The Temple of Yahshuah, Through the Science of Karastology, The Spectacles of Ethiopia and the philosophy of Ethiopianism, pay particular attention to; The Christ, The Gospel, The Biblical Narrative & Tradition.
Christ Focused
Keeping Our Eye's on the Prize
The prize to be won is Life Eternal, but you can not come in 2nd place, its a win or lose game.
Jesus (Yahshuah) saith unto him,
"I am the way, the truth, and the life:
no man cometh unto the Father, but by me".
John 14:6
The Temple of Yahshuah is a website that is totally focussed upon the Person of the Godhead, Yahshuah Karast Mesu (Jesus Christ the Messiah), without exception or apology.
Although we do often feature many other people and personalities, from the bible and from history, this is done intentionally to highlight and raise people’s awareness to the heritage of African people in the Bible and to how Yahshuah has revealed himself, specifically within and through the lives of men and women, particularly those of African heritage.

Gospel Focused
Staying in the RED
Most people think that the Gospel is the whole of the New Testament, but its actual only the "Words of Christ".
Then said Jesus to those Jews which believed on him,
"If ye continue in my word, then are ye my disciples indeed;"
John 8:31
To grow rich materially we must keep out the red and in the black, so to grow rich spiritually we must obviously do the opposite.
The Temple of Yahshuah is totally focussed upon the Gospel of Yahshuah himself, meaning what he himself actually said. This means that we take a particular & specific focus upon the red text in some KJV and other bible translations that highlights exactly when Yahshuah actually spoke.
Our objective is to provide a vehicle for visitors to study, without distraction or addition everything that Jesus actually said.
In order for them to be able to easily discern what he did or did not instruct.
This is very important as the whole Temple structure is built upon the premise that; The Human Temple, from a Christian point of view, can only be successfully built if people follow exactly what the architect Yahshuah Himself instructs.

Bible Focused
Testimonies that Testify to Christ
To get a full understand and to put the Gospel & the Christ into context, we must also read the Holy Bible.
"Search the scriptures; for in them ye think ye have eternal life: and they are they which testify of me".
Joh 5:39
Outside of the Living Gospel of Yahshuah, the website also features much of the gospel narrative, meaning the story of his life and particular events. The website also uses other verses from New & Old Testament books, this is done primarily to substantiate & confirm his Person, his Words, Message and His Ultimate Mission.
In addition to using other Bible verses, the website also features, quotes and statements by other people in history.
These quotes are used only if and when they coincide and substantiate exactly what Yahshuah himself taught and also act to demonstrate the influence of Yahshuah and his Gospel on the lives of people, Africans in particular