Other Emphasises – The Testimonies & Narrative

Other Emphasises - The Testimonies & Narrative

To get a full understand and to put the Gospel & the Christ into context, we must also read the Holy Bible.

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"Search the scriptures; for in them ye think ye have eternal life:
and they are they which testify of me". 

Joh 5:39 

red text2Outside of the Living Gospel of Yahshuah, the website also features much of the gospel narrative, meaning the story of his life and particular events. The website also uses other verses from New & Old Testament books, this is done primarily to substantiate & confirm his Person, his Words, Message and His Ultimate Mission.

In addition to using other Bible verses, the website also features, quotes and statements by other people in history.

These quotes are used only if and when they coincide and substantiate exactly what Yahshuah himself taught and also act to demonstrate the influence of Yahshuah and his Gospel on the lives of people, Africans in particular