The Character of The Christ?

What was his character and personality?
Learn about the character and personality of Christ as presented through this Temple website.
Now the way in which Yahshuah Immanuel Karast Mesu (Jesus Christ) is perceived, in regards to His personality and character is also very important to how an individual, worships, connects with and incorporates this personality & character that they are supposedly trying to emulate, into their own individual lives.
It will be quite evident on visiting this website that not only is the image of the Karast (Christ) perceived differently but also his personality and his character , is possibly quite dissimilar to the one generally and popularly promoted by most Christian’s. Here we will attempt to present why we believe that the personality and the character of the Karast, as featured within this Temple is so different to the popular perceived Christ.
We will achieve this by analysing his accepted characteristics, his attitude, his behaviour and actual documented life experiences. Putting this first into context, to then present our particular perspective of his true personality and character, or least how it is perceived and has been reprieved by Africans and other oppressed people throughout the centuries.
The Characteristics
Firstly their are the Characteristics of the Karast, which are of Him being; Righteous, Sinless, Caring, Kind, Loving, Passionate, Honest, Law abiding, Peaceful, Humble, Empathetic, Friendly, Devoted, Focussed, Tolerant, Compassionate, and all in all a special Divine human being.
This Temple website accept all of these same exact qualities, as well as any other divine characteristic that could be attributed to the Karast, no different for most if not all other Christians.
However how we in the past and do presently, as evidenced throughout history and with this website, interpret, perceive and translate these qualities and characteristics to form our idea of His personality, is to a degree contradictory to traditional notions. This we believe is because African people continue to relate to the whole experience, the life and tribulations as well as see the Sacrifice as a Victor not Victim. This is clearly illustrated when we put these same characteristic into the context of His actual life and experiences.
The Personality
Now the personality of the Karast, from an African or even logical point of view, can only be assessed in the context of how he manifested these Divine characteristic, within the experience of his actual life, taking into account, his environment and the circumstances that he had found himself in.
Although logical, ironically this detail is seldom engaged to form people’s idea’s of Yahshuah’s personality and character, but without its inclusion, it could be argued that any idea’s or perceptions would obviously be lacking and not conclusive.
Therefore it is necessary first, before we conclude what idea of the Karast’s personality and character to reflect upon his life and his experiences.
His life experiences could be summarised as such;
- He was born of a suppressed and oppressed people in Judea and He was exiled soon after His birth and became, with His family a refugee in Egypt Africa;
- In latter life he began to preach openly, challenging not only the elders of His tribe, but also the powerful empire of Rome;
- He bore witness to the execution and murder, of possibly one of His closest friends and relatives, John the Baptist, for preaching a similar doctrine to His own;
- He often, approached crowds of unknown people and challenged them openly, even stopping them on occasion for performing the acts they had intended;
- He walked about freely, in the open preaching and defying both the traditional tribal authorities, as well as the state;
- He actually visited the Temple the centre of authority in the land that had scores of guards, attendants, priests and other influential figures and He physically ransacked the building, without having any reprisal;
- Some of his disciples, carried weapons that one even used is his defence, although he condemned this action.
- He also after his arrest and being tortured, never relinquished is faith, his dignity or his mission, continuing to be outspoken and defiant of the authorities, who had his physical life in their hands.
- Up until his final breath he focus was compassion for his people, even those that were killing Him.
Unfortunately although possibly the most important aspect of his Life, His Gospel and Mission, has resulted in most Christian’s and people in general, disregarding the rest of His life, his circumstance, what, how and why he taught what he did, in favour of this final sacrificial and most significant event, in the evaluation of his Character. To a degree it has resulted in people summarising his life and his personality and character to be a Sacrificial Lamb
This has primarily resulted in a Christ that is perceive by most, from a perspective of Him being;
The timid and helpless
Lamb to the Slaughter and the Victim,
opposed to being
The Lamb of God, Sacrificed in Victory.
It is these two differing perspectives held in relation to Christ that will determine how a individual perceives the Character and personality of Christ and also how they internalise and try to emulate.
The Character
So rather than the Christ being perceived as, a passive although charismatic, a humble teacher and preacher, who stayed far from confrontation or from challenging authority and the state, who dealt with purely spiritual and religious matters, whilst continuing to live a peaceful righteous life, whilst remaining silent to the injustices prevalent before their eyes, as is emulated by most Christians. To be a Christ that is;
Confident of victory
- Fearless of consequence
- Focussed & Devoted to Justice
- Confronts & Challenges injustice
- Challenges tribal & state authority
- Is physically & mentally Strong & Courageous
- Was Rebellious & Revolutionary
- Was Self-Determined & Self-Motivated (free-will)
- Was Unapologetic & Uncompromising
- Stood up for weaker, ill informed, poor & oppressed people
- He was alone and moved often in a group or gang
- He was a menace and threat to social order,
The list could go on and on, however suffice to say that when a individual, group or nation, finds themselves in a similar circumstance that the Christ experienced, then it would be natural, evident and not surprising that it would be the Character & Personality of the Christ, from this specific perspective that would both appeal to not only there spiritual but also their physical needs.
Hence why in The Temple of Yahshuah, as well as demonstrated throughout the lives of African people and many other oppressed people over the centuries, across the globe, The Karast (Christ) has been and remains to be seen as;
The Greatest & Most Successful Ever, Peaceful;
Reformer, Revolutionary and Freedom Fighter
that the World Has Ever Known.