
Some Practical Steps to Help You Build Your Temple
Provided and suggested here, are twelve practical steps, to help our visitors to visualise, construct and realise, their Own Personalised Temple of God (Yahshuah) within themselves.
These 12 steps are symbolic to some practical elements and other important aspects of a real functioning temple. These steps are therefore provided symbolically, for the purpose of helping people to conceive this Temple literal and consciously, in their own minds.
With the intention of helping them be able to begin to both visualise and develop their own unique & personalised living Temple of God, within themselves, symbolically, spiritually, literally and even physically.
These 12 Steps are also symbolic to the 12 Tribes of Israel, The 12 Disciples, The 12 Months of the Solar Year, the 12 Constellations, as well as the 12 hours of day and the 12 hours of the night. All of which watch over and offer protection to this personal Temple, whilst living, at all times and in all circumstances.
These 12 steps are therefore offered here, to help our visitors, to create The-RIGHT-MIND-SET that is truly capable of visualising and setting up this Temple, as a Holy & Pure Place, of its Own, Within their own Physical Being.
Enabling them, to communicate directly and personally with Godhead, Ogdoad, Ennead, Elohim-Neter, The Father, The Son & the Holy Spirit, One God, Yahshuah, Amun, who is ever present and will reveal himself to them direct, from this Temple, as promised.
"The Church is not merely a building."
"The Church is not merely a building. The Church is the faithful fulfilment of the Christian life and its requirements. Thus, as the name applies to the buildings so is our heart The Church in which God dwells.
After our blameless Creator was sent to this world by His Father, then the hearts of all believers become The Temple of God."
(Words of His Imperial Majesty Emperor Haile Selassie Ist)
Below we provide these 12 practical steps, as a guide only and as our humble suggestions, to help our visitors in their own Temple constructions. However, it should be firmly understood and noted that these steps offered here, are only mental allegories to help you to form a mental picture in the Mind, which can help you to bring your temple into existence, consciously and mentally. We therefore stress that whilst only symbolic and metaphorically speaking, these practical steps, or some other set of practical steps, are necessary and should be engaged, when literally trying to visualise and actualise your Temple, into existence,
Our 12 Practical Steps equate mentally to the visualisation of 12 specific aspects of a Physical Temple, as they relate symbolically to specific aspects and functions of the human body & being.
These Temple Aspects or Features include;
1. The Temple Mount
2. The Temple Altar
3. The Holy of Holies
4. The Temple Door
5. The Temple Door Key
6. The Temple Window (s)
7. The Temple Gate (s)
8. The Temple Utilities
9. The Temple Court Yard
10. The Temple Sacrifices
11. The Temple Offerings
12. The Temple Gifts & Alms
The Temple of Yahshuah, hold that if we are to construct our own Temple's literally, then these Temples must therefore function as literal Temples.
These 12 Practical Steps below, are provided to offer a pictographic visual representation of this Temple, to help our visitors construct in their own MINDS, these specific features of a working Temple, as above listed. This is to ensure that this Temple, is not and does not only become philosophical or even theological, but remains practical and continually in the hearts and in the minds, of it proprietor. So that each Living Temple of Yahshuah, is founded upon a solid foundation, upon which this personal Temple can stand and endure, against all dark forces, in or outside of themselves.
Visualising Your Temple Structure into Existence
First you must construct Your Temple Within Your Own Mind. Then concentrate Your Thoughts Upon A Literal Temple and then Focus these Thoughts Using Your Spiritual Eye.
Now Visualise & Realise Your Sacred Temple into Existence, Internally.
Your Temple Should at First be in Complete Darkness.
So remember you must first find it and locate it, before you can develop it. When you have found it, (read the post entitled; Discovering your own Temple, for assistance), then you can begin the process of developing and constructing it.
Below are our 12 suggested steps, for you to visualise, construct and develop your individual Temple, on the principles of a literal Temple, as well as upon a SOLID foundation
12 Steps to help you Set up Your Temple of God's Salvation
1. Your Temple Mount - Is Your Creed & Faith
The Temple Mount is what your Temple is actually founded upon, your belief system and your faith.
This is most important, as it is upon this foundation that everything else in your Temple rests upon.
If this foundation is weak the Temple will not stand (Luke 6:48-49) and if this foundation is made up the wrong type of soil, then the Temple will not baring any lasting or creditable fruits, (Mat 13:23).
Therefore your Creed & Faith must be both strong, meaning solid and real, meaning not blind. You are expected to choose whatever creed & faith suits you, however we recommend Our Temple Creed’s, which include The Nile Valley Creed, The Nicene Creed and Garvey’s African Christian Creed, as they are unmovable.
