1. The Monarchy
The Perfect Monarchy
The Emperor and Defender of the Faith
His Imperial Majesty, Emperor Haile Selassie Ist, of Ethiopia, King of Kings, Conquering Lion of the Tribe of Judah. Elect of God and Light of this world. The Defender of the Ancient Oriental Orthodox Christian Faith.
Born: 23 July 1892 and last seen on 27 August 1975. Born Lij Tafari Makonnen, was Ethiopia's regent (Ras & Negus), from 1916 to 1930 and emperor from 1930 to 1974. He was a co-founder for the vehicle for African & Israel's unity and regathering from exile and also served as its Chairperson, namely the Organisation of African Unity from 25 May 1963 to 17 July 1964 and 5 November 1966 to 11 September 1967.
He also fulfilled his divine role and duty to regather the most Ancient Oriental Orthodox Christian Church's, after 1514 years of isolation, ending and fulfilling the Gentiles times, of domination over the Christian Faith, when he assembled the esteems Oriental Patriarchs, in January 1965, at the Addis Ababa Conference or Council, to spearhead, the spreading of the Gospel by the Orientals throughout the world for the first time, as well as the impetus and foundation upon which this website was built. Haile Sellassie Ist was also a member of the Solomonic Dynasty who traced his lineage to Emperor Menelik I via his Shewan Amhara royal ancestors as a great-grandson of king Sahle Selassie.
The Empress and Co-Defender of the Faith
Her Imperial Majesty Empress, Menen Ist, of Ethiopia, Queen of Queens, co-Conquering Lioness of the Tribe of Judah. The Co-Defender of the Ancient Oriental Orthodox Christian Faith.
Empress Menen Asfaw (Baptismal name Walatta Giyorgis) was born on the 26 Magabit 1881 Ethiopian Calendar, 3 April 1889 Gregorian Calendar, the Empress ascended on 15 February 1962. She was the Empress consort of the Ethiopian Empire and wife of His Imperial Majesty Emperor Haile Selassie Ist and like her husband, had descended from the Ethiopian Solomonic linage. Empress Menen was active in promoting women's issues in Ethiopia, was Patroness of the Ethiopian Red Cross, and the Ethiopian Women's Charitable Organization. She was also patroness of the Jerusalem Society that arranged for pilgrimages to the Holy Land.
The Empress was also a devoutly religious woman who did much to support the Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahedo Church. She built, renovated and endowed numerous churches in Ethiopia and in the Holy Land.
Some of these were; the St. Raguel Church in Addis Ababa's Merkato district; The Kidane Mehret (Our Lady Covenant of Mercy) Church on Mount Entoto, and the Holy Trinity Monastery on the banks of the River Jordan in the Holy Land. She also gave generously from her personal funds towards the building of the new Cathedral of St. Mary of Zion at Axum.
She was referred to as the "God fearing Empress" who was always praying to God
When the Empress was exiled from Ethiopia during the Italian occupation from 1936 to 1941, she made a pledge to the Virgin Mary at the actual Church of the Nativity in Bethlehem, promising to give The Holy Virgin her crown, meaning to the church, if Ethiopia were liberated from Italian, Roman Catholic occupation.
In 1941 on return from exile, a replica of the crown was made for future Empresses, but the original crown that Empress Menen was crowned with at her husband's side in 1930, was sent to the Church of the Nativity in Bethlehem, the Empress would never again wear a full crown. Her Crown remained on open display in this Church in Jerusalem for many years thereafter and today the Empresses Crown, Pledged by Her personally to the Virgin Mary directly, remains still, in this most Holiest and Sacred of places in the entire Christian world, in the Church of Nativity, in Jerusalem, the spot it is believed that Yahshuah came into this world.
The Credentials and Significance:
HIM Haile Sallassie Ist represents and symbolises Yahovayah promise and covenant with David and is the awaited SEED of DAVID, prophesied & fulfilled. He is the Promised ENSIGN and signal prophesied to herald the regathering of Israel, both physically and spiritually, meaning the Kingdom & Church on earth, accomplished through the OAU 1963 & the Addis Abba Council 1965. HIM Haile Sallassie Ist, together with his wife Empress Menen Ist, combine to form the 1st Guard, representing the TRUE Monarchy, ordained and Sanctioned by the One God of Ethiopia. They are perfect role models for not only African Christian's, but all humanity.