The Temple Christology

The Temple Christology, is literally, how we see & study the Christ. Within this website this view & study is called The Science of Karastology.

Fundamental Principles

Fundamentally, our Christology or Science of Karastology, meaning how we view, study and interpret the Life, Mission & Theology of the Christ,  has derived from, and is founded upon the direct teachings of The Right Honourable Marcus Moziah Garvey.

Specifically, in relation to Garvey's views on The God, The Son of God, The Spirit of God, as well as upon Creation, Religion & Spirituality.
Here are a few principle statements of Garvey’s, which underpin our Christology;
- There is Only One God -
- This God is Universal Intelligence, whilst humans have Unitary Intelligence -
- African Black people should see this God through Ethiopia Spectacles -
- The Godhead is One but is manifested in three parts, which cannot be separated -
- We should make our Christianity scientific, as it aught to be -
This Garvey inspired Christology and view-point, has ultimately given rise to the Science of Karastology,
the use of the name Yahshuah Karast Mesu & this Website in its entirety.

Our Temple Confession

The Temple of Yahshuah also Subscribes to, Confesses and Professes, the Christian Faith & Tradition’s of the Universal Ancient Oriental Orthodox Apostolic Church. Five of the oldest churches on earth, which includes; the Ethiopian, Coptic-Egyptian, Syrian, Armenian & Indian-Malankara Christian Churches.

We therefore except and endorse the orthodox beliefs, established at the first 3 Ecumenical Councils, at Nicea, in 325AD, Constantinople in 381 AD and at Ephesus in 431 AD. We therefore also reject the 4th Council beliefs, established at Chalcedon in 451AD and hold strictly to the traditions, heritage and Christology, maintained by the Orientals  since 325AD as One Universal Orthodox Church, up to the present, as demonstrated below by this confession of the Oriental Faith;