2. Your Temple Altar - Is Your Heart
The Temple Altar as you would already have seen is you heart & yourself, You are Your Own Altar.
This being the case the only way you can ever see your altar is in a mirror. This is possibly also the closest you will ever get to seeing the actual Face of Yahshuah or the Face of Yah (God) physically and personally.
It is very important that you fully overstand that YOUR OWN HEART is your Altar, therefore you can communicate directly with God, The Holy Spirit & Yahshuah from this Altar and it is from this Altar that they will, appear, instruct and guide you directly.
“Blessed are the pure in heart: for they shall see God”.
Mat 5:8
Learn and memorise Our Temple Prayer, The Altar, by Marcus Garvey, to further help you conceive this altar, in your own mind.
3. Your Holy of Holies - Is Your Heart & Mind (=Soul)
Your Holy of Holies in Your Own Unique Temple is Your Heart & Mind, which shapes your Soul.
Although separate entities, both your heart & mind are interconnected with your soul, in the sentimental, metaphysical and spiritual sense.
The Honourable Marcus Garvey teaches us that;
“There is a confusion of expression between mind, soul and heart. These expressions are used with laxity. In fact, they all mean the same thing. The soul of man is the mind of man and when we speak of the heart, not the physical thing, but the expressive thing, we mean the soul, which is the mind.
Words of Marcus Moziah Garvey
It is the heart that we are told also by the Great Master Teacher Yahshuah (Jesus), which is the seat and origin of all our works, be they good or bad.
“A good man out of the good treasure of his heart bringeth forth that which is good; and an evil man out of the evil treasure of his heart bringeth forth that which is evil: for of the abundance of the heart his mouth speaketh”.
Luke 6:45
It is also the Heart that we are told by our Great Ancestors, which will be measured on the Scales of Truth, on the day or our day of Judgement.
In The Hall of Ma’at, The Hall of Truth
Therefore it is important that individuals fully overstand and appreciate the significance of the Heart and its particular role in their individual salvation.
Your Heart must be made pure for your Temple to be clean and prepared for communion with the Godhead.
“The Church is not merely a building. The Church is the faithful fulfilment of the Christian life and its requirements. Thus, as the name applies to the buildings so is our heart The Church in which God dwells.
After our blameless Creator was sent to this world by His Father, then the hearts of all believers become The Temple of God.”
(Words of Emperor Haile Selassie Ist)
4. Your Temple Door - Is Your Knowledge & Wisdom
Your Temple Door represents and is the knowledge that you allow to come into or leave Your Temple.
Your wisdom will be obtained by the sense you make of it, whether this be using common sense, nonsense or the sixth (first) sense.
This is also your furnishings & what you chose to decorate Your Temple with. It is crucial to know and overstand that all knowledge that you acquire no matter how; whether, reading, hearing, seeing or experiencing life, for that matter, through any of the physical sense brings knowledge into Your Temple.
It is therefore important that you be very particular and acutely sensitive to what you allow to enter in, as this will certainly determine, firstly what else can share this space and secondly what will manifest out of Your Temple.
You must learn how to open and close this door appropriately, to allow only what is beneficial to Your Temple to enter.
This can be achieved by cutting or creating a new Key for this door. Please see the description of your Temple Door Key below, this is recommended to secure your door, from unwarranted intruders.
Your Doorway to Your Temple, is how everything good or bad, comes into or gets expelled.
5. Your Temple Door Key - Is The Truth & Go-spell
Your Temple Door Must have a unique Key so you can open and close your Temple to outsiders.
The Key of Life
It is necessary to protect Your Temple from unwanted guests and intruders entering without invitation.
A good way to achieve this is to cut for yourself, a New Key that can only fit the Door to Your Own Temple.
Nobody else on earth will have a copy, however a spare will automatically be created, in heaven, but hopefully you will never need to call upon it, as this will mean that you have lost your key or misplaced it, meaning you have some how slipped, fallen or even abandoned Your Temple, leaving it vulnerable to intruders and raiders.
However if this Spare Key is asked for sincerely, it will be given.
This Key that you need to make, is made out of bone and should be either in the shape of A Cross or Ankh, both representing the same thing; Life, Death & the Resurrection. The key is made of bone, as it represents the backbone that maintains the whole structure of Your Temple.
This Key is cut, shaped and crafted by the True & Living Go-spell of Yahshuah and represents the Truth, meaning His Actual Words.
Then said Jesus to those Jews which believed on him,
“If ye continue in my word, then are ye my disciples indeed”;
John 8:31
This should provide Your Temple with the strongest security and fortification, as anything that doesn’t fit, align with, or correspond to this Go-spell & Truth, can be totally disregarded and kept outside of your Temple, effectively.
