Christianity The East & West Divide

Christianity over the first four centuries

Up until the infamous Nicene Council in 325 AD and over the first three centuries of the Christian tradition, the major Christian people, cities and countries in the world, had developed totally independently and uniquely.

The 1st International Christian Council

These divisions within Christianity, gave rise to the First Great Ecumenical Councils, the Council of Nicaea in 325 AD, which for the first time in history authenticated or standardised the an orthodox faith.  This standardised orthodoxy, was established for the 318 bishops from around the Christian world, gathered at Nicaea, who accepted what is today known as the Nicene Creed, of 325 AD.   This created for the first time in history, One Universal (Catholic) Apostolic Orthodox Church, which included, Christian’s, in Egypt, Armenia, Syria, Greece, Rome, Ethiopia and other important Christian centres, in the world at the time.

The Controversy of The Fourth Ecumenical Council

The Most Controversial of All Christian Council’s

The Fourth Ecumenical Council that followed Nicaea, held in the Roman province of Bithynia, in 451 AD, in the northwest of Asia Minor, known to history as the Council of Chalcedon that proceeded the Council of Ephesus in 431 AD. Is without question the most infamous and controversial of the seven Ecumenical Councils.

The One Holy Universal Apostolic Church

When Orthodoxy and the Universal Church was ONE

This council at Chalcedon in 451 AD, created the first deep division within the then united Holy Catholic (Universal) Orthodox Apostolic Church, formally established after the Council of Nicaea in 325 AD, only 74 years since.

The Importance of the Council of Chalcedon

The East West Christian Divide

The Council of Chalcedon in 451 AD, is undoubted the most important and significant, as well as, the least known council in the history of Christianity, as it is after this specific council that we get the clear direct separation and division between Eastern Christian tradition and Western Christian tradition.

Creating two completely separate although outwardly similar Christian traditions that have both survived totally independently, up until our modern age.

The Great Schism (Deception)

The Western Christian Divide, ie. Roman East & West

This separation and division between Eastern Christianity & Western Christianity in 451 AD, is often overshadowed by and confused with, what is known in history as, The Great Schism or the East – West Schism, which is commonly regarded as the fundamental split between Eastern & Western Christianity.

The Great Deception & Schism of 1054 AD

The Falsified Christian East – West Divide

It should be noted here and well understood that the Great Schism of 1054 AD, although a separation of the Eastern Christians from Western Christians, was only actually a separation between Western Roman Catholics in the West, based in Rome and Western Roman Catholics in East, based at Constantinople.

Identifying the Christians of the East

Who are the Eastern Christians

Adding to this confusion and what is even more sinister and misleading, is the fact that ever since this Roman Catholic split, in 1054 AD and into our modern age, we find that the Roman Catholic Christian’s in the East, after separating from the Roman Catholics of the West, began to be known as, as they are still called today, Eastern Orthodox.

The True Christians of the East (Orient)

The Oriental (Eastern) Orthodox Church

Although seldom understood or acknowledge by modern Christians in the western world, there is in fact a third authentic ancient Christian tradition that exists, who are not part of and are totally independent from both Roman Catholics in the West or there breakaway, sister church, Eastern Orthodoxy.

United Oriental East & Divide Roman West

The True Divide between Eastern & Western Christianity

It is therefore with the formation of the Oriental Churches in 451 AD that we get a clear separation and division between the development of Christianity in the East and the West and not as it is believed in 1054 AD with the Great Schism (deception). This division of 451 AD that has separated the Christian East from West, explicitly and fundamentally from this date forward, still exists today.

Christianity The East & West Divide

The Oriental East vs the Roman European West

On this basis, we therefore do confirm that there is a unique and independent Western Christian Tradition, as well as a unique and independent Eastern Christian Tradition that are totally, unique, different and separate.

Could this be The End of the Gentile Times?

The Birth of Oriental Church into the modern age

Also of major importance is the fact that this One Universal, Non-Chalcedon collective of ancient Christian Churches, of the east, met for the first time since 451 AD, formally in council, in our modern age, after 1514 years in 1965.