Spirit or refuse to obey entirely. Man generally disobeys the Holy Spirit of goodness and therefore becomes sinful.

Christ never disobeyed the Holy Spirit of goodness, and that was why he was the Son of man with whom the spirit of God was well pleased because he lived a life so perfect as was intended when God made Adam and Eve.

The mission of Christ, therefore, was to redeem man from sin and place him back on the pinnacle of goodness as God intended when he made the first two creatures.

The life of Christ is intended to show man that by obedience he can lift himself to the highest soul expression in keeping with the Holy Spirit of God, of which he is a part, but only with free-will.

A free-will can do as he likes. Man has a body, a soul which is his own identification of himself and the Holy Spirit of God.

In the vilest man, there is the Holy Spirit of God and that man cannot destroy the Holy Spirit of God because that spirit in him is the unit of God which cannot sin and cannot die because it is everlasting goodness.

The thing that sins in man is the man's individual soul, which is his mind. When man corrupts this mind or soul, he is called bad.

He is in rebellion against the Holy Spirit of God that is in him.