The Temple Guards, what & who are they?
Why are their Temple Guards & what or who do they represent?
As you will see as you proceed through this website, The Temple of Yahshuah, as well as all the Living Temple’s set up through this website, are actually, spiritual but physical functional Temples, literally. Therefore this particular Temple and we advise individual Living Temples particularly those housed within people of African Ancestry, to be Guarded by these exact same guards, 24 hours a day, or a selection very similar guards, without alteration of the main three Guards.
Now as a functioning Temple, as with the Temple of Solomon, the temples in Ancient Egypt and most temples from any other culture, a temple must have guards, as they usual house many precious and very valuable relics. These temple guards are always priests and in the case of Solomon’s Temple, physically there were many, for the purpose of this Temple however and for that of the Living Temple of people of African heritage, we use and recommend a specific number of 24 Priestly Guards. Three High Priest with different Roles, and 21 other priest all of a similar ranks, equal to, however not the same as those of the High Priests. This number of 24 Priests is symbolic and also represents and coincides directly with the 24 Elders, praying on Our Behalf before the Father, as well as to help protect the Living Temple’s over the entire 24 hours of the day.
Although symbolic, like every other aspect of this and all other Living Functional Temple, this symbology must be represented in a way and with the specific intention to help the Mind to create an mental image and picture that the individual can use practically, to help them construct their Temple on a solid foundation.
How We Selected Our Temple Guards
In regards to our chosen Guards for this Temple, we have selected 24 individuals, male and female, based on a specific and strict criteria. This criteria includes aspects and characteristics that we believe qualify's them for this particular role, this includes people, who we believe have;
- Contributed something very significant to the heritage of Yahshuah (Jesus), particularly amongst African people,
- Lived & Died upholding and proclaiming the Gospel of Yahshuah.
- Ascended to the Most High and are praying amongst the myriads of Saints of all nationalities, but specifically on our behalf, meaning African people, saying how long how long?
A list of these 24 Temple Guards and the reasons they have been selected are listed below.
Who are the Temple Guards and why?
The first 3 Guards or Mini-Stars, featured as 1, 2 & 3, represent the Monarchy, Presidency & Patriarchy, representing the Kingdom, Government & Church, functions of the Temple respectively. They are here presented alongside the other 21 selected Mini-Stars, featured in no particular order. However it should be noted here that as individuals beings there are actually 25 persons, as the 1st Guard, presenting the Monarchy, in True African and Unversal Spirituality, it is dual, male & female, in order to ensure complete Balance (Ma'at).

1st Temple Guards – Emperor Haile Selassie & Empress Menen Asfaw
The Perfect Monarchy The Emperor and Defender of the Faith His Imperial Majesty, Emperor Haile…

2nd Temple Guard: The Rt. Honourable Marcus Moziah Garvey
The Prophet, Patriarch & Papas The Right Honourable & Excellent Marcus Moziah Garvey. Marcus…

3rd Temple Guard: Reverend Dr Martin Luther King Jnr
The Archbishop & Preacher The Right Honourable Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Rev. King…

4th Temple Guard: Reverend Daddy Paul Bogle
Guardian of A Temple Gate The Right Honourable Deacon. Paul Bogel Paul Bogle was born in…

5th Temple Guard: Reverend Daddy Sam Sharpe
Guardian of A Temple Gate: The Right Honourable Deacon. Daddy Sam Sharpe Samuel Sharpe was…

6th Temple Guard: The Rt. Honourable Bishop Richard Allen
A Temple Guardian of Windows: The Right Honourable Bishop. Richard Allen Richard Allen (February 14, 1760…

7th Temple Guard: Saint Mark the Evangelist
A Temple Guardian & Keeper of the Scrolls: Saint Mark the Evangelist Saint Mark the…

8th Temple Guard: Saint Simon of Cyrene
A Temple Guardian & Elder: The Bearer of the Cross of Victory Simon of Cyrene…

9th Temple Guard: Saint Ananius of Alexandria
A Temple Guardian of Windows St Ananius the Bridge between the Old & New Faith Papais…

10th Temple Guard: Mama Kimpa Vita
Guardian of A Temple Gate: Dona Beatriz Kimpa Vita was born in the year 1684…

12th Temple Guard: The Rt. Honourable Rev. Nat Turner
Guardian of A Temple Gate: The Right Honourable Deacon. Nat Turner Nat Turner was…

13th Temple Guard: The Rt. Honourable Harriet Tubman
A Temple Guardian & Holder of A Lamp: The Right Honourable Deaconess, Harriet Tubman Harriet…

14th Temple Guard: The Rt. Honourable Sojourner Truth
A Temple Guardian & Holder of A Lamp: The Right Honourable Deaconess, Sojourner Truth Sojourner…

15th Temple Guard: Emperor Gebre Mesqel Lalibela
A Guardian of the Temple Structure: HIM Emperor Lalibela, Defender of the Ethiopian Faith Lalibela’s…

16th Temple Guard: The Rt. Honourable Rev. Enoch Mgijima
Guardian of A Temple Gate: The Right Honourable Prophet, Enoch Mgijima Enoch Mgijima was born in…

17th Temple Guard: King Azana of Ethiopia
A Temple Guardian of the Entrance: King Ezana Defender of the Faith Ezana of Axum…

18th Temple Guard: Bayan Malak the Ethiopian Eunuch
A Temple Guardian & Keeper of the Font: The First none-Jewish Ethiopian Christian Bayan Malak,…

19th Temple Guard: The Rt. Honourable Rev. George Lisle
A Temple Guardian Holder of A Lamp: The Right Honourable, Deacon George Lisle George Lisle, Liele, or Leile,…

21st Temple Guard: The Rt. Honourable Saint Maurice
Guardian of A Temple Gate: The Right Honourable Deacon. St Maurice Maurice (also Moritz, Morris,…

22nd Temple Guard: The Rt. Honourable Walatta Petros
A Temple Guardian & Holder of A Lamp: The Right Honourable Abbess, Walatta Petros Walatta Petros…

23rd Temple Guard: The Rt. Honourable Rev. John Chilembwe
Guardian of A Temple Gate: The Right Honourable Reverend, John Chilembwe. Reverend John Chilembwe was born…
Summary Note:
Although we have selected here these 24 Priests to Guard our Temple, this is but a very small sample of the Priest available to us, which we could have used. There are hundreds even thousands of individuals from the heritage of African people, who have specific relevance to the African Christian Tradition, who could have been selected here as Temple Priests. However these 21 Priest, as Temple Guards to a Living and functioning Temple, although representing the earthly part of the symbolic 24 elders ceaseless praying, although not actually not requiring Rest themselves, as they Have this in abundant Peace, but due specifically for the natural and customary changing of the Guard, we present as the first watch.
Therefore This Temple and it is recommended that each of any Living Temple set up through it, can at any time change any of the Temple Guards, with suitable individuals, fitting a strict criteria and possibly even more relevant to themselves.