6. Your Temple Window (s) - Is Your Viewpoint & Scenery
Your Temple Window is how you look outside of Your Temple and how people see into it.
This window represents your view, i.e your view point or world view. It also represents your Eye which is single, not eyes in the plural sense.
Therefore Your Temple Window is your worldview-point and your Temple’s Spiritual Window, commonly called, but wrongly referred to as the Third Eye, but is actually the and Your First Eye, as we are taught by Our Great Ancestors & the Great Master Teacher Himself, Yahshuah.
“The light of the body is the eye: if therefore thine eye be single, thy whole body shall be full of light”.
Matthew 6:22 (Christ)
This First Eye, this World-View ie. Your Temple Window, is possibly the most important and significant feature in Your Whole Temple, as it is through this window that The True Light is able to get into Your Temple and for it to shine and project This Light outside of Your Temple and into the world external.
We recommend for protection of this Eye and the other two, and to help them all to Focus better, we proposed that you put on some prescription spectacles that will help.
These glasses were actually prescribed by the;
Rt Hon. Marcus Moziah Garvey, when he taught us that;
“We Negroes believe in the God of Ethiopia, the everlasting God –
God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Ghost, the One God of all ages.
That is the God in whom we believe,
but we shall worship Him through the spectacles of Ethiopia.”
One God, One Aim & One Destiny.
7. Your Temple Gate (s) - Is Your Awareness & Overstanding
Your Temple Gate, is your awareness, it is the gate to a fence surrounding your Temple Complex.
This gate will need to be as far, high & strong as can be, to protect; first the complex but ultimately the Temple itself.
This awareness is symbolised by what you know and understand about, authentic African history, culture, spirituality and its specific relationship to Almighty Yah, Yahshuah Karast (Jesus Christ), Christianity and its tradition, as well as its cosmological science (knowledge of God & the Universe).
This is very important to note, as Your Temple Gate is your first line of defence, from intruders.
If you are able to create a most sturdy, strong and impenetrable Gate, position at a safe distance from Your Temple, then it will be very difficult for unwanted guest to get even close to Your Temple.
Therefore surround yourself with the right type of information, so you can have the right type of awareness and overstanding to protect and safeguard Your Temple, up until it is fully built, constructed and inhabibited by the God Head, i.e the Trinity, with YOU, included.
8. Your Temple Utilities - Is The Holy Spirit, Your Power
Your Temple Utilities, is the energy and power needed to make Your Temple habitable & comfortable.
This includes; the electric (light), gas (fuel), wifi (connection), cable (to watch), water (to cleanse and drink), food to eat and feed guest and others, meaning family and friends and any other utility or commodity needed to maintain Your Temple.
It is the Holy Spirit of Yah (God) that MUST be the source of Your Temples Utilities and the Only Power that you will ever require to keep the fire and light in Your Temple on at all times. To ensure that you, your guests and anyone around you, will always be fully nourished and satisfied, when they meet or come into contact with your Temple.
This Holy Spirit and Power can Only be obtained by following and doing the specific works assigned to the Sheep by the Great Shepherd, Yahshuah.
Meaning following the Go-Spell and the example of Yahshuah, directly.
9. Your Temple Court Yard - Is The New Flower & New Jerusalem
Your Temple Court represent the area, land, earth or soil that Your Temple is built upon.
This Temple Court Yard & area is surrounded and enclosed by Your Temple fence & Gate.
This Temple Court Yard also represents the land that You will sow, tend to and harvest the necessary food stuff/supplies and nourishment needed to maintain and sustain Your Living Temple. You are the Adam or the Eve of this land, it is Your Own Eden, Your Garden & Your Paradise that Your River Gihon flows from, through and circulates arround Your entire Temple complex and area, to also form a moat to help fortify Your Temple. What this land represents to You in the physically sense and symbolises spiritually, is of the utmost importance and significance, as it will ultimately determine the quality of the soil upon which everything else rests, meaning the platform and foundation upon which Your Temple Mount is Built.
You are expected to visualise Your Temple Court & Yard, to suit your Own unique & particular need. However it is advised and recommended that Your Physical Land be Ethiopia and Addis Ababa, its capital in particular, as it has, does and will play a most important and very significant role in the awakening , rebirth and total restoration of the entire African continent, African people’s Conciousness & Our True African-Centred Spirituality. This New Flower i.e. Addis Ababa is what will prepare Us to receive from Heaven the New Jerusalem to Come.
