Garvey Quote: Sin, Death & The Final Judgement

Judgement in the Hall of Ma'at

In the vilest man, there is the Holy Spirit of God and that man cannot destroy the Holy Spirit of God because that spirit in him is the unit of God which cannot sin and cannot die because it is everlasting goodness.

The thing that sins in man is the man's individual soul, which is his mind.

When man corrupts this mind or soul, he is called bad. He is in rebellion against the Holy Spirit of God that is in him.

When he dies, as we know it and call it death; whether he dies a bad man or a good man, the Holy Spirit never dies, it goes right back to God, the everlasting goodness. It is the soul of the man which identifies him as a unit of creation.

That passes away if it is bad and lives on like Christ if it is good.