African Christianity
"Therefore say I unto you, The kingdom of God shall be taken from you, and given to a nation bringing forth the fruits thereof".
Mat 21:43
What is Ethiopianism?
His-storically speaking, Ethiopianism is seen as a religious and political movement and view point that emerged among African People (primarily Christian, but not exclusively), in the late 19th century, as an ideology and moving force in the struggle for religious and political freedom across, Africa, the America’s, the Caribbean and the world, from 1880AD to the 1960’s.
The Britannica defines Ethiopianism as;
“Ethiopianism, religious movement among sub-Saharan Africans that embodied the earliest stirrings toward religious and political freedom in the modern colonial period”.
It goes on to state that;
"Among the main causes of the movement were the frustrations felt by Africans who were denied advancement in the hierarchy of the mission churches and racial discontent encouraged by the colour bar. Other contributing factors were the desire for a more African and relevant Christianity, for the restoration of tribal life, and for political and cultural autonomy expressed in the slogan 'Africa for the Africans' and also in the word Ethiopianism". Emphasis added.
And further more that;
"The mystique of the term Ethiopianism derived from its occurrence in the Bible (where Ethiopia is also referred to as Kush, or Cush), especially Psalm 68:31, which states, “let Ethiopia hasten to stretch out its hands to God.” Ethiopia was commonly viewed as an idealized 'African Zion', especially given its ancient Christianity and uninterrupted independence from European colonization. Emphasis added
The Britannica article concludes by stating that;
"The word (Ethiopianism) therefore represented Africa’s dignity and place in the divine dispensation and provided a charter for free African churches and nations of the future".
But this is only a part of the story!
The truth is that when we enquire, dig a bit deeper and look a little closer, we find that Ethiopianism, far from being a charter, concept and ideology that had emerged in the 19th century, has actually been a charter enlisted and has existed, within the recorded history of African people, both on and outside of the continent, for many many thousands of years.
Ethiopianism, Hidden even in Our-Story!
The true history of Ethiopianism is currently none-existent in the history books of both euro & afro-centric scholars. No where in our modern world can we find any concise study of Ethiopianism throughout the ages, not even on the world-wide-web. Hence why few people including Africans themselves, in the modern age, know anything at all about it, and few have even heard of it.
As a consequence of a total Blackout and Whitewash, over the past 50 years specifically, by both black & white scholars, on the history and study of this most ancient and significant of African Christian-Biblical traditions.
The ultimate question must be why?
Why a total Blackout & Whitewash?
Why? Has the entire scholarly world chose to ignore the history of Ethiopianism and; Why, do very few African Black Christians or people, know anything about it?
The fact that even based upon the Britannica article alone, it can be seen that the influence of Ethiopianism, even during the accepted historical period of the 1880's to the 1960's, should have been worthy of investigation and further research, alone should ring alarm bells.
However, this is, and has not been the case, leaving this most relevant of histories and this unique African Christian tradition, not even shrouded in mystery, but as if it had never happened. Notably, a total Blackout & Whitewash.
The Ethiopianism Revival!
Nevertheless, within and from this Temple of Yahshuah, as means to bring some light to this situation, in order to fight back this blackout, in addition to us offering our own unique contributions to the continuation of this age old tradition, engaged upon by those African Christians, who came before us.
We therefore endeavour to raise peoples awareness to, promote and publicise information about and provide a platform for research and study into this most important concept within African history and spirituality, that has survived the ages, today known as Ethiopianism.
21st Century Ethiopianism
At no time in history, has there been a greater need for a revival of Ethiopianism. At a time when many black Christians have lost hope in the European lead churches, but continue to follow and adhere to the westernised Christian interpretation, of the religion.
Whilst other ethnic groups, including Europeans themselves, who have no choice, are searching for a more relevant and authentic expression of Christ, in the 21st century.
Therefore, not only does Ethiopianism have a unique potential to bring clarity and give relevance to African - Black Christians, but also provides a vehicle for all Humanity, to also share in this Good News.
The Foundation of our Ethiopianism
However, the foundations and the inspiration for the Temple of Yahshuah's, Ethiopianism cause, is because this cause is also endorsed, an instruction, a major theme and the proclaimed mission of our Two Temple Witnesses, Marcus Moziah Garvey and HIM, Emperor Haile Selassie I.
Who stand as two of the most successful and influential figures in history of Ethiopianism.
Both of whom engaged Ethiopianism as a strategy of liberation, for all African people. Together, they left us a great legacy of achievements and a variety of statements and guidance, specifically around and from the perspective of Ethiopianism, which they themselves, championed outspokenly and without apology, throughout there entire lives.
Below, are a few statements from both of our Temple Witnesses, which help to outline, endorse and lay the foundation for Our 21st Century, Ethiopianism Cause;
"The Ethiopian people, who have struggled and made untold sacrifices for their independence and freedom for thousands of years an independence that has been a beacon for all of Africa today celebrate this day together with all Africans by consolidating their freedom and independence with the freedom and independence of their African brothers in the spirit of Modern Ethiopianism".
Words of HIM Emperor Haile Selassie I, African Liberation Day May 26, 1965.
We Negroes believe in the God of Ethiopia, the everlasting God - God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Ghost, the One God of all ages. That is the God in whom we believe, but we shall worship Him through the spectacles of Ethiopia."
Words of The Right Honourable Marcus Moziah Garvey, studio recording, July 1921.
And finally, we also offer here, the National Anthem, selected by Marcus Moziah Garvey, himself in 1921, for his Universal Negro Improvement Association & African Communities League (UNIA & ACL), entitled; the Universal Ethiopian Anthem.
This Anthem was expected to be eventually sung by all African Black people throughout the world, regardless of their nationality, hence the term universal.
This anthem is presented here to further support and endorse our Ethiopianism, in this modern age, as well as to proclaim the Anthem, for the Temple of Yahshuah.
The Universal Ethiopian Anthem
by Burrell and Ford
Ethiopia, thou land of our fathers,
Thou land where the gods loved to be,
As storm cloud at night suddenly gathers
Our armies come rushing to thee.
We must in the fight be victorious
When swords are thrust outward to gleam;
For us will the vict'ry be glorious
When led by the red, black and green.
Advance, advance to victory,
Let Africa be free;
Advance to meet the foe
With the might
Of the red, the black and the green.
Ethiopia, the tyrant's falling,
Who smote thee upon thy knees,
And thy children are lustily calling
From over the distant seas.
Jehovah, the Great One has heard us,
Has noted our sighs and our tears,
With His spirit of Love he has stirred us
To be One through the coming years.
CHORUS -- Advance, advance, etc.
O Jehovah, though God of ages
Grant unto our sons that lead
The wisdom Thou gave to Thy Sages
When Israel was sore in need.
Thy voice thro' the dim past has spoken,
Ethiopia shall stretch forth her hand
By thee shall all fetters be broken,
And Heav'n bless our dear fatherland.
CHORUS -- Advance, advance, etc.
A Final Note, of Interest!
It should be noted also that this anthem, was written, named and selected, 9 years before (1921) any modern country in the world name Ethiopia existed, as it was not until 1930 that Emperor Haile Selassie I, changed the ancient country name of Abyssinia, to modern Ethiopia. Which started a new chapter and charter in the annuals of Ethiopianism.
If there is a modern Blackout and Whitewash of the history of Ethiopianism. Why is this?