The Mini-star (Minister) – Web designer

Their is a responsibility placed upon all followers of Christ, that as they received freely, they must give freely.

Imani-Standing_editWeb Designer - Imani Yahshuah

The Temple of Yahshuah website, is one of the many offerings for, of and from The Living Temple of the individual who designed and develop this website, namely Imani Yahshuah.  Imani Yahshuah, meaning faith in Yahshuah (God’s Salvation) is a Baptised Karastian (Christian), who has for decades studied the Bible, African history and the religions of the world.  Imani has a quite limited but broad and varied knowledge base on the different and the differences, between world cultures and religions, past and present.  Although varied this knowledge-base and awareness is specific to when, what and how, these particular cultures or religions, are relevant to himself and African People, directly, enabled him to have a totally Christian world view, centred on Africa.