The Purpose of Building Your Own Temple
Now the Temple of God, which is within us, is the most important aspect of the Human Being, and is the only Ptah for us to commune directly with the Divine Source, Yahovayah.
It is through this Temple, and through this Temple alone that humans are connected to, and with the Godhead (Ogdoad & Ennead), within themselves.
This Temple, is also where the Holy Spirit, God & Yahshuah Dwells, at all times, irrespective of our, physical or spiritual condition.
If we have life and live in the physical, then they are there, continually.
Nevertheless, although ever present, they can also become hidden & inaccessible to the proprietor, due specifically to this Temple being in complete and utter darkness.
The Temple of Yahshuah website has been built, based upon this fundamental premise that our Temples must always be free from darkness and be full of light, for this Temple to be active and activated.
Therefore, the sole object and mission in this website, is to first highlight the importance of this Temple, and secondly to provide people with a practical strategy, methodology, technique and technology, to help them to turn on this Light that will then help them, to both find and develop this Temple.
We hold that every single reference in the Holy Bible to the Light in humans, likewise, every verse indicating the Spirit of God or of Yahshuah, within humans, is also directly referring to its, or their dwelling place, within this specific Temple.
Therefore, the importance of finding and developing this personal Temple in us, for us, is without question most essential and paramount to anybody truly connecting with The Divine Creator, Yahovayah, themselves directly.
The Temple of Yahshuah is therefore committed to providing useful material, to help people to open up their Single Eye, the 1st Eye, also known as the Spiritual Eye, which is essential also to lighten up the Ptah, to help guide them along this personal journey, to discover their own Temple within.
We also believe and hold that without the building of this specific Temple of God, in humans, there will be no real communion with the Divine, but what people in their own self-righteousness, believe to be communion and light, but what is actually complete darkness and misunderstanding.
It is imperative therefore that we first comprehend exactly what this Temple is, how and why we need to focus upon developing it?.
Within the Temple of Yahshauh website, to help people both find and develop this Temple within themselves, we rely upon, recommend, advocate and profess, without apology and in pure faith,
The Go-spell, of the Word Incarnate, Yahshuah.
Directly and without deviation, but in pure devotion and with a sincere determination to help incorporate and appropriate all, or as much of his Teachings as possible, into our lives.
It should also be fully understood that, this Temple is entirely unique within each individual.
Each person MUST therefore build there own Unique Temple.
Having YOUR OWN individual Personalised Functional Temple of God, is therefore very important and essential for You to be able to establish and maintain a Personal relationship with The Karast Yahshuah, the Godhead, Ennead, Ogdoad, Elohim-Neter, One God, Amun.
This may seem strange to hear, as the concept of a person being a Temple is well attested, known and maintained by most Christians and within other faith systems. However, this idea doesn't necessarily or naturally equate to a relationship with The Karast or Elohim. The fact is that many people do not actually have a personal relationship with God (Yahovayah) or with Christ (Karast), but rather with their external Churches, their Pastor's, Priest's, Bishop's & respective congregations.
However Marcus Garvey warns us that,
If hell is what we are taught it is, then there will be more Christians there than days in all creation.
To be a true Christian one must be like Christ and practice Christianity, not as the Bishop does, but as he says, for if our lives were to be patterned after the other fellow's all of us, Bishop, Priest and Layman would ultimately meet around the furnace of hell, and none of us, because of our sins, would see salvation”.
Therefore, according to this statement by Marcus Garvey, most so-called Christians, do not actually follow Christ, The Karast, so do not develop this Temple and are unable therefore to build a personal relationship with Yahshuah, or understand his Go-spell. But rather their relationships are built and made with their stone churches that they construct, for gratification, their church leaders who they educate, build up and elevate to positions of prestige and there congregation that they increase upon, as evidence of their Godly righteous mission.
Whereas, Garvey asserts that all of this will ultimately fall short of the Glory of God, as our only Guide to living the life of a True Believer, Christian (Karasta), is through following Yahshuah Karast himself, his Living Go-spell, his life and his example set, and no other.
This is why it is the sole purpose of this website, to provide our visitors with this Unadulterated Go-spell, along with other material and resources, which we believe can serve as a defined strategy and tools to help our visitors visualise and build-up this essential Unique Temple, so that they can commune directly with the Godhead that dwells within themselves, free from interference from any outside influences, whatsoever.
Our objective therefore is to help people Truly Realise The Karast, within their Own Lives, so they Become Christ-Like or Karasta, as intended.
To also help people Discover and fill this Temple with True & Pure Light, so that they themselves can See Clearly, how to become One with the One, and become Focused in Mind, Body and Soul, upon this Personal Temple, to secure for themselves, their own personal salvation.
The purpose of this website is therefore to use the Go-spell, with supporting material, to help Illuminate this Temple of God's Salvation Within us.
Unbeknown to most however, and in support of our mission, this was and is the actual purpose of the Go-spell, as well as, the entire purpose and Mission of Yahshuah, as we see when he instructs and sends Paul out into all nations of the world, to teach and preach this Go-spell.
Yahshuah, tells Paul directly that the Go-Spell, his Life, his Crucifixion & Resurrection, meaning the Entire Good News, is to be taught to humanity with a specific intention, a clear objective and for the sole purpose, to.
"To open their eyes, and to turn them from darkness to light, and from the power of Satan unto God, that they may receive forgiveness of sins, and inheritance among them which are sanctified by faith that is in me".