An African Centred Name for Christ

A New African - Centred name for Christ 

Yahshuah is the name that this website uses, to call and describe the Saviour of the World, commonly know as and referred to by most people across the world as Jesus.

jesus v YahshuahWe believe it necessary in the 21st century for all people on earth, including  English speakers, to think very carefully about what name they chose to call God's Salvation and if Jesus is to be used by the mass, then at least we African's, based upon our specific connection too, our affiliation, heritage and experience with this specific name, only in use since the 17th century, should be totally abandoned and erased from our minds.  This is essential for African's, to restore the Temple, so that our hearts can be free from any negative thought in relation to our specific relationship, with The Saviour of the World, Yahshuah.

This can not, could not or can never be achieved totally through "The Name of Jesus", as too much has already been done in this particular name, to the detriment of not only African people, but many other none-European tribes, spiritually, physically & economically.

Jesus corruptedTherefore in our modern world and age, where it is common knowledge that no man named Jesus ever existed and that his name was more probably; Yeshua, Yashua, Yoshua, Joshua and so on.  All of which actually describe him exactly as the Bible itself does, i.e, Yhsh, without the vowels, meaning the 'Yah (God) & Shua (Salvation) meaning the salvation of God or God's Salvation, as each of the aforementioned names all do.

However the name Jesus does not carry the same meaning, therefore there is no logical reason to retain this name, other than sentimental attachment or worst still, total indoctrination.

This website and Temple, recommends that African people in particular, adopt a new name to refer to the Son of God, one that is not only in-line with Hebrew and Jewish culture, but that of their own.  This is achieved totally through the name Yahshuah, in addition to his titles, Christ and Messiah, both of which are also replaced by more accurate and relevant terms, ie, Karast and Mesu respectably.  In addition to this New Name and these New Title descriptions, we also encourage the use of the name Immanual or Emmanuel, meaning God With Us, to be used more frequently in addition and adjoining his name to proclaim him as. Yahshuah Immanual Karast Mesu.

This full name and  title is used throughout this website and is offered to provide people, African  in particular, but not exclusively, with a new name to call upon the Son of God, in the 21st century, free from the heritage attached to and associated with the name Jesus Christ the Messiah of the past 400 years.

In affect, announcing to the world the New Age, New World & New African Name & Title for the Saviour and Light of The World, Yahshuah Immanual Karast Mesu.

The evidence that support the validity, importance, relevance and significance of these names and titles, can be found throughout this Temple Website.