Christ Focussed – Keeping Our Eye’s on the Prize

The prize to be won is Life Eternal, but you can not come in 2nd place, its a win or lose game.

Jesus saith unto him,

"I am the way, the truth, and the life:
no man cometh unto the Father, but by me". 

John 14:6  

yahshuah-karast-mesu-21The Temple of Yahshuah is a website that is totally focussed upon the Person of the Godhead, Yahshuah Karast Mesu (Jesus Christ the Messiah), without exception or apology.

Although we do often feature many other people and personalities, from the bible and from history, this is done intentionally to highlight and raise people’s awareness to the heritage of African people in the Bible and to how Yahshuah has revealed himself, specifically within and through the lives of men and women, particularly those of African heritage.