As can be seen here from the above two quotes, the first by; His Imperial Majesty, Emperor Haile Sellassie I of Ethiopia and the second by; the Right Honourable & Excellent Marcus Moziah Garvey; The Temple is the human body. Our (meaning specifically African people) Cause is based upon Righteousness and Jesus Christ (Yahshuah Karast) is our Only Standard Bearer.
"Blessed are they
which do hunger and thirst after righteousness:
for they shall be filled".
Mat 5:6

Based upon this particular premise and upon the fact that these two individuals, HIM Haile Sellassie I and the Rt. Hon. Marcus Garvey are without question, two of the greatest reformers, leaders and voices of inspiration that the African world as ever seen.

We therefore hold and maintain that these quote, as well as representing the main theme and objective of this website, should also symbolises the ultimate goal and cause for all African people in the world and the standard through which they should be fighting their struggle, to defeat the enemy first within (Your Temple) and then without (The World).
On this basis and upon this premise The Temple of Yahshuah has been created and developed, with the sole intention of providing a vehicle for African people specifically, but not exclusively, to continue the struggle that has been waged by many of their ancestors who came before them, include the two aforementioned Icons; in order to help them to reach and achieve the expected standard set, so that they are eventually triumphant & victorious.
One God, One Aim & One Destiny