10. Your Temple Sacrifices - Is Your Time & Commitment
Your Temple Sacrifices is the time, effort & commitment You put into maintaining Your Temple.
This time includes the time you spend, praying, fasting, reading or learning about Yah & His Salvation, Yahshuah.
Or the time you take to help out, support or do any of the responsibilities instructed, by Yahshuah in His Go-spell, to do for your fellow human being, without exception.
This would even include the time you spend to learn about or contribute towards helping to preserve this beautiful earth and wonder world, entrusted to us. This ultimately means that Your Temple Sacrifices is the Time in Your Life (which is a Gift) that You Sacrifice and take to Truly Help Humanity physically and Help Yourself spiritually.
It is very important that you assign specific times or instances in your life, when it will be necessary and customary for you to Make Your Temple Sacrifice, including Times YOU; Pray, Fast, Visit Holy Places or Buildings, Volunteer or Help Out generally, as well as the Time you take to Learn about, Study, Preach, Teach & Proclaim, the True Life Giving & Living Go-spell of Yahshuah Karast Mesu (Jesus Christ the Messiah).
This Time, the schedule and the effort You put in will be totally at Your Own Leisure & Discretion, You are therefore expected to develop Your Own Temple Schedule that will incorporate and form Your Temple Service, including Your Temple Offerings & Gifts. See below.
11. Your Temple Offerings - Is Your Energy & Life Force
Your Temple Offerings is Your Energy & Life Force that You commit to maintaining Your Temple.
Your Temple Offerings will coincide directly with Your Temple Schedule which corresponds specifically to the Time and therefore Your agreed Temple Sacrifices that You have Agreed with Your-Self.
This is very important as any Temple that doesn’t receive offerings or does not do sacrifices or have services or a congregation that is active and present, is nothing more than a building. It is therefore necessary that Your Temple continues to exist as a functioning Temple and does not revert back to being a mere building.
Your Temple Offerings are also different, although connected explicitly to Your Temple Gifts, see below. However these offerings represents a defined regulated and proscribed schedule of offerings, needed to regulate and maintain Your Temple, whilst Your Temple Gifts, as you will see, are the actual practices that are defined by these offerings.
Therefore You must make sure that Your Temple continually and forever remains active and is functioning as a Temple, meaning you should be Devoting Your Life, Your Energy & Your Spiritual Strength/Force towards upholding , developing and maintaining Your Temple, through all of its required and essential offerings and other functions.
Remembering however always that anything is easily said from the mouth, or desired and dreamed up in the heart or brain, however it is not so easy to turn these words and these dreams into tangible actions and outcomes, i.e. Talk is Cheap, or more appropriately, as we are told and taught by Our Great Master Teacher Yahshuah that often “..the Spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak” (Mat 26:41) , we must therefore always do our utmost best, as we have been duly forewarned, to make sure that our offerings do not become, meaningless, none-existent or detestable, but are always given and produced in the right time and in the right way, in the flesh to continue to develop and Build Upon Your Temple, its Schedule & its Holy Services.
12. Your Temple Gifts & Alms - Is Your Works & Practices
In-line & along with Your Temple Sacrifices & Offerings, is Your Temple Gifts, Your Manifested Temple.
Now in addition to these specific temple functions, Your Temple Gifts also incorporates and culminates All and Every other Element, Structure and Function of Your Temple, as Your Temple Gifts represent Your Works, ie What you do & why?.
These Gifts are the actual Works & Practices that result from, as a consequence of and a direct reflection of the State of Your Temple. The principle is; That since our life, body & flesh is a gift, from Yah, we are devoting and offering back Our Works through Building Up Our Temple, to show or in appreciation, as our testimony, to bare witness and to proclaim to the World, the Mercy, Grace, Blessing & LOVE of YAH, for giving You this precious Gift.
But most Importantly Your Temple Gifts, i.e. Your Works, will represent Your True Love, Devotion & Relationship to and with Yahshuah Karast Mesu (Jesus Christ the Messiah) specifically.
It is also advised that in order to Help Your Flesh to become One with The Christ and therefore Live, Operate and Function, as He subscribed, we recommend that You frequently as a important part of Your Personalised Temple, Your Temple Ceremony’s, its Schedule, its Service & Offerings that You Include partaking in the Holy Mysteries (Holy Communion or the Eucharist), preferable from within the family of Oriental Orthodox Church’s.
In order to physical commune with the Godhead literally, enabling Your Own Physical Body & Blood to mingle and be One with the Body & Blood of Yahshuah, Our Lord God & Saviour, as we are also instructed by him to do.
Joh 6:53 – 58
Then Jesus said unto them;